Webinar: Stop Punishing the Innovators

Most breakthrough innovations take at least 5 years or more to come to scale. Most corporate business cases are three years or less.

This punishes innovators massively. Combine this with the fact that the tenure in most corporations is less than 5 years — and you have a no-win situation for innovation.

There are two ways to fix this: fancy and simple.

The fancy way is to capitalize your R&D efforts according to an empirically derived amortization schedule specific to sector. The easy way is to use a 5 year NPV on innovations, like Amazon does.

In this workshop, DI Partner John Sviokla and Director of Research at Valens Research Robert Spivey explain why, using insights from a 25,000 company global database on financial performance.

Introducing the Growth Innovators Matrix

For the last 12 months, DI has been working with Valens Research on a proprietary methodology that provides an apples-to-apples comparison of how much firms spend on R&D and innovation and whether or not it creates economic value. We evaluated the financial data of over 10,000 companies, normalized using uniform accounting principles.

The result is what we’re calling the Growth Innovators Matrix, an instrument that quickly can show how an industry (and the companies within it) are doing in terms of investing in growth-based innovation, and their ability to turn that investment into value.

Download the Growth Innovators Study

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The matrix can help teams see how they stack up relative to peer organizations. And for individuals looking to make the case for increasing R&D investment, we believe the matrix can help draw a direct line between investment and potential impact.

Some of the most interesting findings from the study:

  • Growth Innovators have roughly 2x higher valuation/asset multiples than the average across all companies.   
  • 17% of companies across industries are Growth Innovators.
  • Growth Innovators are represented across industries, although unsurprisingly some industries have a disproportionate share.

The report outlines how we arrived at the placement of companies within each quadrant, and provide suggestions on how organizations can move from one quadrant to another.

We’d love to share the study with you and get your feedback. To get immediate access, just fill out the brief form above.

P.S. Check out the end of this report to find out how to get a Custom Growth Innovator’s Matrix for your industry free of charge.

Pivoting to Growth in a Crisis: Eight Principles for Leadership

Executives struggle with what to do during these difficult times.

As a leader, you probably had plans for growing your organization before COVID-19 hit. You had products you wanted to launch, markets you wanted to enter, maybe even firms you wanted to buy.

Then, with the pandemic, your business paused, pivoted, or skyrocketed—depending on how demand for your goods and services was shaped by the crisis.

At Digital Intent we help firms grow based on our research into the economic returns of thousands of firms, and a decade of practical work helping design and deliver new products.

Our latest research analyzed 2,415 U.S. based companies (excluding Financial Services) listed on AMEX/NYSE/Nasdaq that account for ~$35 trillion in market capitalization as of Aug. 31st. We found that only 12% of companies are well positioned for resilience in the course of the COVID-19 pandemic—we call them Growth Innovators.  They have proven historically that they can generate strong return on assets while investing in their future to reinvent their asset base and stay relevant in the midst of changing trends and markets. 

We have distilled eight principles leaders can use to help their organization survive and grow like these Growth Innovators during these difficult times.

Download a PDF version of this report here.

Principle 1: Invest When Others Can’t

We have found that those who have a history of turning their R&D investment into growth, a group we call “Growth Innovators”,  are well positioned to sprint ahead during a down-turn.

A prime example is UnitedHealth Group. The first thing we look at is have they been effective at growing their business? For UnitedHealth their properly adjusted Return on Assets in 2019 was 36.4%—which is great performance.

The next question is can they afford to grow? Their weighted average cost of capital was 2.9% which means that they have a sustainable growth rate (SGR=ROA-Cost of Capital) of 33.5%, so they have plenty of financial room to invest.

But do they have the courage? Not all executives use their investment capacity— but United grew their asset base in 2019 alone by over 25%. They have the boldness to invest in the future and the numbers show it. Not only that, but it pays off, as they had a total shareholder return that was 290% greater than their industry peers!

Principle 2: Cut the Right Costs by Getting to the Root Cause of the Expense

Many organizations lower costs by cutting across the board.

Sometimes this is done for good reasons such as sharing the pain of salary cuts to avoid massive layoffs. But other times firms don’t perform the root cause analysis to truly understand the cost drivers and value drivers in their business. 

What is core to your business and brand and what do customers value? In this downturn, senior executives are willing to reimagine their businesses at a fundamental level. Given the new attitude toward virtual work, every major cost and value driver should be analyzed.

Travel is a huge expense but firms are teaching their salespeople how to do B2B sales virtually. Medical productivity is often driven by the throughput of the physical facility—how many patients can a doctor see in her or his office?

With remote technologies this traditional constraint is removed and can radically increase productivity. The Optum branch of United Healthcare recently reported that their claims for virtual visits rose from 2% to 33% in the past few months.

Radical changes such as virtual sales calls and remote healthcare that only a few months ago would have been too taboo to examine are now the norm. This is why firms need to act now.

Principle 3: Move Beyond Digital—Digital, Physical, Virtual Integration Required

Many have pointed out that COVID-19 has accelerated the adoption of digital technology, but how many truly understand what customers want in this new world? Will they continue to be satisfied with awkward virtual interactions or will you need to blend face-to-face with digital into better virtual models?  

For example, ghost kitchens serve many restaurants and act as a huge value-added step in the food value chain that changes the unit economics of restaurants—at the exact time that COVID-19 has upended restaurant economics. Restaurants are reinventing their menus and formats to include more take-out and delivery to meet customer demand.

But how will they start reinventing the virtual restaurant experience in this new form? Will we see a separation of the chef who loves to design and cook great meals and the means of getting that meal made and delivered? Will we see the emergence of a virtual restaurant experience for the home that includes a chef greeting, best dish recommendations from waiters, and advice  from the sommelier?

This type of fundamental examination of the value chain with a view to how virtualization will impact core costs and customer value should be done by every organization. Our experience has been that deep creative design expertise is needed to properly understand and reinvent those customer journeys combined with agility to get prototypes built and tested with real clients in the marketplace.

Principle 4: Automate Your Way to New Business Models

In the realm of automation it is vitally important to pay attention to the law of accelerating returns—a phrase coined by Ray Kurzweil in 1999 describing the notion that technology drives new knowledge which then drives new technology—so improvement is improving at an increasing rate.

Given this, we predict the creation of radically new business models that employ automation in new ways because the combined forces of the internet of things, AI, 5G, voice, augmented reality and big data create a new platform for transformation.

To give an idea of what it means to the economy when we have a new platform, think about containerized shipping. In the Korean War the US army used containers to supply the war fighters. This sped up the adoption of containerization of shipping. By the 1970s there were full container-only ships—and the wave of innovation after innovation changed the entire way we move things across the globe. Every logistics system has been so completely reconfigured due to container shipping that we don’t even notice it anymore. It’s just the way we do business.  

There are many technologies out there now which are having as big an impact as containers did on shipping and they are creating new business value. For example, due to the testing needs of coronavirus, some companies are not only making money doing the tests, they are building up massive databases. Sema4 and Tempus, two leading data/genetics firms, are scaling up their testing capabilities to serve the market and their information exhaust will create some of the most extensive, powerful and detailed human genome databases ever conceived. These assets will change everything from new drug design to personal diagnostics.  

There are broad categories of automation that can be addressed with the new technologies: automated evaluation of customer feedback and sentiment, virtual sales and service, training, asset tracking, underwriting, diagnosis and many more that have entirely new economics and quality.

For example, with our AI tools we can analyze hundreds of millions of customer interactions in the blink of an eye to see your firm’s true standing versus the competition. You can do an x-ray of your customer sentiment and use it to guide action. More broadly, every important task and interaction can be digitally instrumented to provide insight, productivity and quality.

