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The Chicago Bulls partnered with DI to redesign their homepage. Leading with stakeholder interviews, DI created a site that reflected the unique user journeys of four fan archetypes simultaneously.

DI had in-depth conversations with fans, season ticket holders and internal stakeholders. We learned there are 4 broad customer archetypes who each have different ways of interacting with the Bulls.

Some are hard core fans and care deeply about the performance of the team. Some care primarily about the players themselves. Some are simply looking for good family fun.

The site design needed to keep in mind each archetype while driving business goals.

Persistent “Run with us”. Most popular feature identified from user tests.

Card-based upcoming game. Tighter, more functional. Purchase tickets for home, ad unit for away.

Carousel updates. More content above fold in response to eye tracking studies. Highlight unique revenue opportunities (group tickets, mobile app, etc.)

Sponsorship opportunities Allow brands to sponsor content feeds

Singular content feed. Created a combined feed showing different content types in a singular feed. Users don’t care if it’s a video or an article - they just want content.

CTA to capture email. Different color than rest of the site to draw visual interest. Decreased fields to the essentials to increase conversion rate.

Player spotlight. Fans consistently told us they want more info about players. Also want easy access to their social accounts

More prominent ticket info. User interviews suggested people don’t know where to find this content. Strong connection to business objectives.

Promo nights. Can call attention to sponsors and drive awareness. Staff indicated promos drive ticket sales. Additional sponsorship opp.

Feature new jerseys in shop. Fans indicated most excitement around jersey releases, new styles, etc.

Social feed Pull in player accounts in addition to Bulls authorized account - fans want to connect with the players.

External communities. Build support and garner goodwill among the most active social communities.

More Luvabulls real estate. One of the most requested features, increases time on site.

Community outreach. Increases fan perception of the team, not currently featured outside of games.

The homepage went live in May 2018. All primary metrics (bounce rate, dwell time, etc.) are up since the relaunch. DI is working with the Bulls on secondary pages and additional functionality.

“Good work from all at DI to help us get to this point. Looking forward to Phase Two.”

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