At the very least, if you have not re-engineered your sales and service process to accommodate this new reality of video-conference meeting, configuration, selling and servicing—you are behind!

Principle 5: Use Vendors to Drive Down Total Cost and “Variablize” Your Costs

The progress of cloud capabilities that can help to take what were once fixed costs and make them variable is enormous.

Take human capital. Large gig economy platforms such as MBO Partners which has over 30,000 active professionals on their platform is an example of how firms can scale on an as needed basis. Whole functions and capabilities can be bought from the cloud.  

In healthcare the entire landscape is in flux. For example, a Chicago startup called Tapcloud provides a mobile and desktop platform that enables patient engagement in the hospital and at home—enabling telehealth. (In the spirit of full disclosure, one of the authors has an investment in Tapcloud.) The patient can be educated, provide vitals, connect any Bluetooth devices, report their symptoms in a gamified word-cloud interface, and interact securely with their doctor. People provide their information voluntarily four times a week and the predictive power of Tapcloud is such that hospitals have decreased readmission rates by the thousands saving millions of dollars. 

Activities on the cloud allow for huge economic scale, even if you’re only a medium sized business. Functionality is growing all the time, whether it is symptom collection, diagnosis, translation, access to talent—you name it, can likely be variablized.  

Principle 6: Identify Customers to Grow With  

Customer selection at any time is vital to growth, and now it is more acute than ever.

New customer behaviors that redefine their needs are becoming cemented. Some customer segments are benefiting from this new environment. Those firms who are in data-driven healthcare, tools that support remote work, Amazon, and exercise equipment manufacturers cannot keep up with demand.

If you are serving those companies, your firm can grow significantly. Many need help dealing with the growth and they want to make sure they will be still growing after COVID-19 calms down.  

When dealing with segments which are hit badly by COVID-19, one needs to separate the customers who will survive from those who will not. For example, in restaurants there are many innovative applications being targeted at the restaurant industry.

One such innovation is Bizzy—offered by Westfield Insurance’s 1848 Venture arm. It’s a scheduling app that can improve the accuracy of labor forecasting by 10-30% or more. Given COVID-19, and the predictions that many restaurants will not survive, Bizzy has pivoted to serve those chain restaurants that have the capital to invest during this down time. Interestingly they are working with these firms not just to help them survive but to reimagine how restaurants will compete with a new mix of online ordering, delivery, and in-restaurant dining.   

As Churchill said, “A pessimist is a person who sees the difficulty in every opportunity. An optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” Leaders need to take a look at their customers and potential customers through an optimistic lens.

Principle 7: Optimize the Marketing Mix

Advertising and marketing spending are often the first areas where firms cut when facing difficulty.

The great marketing challenge of today is to find the best method to get your message out and coordinate it across the many channels that you use. The development of new social and content platforms is moving fast and the early adopters of these methods get cheaper and better access. Over time, you need to pay to get similar access to what a little innovation would have gotten you for cheap or free early on.  

Few organizations have world class social media talent, so if you focus on this part of your marketing effort, you can create a competitive advantage. However, given COVID-19 this opportunity for differentiation will dwindle because as everyone goes virtual, they are seeing the vital importance of digital channels—and leaders need to act soon.  

A downturn is an especially good time to look for such new, efficient methods. We believe that LinkedIn today is where Facebook was eight years ago. That is, you can get “natural” attention without having to pay the platform for access to clients; or you don’t pay them much. If you are in a business-to-business firm it is a no-brainer to optimize your use of LinkedIn both for clients and for talent.

Likewise, there is a global war going on right now for the dominance of voice interfaces such as Alexa (Amazon), Siri (Apple), Cortana (Microsoft) and Google Assistant, Orange Telecom, Samsung group and others. We agree with Gary Vanderchuk. In a voice-driven world there will only be one or a few brands in given categories that will matter. Customers will say—Alexa, buy me some Tide. The customer won’t say, what type of laundry detergent do you have? Also, if the customer says, get me the cheapest laundry detergent—Amazon, or the platform player will decide who is the “cheapest”.

We believe voice is vital because we have seen massive choice compression in airline ticket distribution with over 90% of the flights booked off of the first screen of SABRE or APOLLO. Google estimates that 75-90% of click throughs come on the first screen, 5% on the second, 1% on the third, etc. It is likely that the voice “shelf space” will be even more compressed!

Creative design, economic focus, and technical execution are all needed to optimize your marketing mix in today’s world.

Principle 8: Expand the Portfolio, Then Focus for Momentum

We have found there are many reasons to do fewer things well when focusing on growth.

First, all true innovations look like failure in the middle. SpaceX was a week away from closing its doors and if their fourth rocket (the first three blew up) had not succeeded NASA would not have given them the contract that launched the company.

Second, it is easier to get your talent aligned to the important efforts. When Steve Jobs returned to Apple he killed the vast majority of innovation and product projects that his predecessor CEO Gil Emilio had in place. Jobs focused on a lean portfolio led by the iMac, which turned the company around.

Third, having many projects creates lack of accountability. If your best talent is spread across many projects, and those projects fail – who’s really to blame?

Fourth and perhaps most importantly, when a team is doing something new, there is often a need for many people to share the same understanding of the task and it’s needs. Legend has it that Thomas Edison would work with his team for ninety hours at a time because he said it took that long to get all the variables and solutions in his mind at the same time.

Fifth, we find that teams have more fun when they have a clear goal and project with a tangible outcome. Focus makes that much easier.

Executive Action

In this time of great human sacrifice, we should remember more words from Winston Churchill, “We shall draw from the heart of suffering itself the means of inspiration and survival.”

The true leader begins with the financial facts of his or her capacity to grow and takes coordinated action across cost and value to sprint ahead while others are distracted. These concepts were not born in this crisis, and these verities we discovered over the past decade still hold today if you want to enhance the competitive position of your firm.

Your leadership must be cognizant of COVID-19, but also create a practical, energizing approach to set a bold path for the future informed by facts, crafted by creativity and implemented with practicality. As a leader these opportunities are before you and greatness is only proven in times of adversity. Now is the time to be great.  

Download a PDF version of this report here.

Paul Blase

Advisory Partner

Former PwC’s U.S. and global analytics advisory leader. Former managing partner of Tribune Media’s AI and data solutions division.

John Sviokla

Senior Advisor

Dr. Sviokla has almost thirty years experience researching, writing and speaking about digital transformation – as well as and making it real in companies large and small. He has over 100 publications in many journals including Harvard Business Review, WSJ, Financial Times, and appeared on CNBC and Fox News. His most recent book, The Self-Made Billionaire Effect explores how leaders create massive value in times of great change. His most recent writings on The Bionic Organization helps leaders set strategy for today’s volatile, technological environment.

In partnership with Valens Research, Digital Intent uses a uniform accounting database that includes 32,000 publicly traded firms.  This provides both a view of investment capacity and history of converting investments into economic returns. 

We can also use the same approach to evaluate private organizations. Any firm can and should understand their history of investment, results, and current capacity as it is the core basis with which to plan your growth strategy. This analysis is vital now because there is no easier time to sprint ahead of the competition than when they are distracted with worry and fear.  

Nailing Product-Market Fit: The Definitive Guide

"The only thing that matters is getting to product-market fit." -Marc Andreessen

People throw around the phrase product-market fit, often without really knowing what it is, what it feels like, how to test for it, and how to know when you’ve achieved it.

Some people believe the answer is “when you can sustainably acquire customers for less than the value you extract from them.” 

In SaaS, for instance, they commonly talk about the ratio between acquisition cost (CAC) and lifetime value (LTV), suggesting that benchmarks like 4:1 LTV:CAC are indicative. 

The problem with a definition like this is that, especially in the beginning, you don’t know what your LTV will be, and you don’t really know what CAC is either. 

True, you might have directional data on both. But really calculating LTV takes time, and CAC at your eventual scale will be difficult to estimate.

According to this definition, there are companies have have gone public that don’t technically have product-market fit. Uber and Blue Apron, etc. would be  fantastic examples.

Really any company that has decided to “blitzscale” will probably not fit this definition. In markets that are considered winner take all, the organization will plow tons of money into acquisition to drive market share, and worry about profitability later. (Although, it should be noted, that most proponents of this approach to rapid expansion will strongly argue that you should achieve product-market fit before engaging in such activity.)

While not specific, this is perhaps our favorite description:

“You can always feel product-market fit when it’s happening. The customers are buying the product just as fast as you can make it—or usage is growing just as fast as you can add more servers. Money from customers is piling up in your company checking account. You’re hiring sales and customer support staff as fast as you can. Reporters are calling because they’ve heard about your hot new thing and they want to talk to you about it. You start getting entrepreneur of the year awards from Harvard Business School. Investment bankers are staking out your house. You could eat free for a year at Buck’s.”

Tren Griffin

While this doesn’t exactly define it, it does provide a fantastic litmus test. 

Can you honestly say the above about the thing you’re working on? Most people who think they have product-market fit probably can’t say this.

Why does product-market fit matter?

You might be thinking:

“So what? I use products all the time that don’t fit that definition.” 

That’s probably true. There are many good businesses making good products people use that don’t look like that.

It’s helpful to understand that product-market fit is primarily a construct used by the world of venture capital. They want companies to achieve product-market fit because they aren’t looking for “good businesses”.

They are looking for companies that have the potential for explosive, exponential growth. The kind of growth that disrupts huge incumbents, changes markets, and drives meaningful returns for their LPs.

“If you screw almost everything else up, you still can succeed. How else would you explain the success of a 25 year old running a billion dollar company. If the market demands your product and pulls it out of your hand.” - Andy Rachleff

We would argue innovation teams should have the same goals, at least with part of their broader innovation portfolio

Assuming you believe that your industry or organization has the potential to be disrupted, and assuming you agree that disruption often looks like a hyper-growth startup eating your lunch, it makes sense to be measuring your initiatives similar to how their investors would. 

Because after all, you’re effectively the VC of your innovation group.

What is a market?

In order to adequately define product-market fit, you first need to be clear on what you mean by a market.

We like the definition from Bill Aulet. You know you have a market when:

  • The customers within the market all buy similar products.
  • The customers have a similar buying process.
  • The customers expect products to provide value in similar ways. 
  • The customers talk to each other, such that a product meeting their needs can have organic word of mouth.

Market is incredibly important. It’s one of the most critical elements a savvy VC will consider when evaluating a potential opportunity. And for good reason. A big market simply makes everything else you do easier. Again, in the words of Andreessen:

“The #1 company-killer is lack of market. When a great team meets a lousy market, market wins. When a lousy team meets a great market, market wins. When a great team meets a great market, something special happens.”

Marc Andreessen

So what is product-market fit?

“Product-market fit means being in a good market with a product that can satisfy that market.”

Marc Andreesen

In other words, you’ve answered the questions who, what, and how:

  • Who is your customer and what is their problem
  • What is your solution to their problem
  • How do you solve that problem in a way that creates proven value for you and the customer.

When you can satisfactorily answer those questions, you have product-market fit.

What product-market fit is not

If you haven’t launched yet, you don’t have product-market fit.

Many people think they’ve achieved product-market fit by answering the who and what questions.

They’ve done the work of going outside the building and talking to customers to validate that customers have the problem. 

Maybe they make a “smoke test”, putting up a landing page and testing acquisition channels to validate demand and (obliquely) willingness to pay.

Maybe they’ve gone out and secured letters of intent or made some sales on the basis of a deck and a clickable prototype.

Those are all extremely valuable activities. And they directionally point to the potential of achieving product-market fit. We use these strategies ourselves on a regular basis to validate concepts and hone in on our MVP.

But don’t confuse them for the real thing. 

You haven’t validated the how yet. The how requires that your product is live. It requires demonstrating you can acquire customers, adequately solve their problem, and do so in a way they are willing to part with their money on an ongoing basis (and ideally tell their friends).

If you can’t say that, you aren’t there yet.

Raising money doesn’t necessarily mean you have product-market fit

Sometimes people make the mistake of confusing successful fundraising with achieving product-market fit.

You might have product-investor fit (meaning investors buy into your vision sufficient to write you the check). But investors vary in their level of sophistication in all sorts of ways. Some don’t have good frameworks for assessing product-market fit themselves. Others, in spite of their best efforts, will let internal biases color their perspective and chase deals they otherwise shouldn’t.

Raising money is useful – as long as you have cash in hand you have a fighting chance of getting to product-market fit. But don’t assume that they are equivalent.

Qualitative measurements of product-market fit

There have been many ways over the years people have attempted to measure product-market fit.

For a long time, these were largely subjective measurements. Because of the lack of clarity on what constitutes product-market fit, people used qualitative proxies.

Sean Ellis was one of the first to attempt it. He used a single question:

“How would you feel if you could no longer use this product?” 

The potential answers were: 

  • Very disappointed
  • Somewhat disappointed
  • Not disappointed. 

Ellis argued that when you achieved 40% of respondents saying very disappointed, you probably have product-market fit.

This qualitative approach continues to this day. Superhuman uses a four question survey, starting with Ellis’ question and augmenting it with additional details to help them clarify positioning:

  • How would you feel if you could no longer use product?
  • What type of people do you think would most benefit from product?
  • What is the main benefit you receive from product?
  • How can we improve product for you?

Quantitative measures of product-market fit – the importance of retention

In the last few years, especially amongst VCs, there has been a push to quantify product-market fit.

For a while now, VCs have recognized that the most important metric worth measuring for most products is one related to engagement or retention. 

“Every improvement that you make to retention also improves all of these other things — virality, LTV, payback period. It is literally the foundation to all of growth, and that’s really why retention is the king." - Brian Balfour

They rightly understood that things like total users, total revenue, etc. are meaningless numbers easily manipulated.

Many have expressed engagement and retention using some measurement of active users – monthly active users, monthly recurring revenue, or something similar. 

There have been a variety of benchmarks folks have used to assess whether these numbers are good or not. 

Andrew Chen, for example, has suggested measuring Daily Active Users over Monthly Active Users (or DAU/MAU), and suggests that >25% is a solid place to be. 

Chen has also suggested Day 1 retention rates above 30%, as Day 1 retention rates can be predictive of long term retention. 

There are several mechanism folks use for visualizing retention. Triangle charts are perhaps the most common, as they are baked into most event-based analytics platforms like Mixpanel:

Another way of visualizing retention has been through the use of retention curves. Brian Balfour in particular popularized their use. 

A retention curve charts what a single cohort of users do over time. It can be used to measure specific features, or simply broad usage in a product. 

It always goes down and to the right – some percentage of your users end up not using the product over time. But as long as some of those users keep coming back, your curve eventually flattens out. If that happens, then you’ve at least achieved product-market fit for some subset of users.

A final way of thinking about engagement is with Smile Charts, so named because they tend to form a “smile” if they’re good:

These plot the number of days in a month that your users are engaging in the product. While you will almost certainly have plenty of users on the left who’ve used it once or twice, in a healthy product you also have a reasonable % of users on the far right, who use the product every day. 

(note: you can adapt this chart to visualize by the week or month, depending on the metric that most reasonably reflects natural user behavior in your product). 

There is additional nuance here, specifically the idea of  “meaningful use”. 

There have been products that were “viral” in the past that defined engagement as a user going to the site and doing anything. But in many cases the “anything” was simply accepting invites from other users, etc. 

This was an issue, because these users weren’t actually engaging in the core experience of the product. Balfour rightly suggests that such products have a great referral loop, but not necessarily product-market fit.

Advanced methods for calculating product-market fit

A company with aggressive acquisition targets and the budgets to match can mask retention problems for a while. 

If they do have a retention problem eventually they always tip over, when they can no longer spend the increasing amounts of money they need to on acquisition to hit their growth targets. 

But by then you might be the unlikely VC who invested on the basis of that growth.

Studying your retention curves can help. If the curve tapers, there’s something there. But where it tapers matters as well. And specifically it matters in relationship to growth.

VCs have started working on understanding the relationship between growth and churn. Social Capital developed what they call growth accounting. The idea in a nutshell is to break monthly actives into several buckets:

  • New revenue
  • Retained revenue
  • Expansion revenue
  • Contraction revenue
  • Resurrected revenue
  • Churned revenue

They then developed what they call a “quick ratio,” which effectively measures the sum of those gains in revenue (or users) over the losses. If you have a quick ratio over 1, you’re growing. If it’s less than one, you have a problem.

Other firms have taken this approach and added to it. Tribe Capital uses these metrics and in addition to quick ratio will look at gross retention (retained revenue over total revenue from the previous period).

7 strategies for increasing the likelihood of achieving product-market fit

One of the things you’ll find when you start measuring product-market fit this way – it’s actually really hard. Many companies never make it.

What can you do to increase the odds of success?

Start with a BIG, established market.

A large, existing market that is underserved by competitors is a fantastic place to achieve product-market fit. In most cases, the customer already knows they need what you have to offer. They know how to evaluate you relative to the competition. They are used to talking about products like yours. And as long as you have a clear differentiated value proposition you can be successful.

One of the misconceptions about “disruptive” businesses is they are pursuing green field. But think about the word “disruptive” – it implies the existence of a status quo. 

Disruptive doesn’t mean there is no competition – it means that you attack the competition, usually in ways that are un-economic for for the incumbent to compete.

Many people are terrified of competition. They assume that because someone is actively operating in a market they’re necessarily doomed.

VCs will routinely pass on deals that look like good businesses but operate in markets that are too small. The larger the market, the bigger the impact “success” will represent for you.

But focus on a segment of that market.

This might sound counter-intuitive. Having a large market is ultimately going to be super important. But that doesn’t mean you attempt to talk to all of them at once.

Many startups get their initial toehold by focusing relentlessly on the needs of a small subset of a larger market. Doing so makes everything you do easier. Your value prop is laser focused on their needs. Your marketing channels and creative are designed specifically for them. Your roadmap maps closely to their needs.

This works because usually the features that REALLY matter to these folks will also matter to the larger market. 

A good market segment is typically one full of folks who tend to be open to new things, have a willingness to pay, and like to talk to each other. They also tend to be aspirational to the larger market, making the move from early evangelists to the larger market easier to pull off.

There’s often an advantage to further segmenting your market by constraining to a specific geography. This is the idea of “network compression”. Targeting first time moms is good. Targeting first time moms in Seattle is arguably better, because you increase the likelihood of them talking and spreading the word with each other.

A big pitfall at this stage is failing to keep your eye on the segment long enough. You will see the larger market out of the corner of your eye. You’ll have customer development conversations where they talk about how they’d love to use your product if it just did X. 

Make a note of it. But then ignore them. At least for now.

Truly get in front of your customers.

How do you figure out what they want? You ask them.

Any customer feedback is better than none. But some are better than others.

Strategies like surveys can certainly be helpful. But there is often nuance missing, and requires you crafting the survey really well to maximize the effectiveness of the feedback.

We leverage customer interviews on a regular basis because they’re cheap and you get to ask follow up questions and study body language. It turns out there’s a huge difference between “Sure, I’d use that” and “SURE, I’D USE THAT.” Surveys don’t capture this nuance particularly well.

An even more robust, albeit more time and cost intensive, approach is to shadow your customers. You will ALWAYS get more helpful insights than you can by simply talking to people about what they think.

We’ve shadowed patients and families inside of hospital facilities and learned about limitations of products. 

We’ve discovered things like high contrast screens matter a ton for people doing mechanical integrity rounds at manufacturing facilities, because they have to stand on roofs in the bright sun. 

It’s extremely unlikely people will surface these kinds of insights in an interview alone. And these tiny details are often the difference between a good idea and a product that people actually adopt.

There are many areas where there are diminishing returns. Talking to your customers isn’t one of them, at least not for a long time.

See how hard it is to generate demand.

One of the more overlooked aspects of a good market is the ease with which you can reach them.

I’ve made this mistake personally. We invested in a company at one point that was solving a meaningful problem for a demographically expanding segment of the population.

The problem was there was no easy way to find these people. They couldn’t be targeted demographically or psychographically.

The most cost effective channel ended up being through partnerships with non-profit associations, which was hit or miss depending on the organizations’ sophistication and level of commitment.

In the end, their acquisition cost was too high relative to the average useful life of a customer.

Some markets are simply hard to reach easily. Achieving product-market fit is hard enough as it is – don’t make it harder on yourself.

You can de-risk this somewhat easily by creating a growth model. We’ve talked before about the myriad benefits of modeling growth. One that isn’t immediately obvious is the sense it gives you on the relative difficulty of reaching your market.

Creating the model properly involves doing keyword research to assess the level of potential inbound organic traffic available, as well as the cost of showing up in those searches via paid search. It involves doing research on paid acquisition platforms to assess the size (and cost!) available audience you can effectively target. It involves assessing the potential reach of some of the publications you might want to target to estimate the potential lift from earned media.

And while all of these are estimates and surely will be wrong, they give you sense of where you’re headed. And sometimes you stare at that model and think to yourself, “This is going to be a lot harder than I thought.”

Better to know now.

Ship. Quickly.

While customer development, smoke tests and other strategies can be helpful intermediate steps, it’s not uncommon to still miss the mark when it comes to implementation.

This is okay. What isn’t okay is failing to commit to a cadence of rapid shipping in response to qualitative and quantitative feedback.

You have a limited amount of runway to figure things out. The longer you take to incorporate feedback and iterate on your solution, the less likely you are to achieve product-market fit before running out of money.

This speed of iteration is much more common with startups, partially because for them it’s life and death. In most internal innovation organizations or enterprise environments, speed isn’t as prized. 

It should be.

Make your product a closed beta.

This is a counter-intuitive one.

Many people think closed betas are little more than ways to manufacture scarcity and drum up interest in the product. I want to get behind the velvet rope because it makes me feel cooler. And there are plenty of startups who take this approach.

But a much less discussed but more important reason for doing it is you get to shape your audience. 

One reason why things like NPS and Sean Ellis’ question can backfire is your audience has commingled data. You have some % of people who reflect your ideal customer. But you have a bunch of other folks who are simply kicking the tires, or are competitors, or don’t have budget, or aren’t in the ideal job. 

The product isn’t designed specifically for them, so their feedback isn’t nearly as valuable. But it can be difficult to tease that out.

Enter the closed beta.

Gating your product, followed by some sort of survey or other instrument to qualify your customers, allows you to filter out the noise and maximize the feedback you get from your audience.

Some folks object that doing so artificially constrains growth. But growth in top line users who aren’t in your ideal customer profile and who churn doesn’t really do you any favors.

You can always open it up later.

Concierge your onboarding process.

One of the trickiest things in product design is architecting a good first time user experience. If you have a product that solves my problem, but it’s cumbersome or confusing to get to that point, I’m never going to get to the point where the light bulb goes on for me. 

One of the things that impressed people the most about Superhuman was their extremely hands-on approach to onboarding users. Critics argued that it doesn’t scale well.

But when you’re searching for product-market fit, scaling doesn’t matter. What matters is seeing your product in the hands of customers.

Walking them through it gives you a chance to see how easy or difficult it is to get started. It gives you a chance to find places that are confusing, to surface product improvement opportunities and identify ways to make your eventual first time UX better.

At the same time, you ensure customers get through that first time experience and experience the core of the product, maximizing the chances the light bulb goes on for them.

Concierge MVPs help you figure out whether the product itself sucks, or if it’s just the onboarding experience that needs work.

Product-market fit is hard to achieve. But it’s possible.

Make no mistake – legitimate product-market fit is elusive. But it is possible. By focusing on speed of iteration and staying very close to customers, you can increase your odds of success.

Whatever you do, avoid the temptation to prematurely scale. You will likely get pressure from your investors, or your CEO, or your growth board to scale whether you’re making legitimate progress or not. But it’s a trap, and typically ends poorly.

Stay disciplined. Move quickly. And when you’ve truly achieved product-market fit, you’ll know it.

What corporate innovation can learn from venture capital

It was 2016, and a Fortune 500 CIO sat in our offices describing how market changes were threatening the continued existence of his entire company.

“For us, innovation projects mean five years, fifteen million dollars, and nothing to show for it.”

How is it that even in the face of existential threats many organizations are unable to effect significant change?

One common reason is that established organizations tend to lump everything into one or two big swings since it’s what they’re most comfortable with. They’re used to succeeding—for the most part—with all of their major initiatives.

But that’s not how things work in meaningful innovation. And, in most cases you don’t even know if it’s going to work out until significant time has passed.

For most big companies that means throwing a lot of resources over an extended period of time to pursue something that, at least according to the odds, isn’t going to work.

The three innovation portfolio mistakes

Established organizations, particularly large ones, tend to make three key strategic errors in their approach to allocating resources to innovation:

  • They pursue too few initiatives at a time relative to risk volatility
  • They allocate resources inefficiently, often manifested as overallocation in any given initiative
  • They fail to kill initiatives that are obviously not working

Why do these innovation mistakes happen?

Comfortable with big swings

Large organizations are used to taking big swings. After all, it’s much more efficient to put your muscle behind a few key initiatives than focus on lots of small ones.

Imagine going to your boss at GM with ideas for ten new types of jet engines, each more innovative than the next. She’s going to sit you down and tell you to focus—if she doesn’t throw you out of the building first.

Misunderstanding the risk curve

“Let’s see how this first one works,” is a common phrase we hear when leaders begin innovation initiatives. They tend to choose a very small number of innovation initiatives they think are good bets and put significant resources behind them.

That logic probably works in the normal course of business, where a thoughtful strategy and sufficient resources on average works well, and failure probably means an error in execution.

But that logic breaks down in the context of innovation, where failure is the norm, and only a small set of projects actually work out. Adding more resources, especially early on, quickly runs into diminishing returns territory.

Odds are, most or all of the innovation initiatives executives undertake will fail. But it’s hard for them to see it and even harder for them to admit it.

So, instead of reallocating capital and resources to better potential initiatives, they tend to double down on the few in front of them.

Throttling effects of risk mitigation systems

When you’re trying to protect a multi-billion dollar business from, for example, a data breach, it’s natural to implement rather draconian procedures to minimize the risks of a breach.

Most companies end up with a long list of checklists and approvals required for any new initiative. That friction greatly reduces the number of initiatives that can realistically launch in any given time period. And most initiatives are killed before they can even launch.

Maladapted resource allocation models

Resource allocation models at large organizations naturally evolve to accommodate evolutionary change, but tend to break down for more innovative projects. Project budgets tend to be at least annual, and often exist in the context of multi-year arcs. Finance teams employ repeatable tests for ROI (e.g., hurdle rates) to ensure capital is being allocated efficiently.

But real innovation involves significant uncertainty—after all, by definition you’re doing something new. In most cases you have few proxies or benchmarks to apply. It’s extremely difficult to predict how much money you’ll need, and when.

All of that makes it hard to comply with standard financial approval processes.

So instead of trying a lot of small things, it becomes easier to go to finance with an ask for a substantial capital allocation based on forceful assertions about how successful an innovation initiative is likely to be.

That naturally throttles the number of initiatives explored, and tends to filter out the riskier initiatives for which it’s harder to prove an ROI. It’s also a root cause for the frequent over-allocation that occurs, as well as the extended denial when things aren’t working out.

Internal sales friction

Executives at large organizations tend to be very aware of the difficulties inherent in pushing innovation initiatives through internal risk management and resource allocation systems.

That makes executives reluctant to undertake risky endeavors; even if they’re willing to risk their reputations on an initiative, they have to consider the sheer level of effort and political capital required to make them happen.

Furthermore, when executives have committed to an innovation initiative, it’s hard for them to admit defeat given all the trouble they have gone through—and the political capital they’ve deployed.

Corporate politics

The most fundamental reason for the development of internal politics derives from distributed organizational structures and disparate reward systems.

Take, for example, the IT department which is castigated when the CRM goes down, but sees the sale team get all the credit when sales beats targets. The IT team’s natural response is to block any changes that might threaten the stability of technology systems.

These structural conflicts of interest result in subtle, but powerful, forces against innovation. That tends to kill initiatives before they even start, and puts stress on the ones that do somehow launch.

Coordination challenges

The larger an organization, the harder it generally is to explain new initiatives sufficiently well to organize, energize, and coordinate the (often far-flung) teams required to implement innovation initiatives.

There are only so many initiatives that can reasonably be pushed through an existing organization at any given time. This also means that frequent changes can feel like whiplash, followed by the onset of fatigue and confusion.

As a result, larger organizations tend to be cautious about introducing too many innovations at a time, or in fact, over time.

Other antibodies to change

Operating an existing business model at scale requires tight coordination and reliable stability.

That often requires abstracting duties into subsystems governed by carefully prescribed expectations to enable safe interfacing with other subsystems. Six Sigma and other quality management systems are examples of ways organizations attempt to eliminate variance.

But innovation by its very nature involves trying new things that tend to disrupt multiple subsystems, pushing them outside of standard operating norms.

Even innovation that doesn’t trigger the risk mitigation and resource allocation filters mentioned above might fall prey to the constraints imposed by various systems designed to eliminate variance.

How can we do better?

For more disruptive innovation, it’s common for corporations to use startup entrepreneurs as a model.

After all, startups are designed from the ground up to disrupt. Shouldn’t large organizations look and act more like startups, at least when they’re trying to effect significant change?

Well, that’s probably true. But the root of the corporate innovation problems above derives from a very simple oversight.

Startups don’t exist in isolation; they thrive in a symbiotic relationship with venture capitalists.

By injecting the concepts of venture capital into the mix, large organizations can begin to realize the extraordinary potential offered by innovation.

Why venture thinking is the solution to innovation portfolio management

Startups exist in symbiosis with venture capitalists who assess, fund, and guide them towards maximum value creation.

It’s a model that has evolved over decades. But it’s very different from operating. Many of the corporate limitations described above derive from executives failing to understand the distinction between being a boss and being an investor.

But mention the words “venture capital” to a corporate executive and you’ll likely get a disdainful roll of the eyes. “That doesn’t work for us,” they’ll say. Or, “those VCs take too much risk.”

That latter part is probably true; as I have written elsewhere, the returns in the venture capital suggest something is broken in the industry.

But the former statement—that VC approaches don’t work for corporations—is probably inaccurate. The challenges in institutional (e.g., non corporate) venture investing are rooted in the “2 and 20” venture compensation structure, and generally don’t implicate the parts of VC that do work well.

Venture capital plays a critical role in the startup ecosystem; without it, the system simply wouldn’t work. Similarly for corporate innovation, if you don’t have a team playing the role of investor, things are likely to break down rather quickly.

Venture investing is meaningfully different from traditional investing, meaning that applying a traditional portfolio approach often fails in the context of disruptive innovation.

What breaks down without a venture mindset?

Taking a traditional approach to pursuing disruptive innovation usually results in:

  • High outcome volatility
  • Poor average results
  • Deeply inefficient resource allocation
  • High outcome volatility

Disruption projects often fail, but when they do work results can be extraordinary. In other words, outcomes are highly variable and difficult to predict.

Unless you’ve figured out a magic bullet to make your disruption efforts much more reliable, the only way to smooth this volatility is through a portfolio approach. Traditional approaches, as described above, often involve too few projects to smooth volatility.

Poor average results

The traditional approach also leads to poor results on average. But why?

For one thing, small innovation portfolios make it much harder to build an organizational innovation skill. Organizations often do a poor job the first several times—which in many cases are the only tries they make.

For another, investing is very different from operating. The skills, attitudes, and priorities are different.

Venture capital skill sets take years to hone, even for highly successful operators and entrepreneurs. Lacking these skills and attitudes usually leads to poor quality decisions that impact the average outcome.

Deeply inefficient resource allocation

Disruption projects have, as we discussed, very different risk and timing contours relative to traditional projects.

And it’s not just the resource allocation systems that tend to break down. The methodologies and skills employed by corporate innovators tend to result in suboptimal resource allocation.

Measuring success, for example, is often fundamentally different in the context of disruption. And the stages of risk and uncertainty reduction roll out very differently and can feel alien to corporate innovators.

This inefficient resource allocation further exacerbates both the volatility of outcomes and the average results relative to resources utilized.

Benefit from 60+ years of venture learnings

All of these are reasons why discarding the skills, methodologies, and learning of 60+ years of venture investing would be a mistake.

Venture capital is more than a way of investing in companies. It’s an approach to asset allocation and optimized value creation. And it’s just what corporations need to transform their approach to innovation—with some nuances in application of course.

Why not just do corporate venture investing?

CVC (Corporate VC) groups invest in startups, often alongside traditional VCs. In today’s increasingly fast-paced markets, corporate venture is an important innovation and value creation strategy. That’s probably why CVC now accounts for 25% of venture capital invested in the US.

But we think corporate venturing should be an additional strategy, not a replacement.

For one thing, CVC faces its own set of challenges:

  • Coordinating with the mothership.
  • Harmonizing financial and strategic imperatives.
  • Overpaying for deals.
  • Building and retaining a qualified team under the aegis of a corporation.

In many cases, corporate venture groups realize only a modest strategic return on their investments; most of the return tends to accrue to the founders and eventual acquirers (or public shareholders).

Successful corporate innovation, meanwhile, is much more likely to lead to significant strategic and financial benefits. That’s why internal innovation is critical, and probably more important than CVC in the larger scheme of things.

How can corporate innovation executives act like VCs?

Once you move past the misapprehensions about venture in the corporate context, the broad strokes of venture strategy are fairly accessible. Of course venture capital is a nuanced and complex field, and the devil (as usual) resides in the details. But that shouldn’t stop innovation executives from applying the most important parts of venture to their own activities.

So, what can we learn from venture capitalists?

Volume beats volatility

Corporate executives, like entrepreneurs, tend to have a small number of active areas of focus at any given time. As an operator, it’s just not feasible to do a good job of executing on too many things at once.

Venture capitalists, by contrast, seek to have a lot of active portfolio companies at any given time.

They know it’s very hard to predict outcomes and resource needs, so they smooth out the volatility with a large portfolio.

Don’t act like a boss

Corporate executives participate in execution—hence the name. They run teams and are by their very nature bosses.

The best tend to stay involved in (without micromanaging) their projects—in other words, they are operators.

Venture capitalists know better than to try to operate their portfolio companies. When you’re in charge of a team, it is harder to maintain the emotional distance necessary to make tough choices.

Being a venture capitalist is also a lot of work. Especially if you’re dealing with a broad portfolio (which you should), it’s nearly impossible to maintain the level of attention required to operate each company.

And for your innovation project leaders, it’s much harder to report to an executive than a board member. The level and frequency of reporting to a boss tends to be much greater, and often requires getting into the details.

That’s why good VCs act like board members instead of bosses.

They engage periodically with their startup teams for updates and to provide guidance, but they don’t try to manage them. They definitely don’t get caught in the weeds. If a VC is operating a portfolio company, that means that something has gone terribly wrong.

Your product is the portfolio

Corporate executives are accustomed to modeling each project, and justifying each individually to external parties (typically finance).

Venture capitalists know that they make money from the overall success of their portfolio, and act accordingly.

They assemble capital (raise funds) in large chunks based on planned investment and liquidity strategies designed to last 10+ years. They don’t model out 20 individual portfolio companies to their investors. They model out overall expected returns based on well-known proxies—other venture funds.

They also don’t justify each investment individually to their LPs. They have discretion about how to allocate the capital they raise.

So, act like a VC and raise a large pool of capital from your organization designed to be allocated over an extended period of time, and without having to go back each time to explain your needs to the finance department.

Justify it based on a portfolio of returns instead of trying to prove that any particular initiative is likely to be successful.

Focus on resource allocation, not individual outcomes

Corporate innovation executives tend to focus on ensuring that each project performs well. When an initiative struggles, it’s very tempting for people with an operator mindset to jump in and try to fix it.

But that’s a great way to waste a bunch of time and resources on something that’s destined to fail, and meanwhile starve more deserving projects.

Investors know that some of their investments are going to fail. Instead of focusing on fixing troubled projects, they focus on doing a good job of allocating resources.

They know that doing a great job of establishing rubrics for evaluating progress will enable them to make the tough decisions about when a project deserves additional resources or not. They know a fast no is better than a slow no.

Read here about how to handle failing innovation initiatives.

Milestones and stage-gate processes

Corporate innovators tend to focus on the viability of each individual initiative, using normative models derived from their corporate parent. That represents at least two key errors:

  • Norms derived from the corporation are very unlikely to be effective for innovation initiatives.
  • Individually justifying funding is very different from effectively allocating funds across a portfolio, and typically leads to inefficiency and overallocation.

Venture capitalists use carefully considered—and startup appropriate—milestones and stage-gate processes to understand the risk, potential, and value of each of their portfolio companies. They use these assessments to efficiently allocate their scarce capital resources.

This is perhaps the most challenging aspect of applying venture paradigms to corporate innovation, because it involves very different skills and approaches than are typically used in corporate environments. That’s why this area tends to be one where our corporate clients request the most assistance.

Treat the portfolio like a division

Corporate innovation leaders, as we mentioned above, tend to act like operators. That’s true for their bosses as well.

Tight organization and integration are the norm, with clear reporting structures and aligned strategies. But it’s really hard to act like a venture capitalist if you’re being managed like an executive.

Venture capital partners are called “General Partners” and their investors are called “Limited Partners.” The “Limited” part refers to the limited control and oversight investors have over the day-to-day operations of the General Partners.

That works, because the VCs need to be allowed to make their informed decisions without constantly having to explain things to investors who aren’t in a good position to understand what’s going on and how to act.

A similar approach works for innovation departments. Separation there is potentially even more important than it is in venture capital.

By keeping innovation teams and systems separate, you can avoid some of the systemic and procedural limitations that might otherwise constrain innovation efforts. This has implications for tracking and reporting systems, organizational design, and operations. It also can make it difficult to integrate successful projects back into the mothership, although there are ways to reduce this risk.

Founders are the key

Corporate executives understand how important people are to success.

However, the very nature and reality of modern corporate human capital means that process and role often have to supercede individual contributors. Short job tenures and the nature of job advancement in the modern corporate ecology are major contributors.

Venture capitalists know that the most important ingredient for startup success is the founding team. Even the best idea with a mediocre team is very likely to fail.

VCs also understand that the inherent complexity of innovation means it’s more about learning than execution, at least until the company finds product-market fit and begins sustainably scaling. And they know that small teams are more effective in the early phases requiring adaptability and learning.

That’s why it’s so critical to have an amazing and diverse early team. Unfortunately for most corporate innovators, some of those team members don’t exist in your organization. And the standard organizational human capital practices (e.g., recruiting, compensation, oversight) tend to align poorly with adding them.

Meaningful change takes time

Corporate executives are accustomed to working in a context where clear evidence of success or failure is visible within a year or two of launching a project, and often much earlier.

Venture capitalists have resigned themselves to the fact that the outcome is rarely clear until several years in to a startup. In some cases it can take a decade for success (or failure) to be a settled fact. That has implications for resource allocation, team organization, and management.


For structural reasons, corporate innovation groups have a strong tendency to focus on a small number of innovation initiatives at a time.

The inherent volatility and risk of meaningful innovation makes this a very risky bet. They often compensate by choosing incremental over disruptive innovations. And even in those circumstances they too often fail.

The result is a combination of a poor average return on investment and a failure to meet key strategic needs in our increasingly fast-paced economy.

We believe corporate innovators can dramatically improve results by borrowing from the 60+ years of learning embodied in the venture capital industry. From a high level, this means taking a portfolio approach to innovation, and acting as an investor (resource allocator) instead of an operator.

This has the benefit of enabling a significantly higher volume of innovation projects, which increases expected ROI. It also enables organizational behavior that is much more conducive to success for each initiative, further enhancing anticipated ROI.

If you’re interested in learning more about how DI helps organizations organize like VCs, we’d love to talk.

The complete guide to forming and managing an advisory board

Building a successful business is really hard. So you should do everything you can to improve your likelihood of success. Startup advisors often play an important role in improving the speed and outcomes for the startups they advise. This article explores what advisors are, what they do, and how to get the most out of them.

What is an advisor?

Startup advisors help management teams make better decisions, move faster, and improve outcomes. Examples of the sorts of things advisors often help with include:

  • Advice on business model strategy and positioning
  • Advice on key areas of the business (e.g., user acquisition, product architecture)
  • Honing your pitch decks and presentations
  • Introductions to potential investors
  • Introductions to key customers
  • Help identifying and recruiting talent
  • Acting as a sounding board for organizational and people issues

Advisors are almost always experienced business people or domain experts who know things or have relationships the startup management team doesn’t.

What advisors are not

Advisors are not mentors, at least in our lexicon. Mentors offer personal support and advice to entrepreneurs, not to the broader company. Advisors work on behalf of the company and all of its shareholders.

By definition, advisors are not employees. To the extent they formally engage (the relationship is often informal), they are independent contractors.

Legally and practically, advisors are not board directors. Directors also advise and support the company, but the context is quite different. Board directors have a legal status that comes with certain rights and duties that don’t accrue to advisors. Directors have the right to contribute to decisions about the strategy and operations of the company, and a right to be informed about the company. They also have a fiduciary duty to act on behalf of the interests of all the company’s shareholders, ensure they remain suitably informed about the company, and a duty of care in performing their duties. Advisors have no such duties or rights outside those expressed in a written advisory agreement.

Because advisors are not employees or directors, they often act more like mentors—meaning they emphasize the interests of the management team over the other shareholders. For that reason, in many cases entrepreneurs find they can be more open with advisors and more easily avoid conflict with them when dealing with high stress situations.

Do advisors invest in the company?

Advisors may invest in your company as well. Many of them are wealthy, and if they’re interested enough in what you’re doing and believe enough in you to actively help, it shouldn’t come as a surprise when they ask to invest.

But there are many reasons why advisors might not be able or willing to invest. Some simply don’t have the cash. Others might have external constraints that make it too difficult, for example corporate employer policies on equity holdings, or venture capitalists who have to avoid even the appearance of conflict for LPs and partners. Frankly when you’re early on, many advisors are waiting to see where you get before they decide to push any cash your way.

It’s trite to say (as some do) that entrepreneurs shouldn’t engage advisors who aren’t willing to put some money into the company. There’s almost always a point on a company’s path when it’s interesting enough for some advisor attention, but still too uncertain for them to risk cash on it. Cash is emotionally and practically different from time, particularly for non-entrepreneur advisors who may not have as much experience with risk capitalization.

Advisors who do invest are very often more engaged and attentive, so it’s almost always a good thing when they do. One potential downside is that advisors who invest sometimes begin to feel that you have an obligation to listen to their advice, or even an obligation to heed it.

My advice generally is to first focus on the value contributions and working relationship you have with advisors. Any conversations about investment should flow naturally, and should be viewed in the context of their advice more than their money—unless of course they are sophisticated investors with enough capital to really move the needle for you. And don’t exclude promising advisors just because they won’t invest. In the end, there are no hard and fast rules here, and you should constantly seek to optimize for a faster, better outcome.

Are advisors important?

In a word: yes. The right advisors engaged in the appropriate way can dramatically speed progress, reduce risks, and increase your likelihood of success. Changing the way things work (e.g., creating a new business model), inherently involves a level of complexity that requires diverse expertise and difficult problem solving. Advisors can offer operating experience and insights into areas of expertise that you’re very unlikely to have available on your early stage team. Those insights can have a fundamental impact on your company.

One of the most important things a good advisor will do is force you to reconsider your assumptions. It seems intuitive that diversity improves decision-making by bringing to bear differing perspectives. That’s true, but it doesn’t tell the entire story. Research out of Kellogg School of Management demonstrated that:

“Diverse groups outperformed more homogeneous groups not because of an influx of new ideas, but because diversity triggered more careful information processing that is absent in homogeneous groups.”

Real world examples

The product did too good of a job

In 2008, I was doing a startup turnaround as CEO of a recruiting technology venture portfolio company. I had no experience in recruiting at the time, hadn’t been part of making the original investment, and stepped in as a venture capitalist on behalf of my firm to try to fix a company that was quickly headed in a bad direction.

We made a seemingly impossible turnaround on the product in six weeks (the product team I brought in was amazing). But we were surprised that the recruiters targeted by our product were ambivalent about it. It was one of our advisors who pointed out a perspective that seemed alien to us: our product was doing too good of a job. Recruiters report their value to their bosses in part by filtering thousands of resumes into a much smaller set of good candidates. Our product automated a lot of that work for them, giving them more time to be good at the parts of their job only a human could perform. But because it made them feel left out of the loop, they felt threatened and diminished by it.

The solution was fairly quick and easy; we built in more participation and choices on their part, and ensured all of the reporting showed the scale and complexity of the applicant funnels they were managing. Their satisfaction immediately improved.

As performance-driven entrepreneurs without an insider perspective we would likely have remained blind to the recruiter concerns until it was too late. Score one for advisors.

Near premature scaling

A number of years ago I was on the advisory board of a startup operating a two-sided marketplace connecting small businesses and consumers. Registered user growth was strong, and CPAs (Cost Per Acquisition) were in line with industry averages. Unit margins were good, and NPS (Net Promoter Score) was great. It was early and low scale, but the founder was convinced things were working well enough to ramp up growth by increasing spending on acquisition.

However, I was concerned the acquisition model wouldn’t scale—it relied too heavily on street marketing by the team, which I believed was artificially skewing the CPAs down. I also was concerned that the CAC (Customer Acquisition Cost) was higher than it should be because consumer geographic demand had to match the small business supply geography, which often didn’t occur. In other words, newly registered users often couldn’t convert into a paying customer due to lack of local coverage. And finally, I thought they should factor in the cost of acquiring the other side of the market (their small businesses) into the equation because it was very costly, and the volume per business location was too small to justify the volume they generated on the consumer side.

I recommended a strategy of focusing intensely on each geographic area to create a sustainable cycle instead of trying to scale more broadly. At first, the team pushed back. But as they looked further into it, they saw the risk of premature scaling. They paused a planned funding round, and refocused on achieving sustainable metrics. Within a year, the business was humming and they later sold to an acquirer. But things could have gone a very different direction had they attempted to scale before resolving the core unit economic elements of the business.

Scale can sneak up on you, too

This next example shows the other side of the scaling dilemma. This founding team was purchasing goods at Costco for resale to their corporate customers. It was intended to be temporary: an expedient way to learn what worked without too much up front cost and complexity. Their instincts were right, but they hadn’t done the math or thought through the implications of switching their process too late. We pointed out to them that:

  • Their volume was low, but growth seemed to be reaching an inflection point
  • The time and energy to set up wholesale sources would be very painful if the transition occurred when they were already at scale
  • The payment timing for Costco (immediate, or at least 30 days on a credit card) was generally worse than they could get working with a wholesale provider
  • Costco shopping wouldn’t scale (nor would their credit card)
  • Costco prices at scale would significantly impair their working capital cycle
  • The limited choices at Costco constrained their ability to effectively test demand

Thankfully, the team listened to us and acted quickly. Within a few weeks we had them set up with wholesale vendors who extended them credit based on our relationships with them. It was disruptive, but manageable at their then current scale. The result was a significant improvement in margins and cash flow cycles, as well as further increases in growth because the founders could spend more time selling—and less shopping. If they hadn’t made this change, they would have quickly run into a wall where their working capital was insufficient to support continued growth, but it would have happened without enough warning for them to raise the capital needed to support continued operations. Thankfully they avoided that existential threat, and continued on to grow 11x in topline revenue over the next 12 months. Cash flow was really tight, but they made it happen.

Helpful mentors dramatically increase fundraising success

Examples like the above are probably why startups with helpful advisors raise so much more money than ones that don’t. The Startup Genome Report shows that average funding raised by stage was dramatically higher for startups with helpful advisors.

Startup Valuation by Stage - Advisors vs. No Advisors

Funding raised is a reasonable proxy for startup success and progress. The findings from the Startup Genome Report imply that beyond validation stage in particular, startup advisors add tremendous value. In fact, it appears that startups that “don’t have helpful mentors” don’t raise any money at scaling stage—another way of saying that most never get there.

It’s all about REAL advisors

Unfortunately, many founders seem to think of advisors as more of a checklist or branding exercise than a real resource. We regularly see advisors listed in pitch decks only to find later that the advisors have virtually no interaction with the team.

Starting up is hard, lonely, and often frustrating. It often feels like the world just doesn’t understand the potential for what you’re working on. That’s probably why so many founders treat advisors as a sort of endorsement or validation, particularly early on. “Take me seriously, look at my advisors!” or “You know I’ll be successful with advisors like this!”

The problem is that advisors do no good unless they’re actively engaged. What sort of an endorsement is it to have a headshot in a pitch deck but the advisor isn’t willing to take the time to actually help? And what good will an amazing advisor do by merely appearing in a pitch deck and taking a call or two?

That’s why having inactive advisors in a pitch deck is a form of vanity that at best offers no real benefit, and at worst reflects very poorly on founders. Venture capitalists are very likely to check in with your advisors—we certainly do—and it’s quite awkward for entrepreneurs when we find that the advisor almost never speaks to the team. We occasionally find that the advisors don’t even recall the company or the team and is confused as to why we’re asking about them. That’s a sure-fire way to eliminate your fundraising prospects with that VC.

The lesson here is simple: have (and list) only real, engaged advisors.

What to look for in advisors

Founders too often look for obvious or flashy advisors rather than focusing on finding the ones who will add the most value to the business. Another common mistake is settling for the most readily accessible people instead of taking the time to identify and cultivate relationships with the most valuable advisors.

As we said previously, flashy but uninvolved advisors aren’t helpful. Poorly suited advisors can be even worse. That’s why I recommend a thoughtful and planned approach to identifying and recruiting advisors. I recommend looking for advisors who:

  • At least understand the realities of running a startup (some should be seasoned startup executives)
  • Have a deep understanding of the domains that touch upon your business (e.g., technology, industry)
  • See the world differently from you and from each other
  • Know people, particularly people you don’t know who might be useful
  • Aren’t afraid to challenge you and ask tough questions
  • Have the time to focus and actually help
  • Share your passion and are inspired by your vision

And don’t forget about actively incorporating diverse perspectives. It can be incredibly eye-opening (and value creating) to witness a very different perspective being laid out before you.

Some checkboxes you should probably be able to check in terms of advisors:

  • Someone who has successfully built a company with a similar business model and customer (e.g., enterprise SaaS)
  • A veteran of your target industry who knows the prevailing attitudes and many key players personally
  • A customer meta-expert: someone who really understands how your target customer thinks, feels, and behaves, and preferably is also one of them
  • A serial entrepreneur who knows the ins and outs of building startup teams, operations, and cultures
  • A technology or product expert, preferably with experience building teams

Forming your advisory team

Attracting advisors is similar to seeking funding; you have to inspire them with excitement about the vision for what you’re doing. Transactional advisor relationships are unlikely to work well. After all, startups are highly risky and unpredictable. Convincing an uninspired advisor to help—and potentially expose her brand and network to risk—via transaction is unlikely to happen. Vision is a critical component of a successful entrepreneurial venture. You’ll definitely have to bring it out to attract quality advisors.

It also often takes personal interactions over an extended period of time to instill a sense of excitement in potential advisors and to identify the ones who can actually help you. That’s why I recommend building your advisory team gradually over time. Building gradually helps avoid bringing on poorly fitting advisors, and enables you to avoid the clutter imposed by unnecessary advisor interactions. Time is precious, and you certainly want to avoid too much management overhead in the formation and maintenance of your advisory team.

Evolution of your advisory team

I tend to think of advisors existing at three distinct levels:

  1. Advisory network
  2. Advisors
  3. Advisory board

I also tend to think about forming your advisory team in the context of slowly building from level 1 to level 3 above.

Evolution of advisory team

Advisory Network

Your advisory network comes first. It’s a relatively broad set of people who have an expressed or at least implied willingness to offer advice and assistance to you. How do you find these people? I recommend constantly asking people for advice. Invite the smart ones to your advisory group.

Probably the best way to interact with this network is via regular (quarterly) emails supplemented with targeted asks depending on needs and advisor capabilities. The regular emails should keep the advisors abreast of what’s going on to keep them engaged and reduce friction when you do get around to making asks of them. These regular communications can also incorporate your most important general asks. On top of the regular emails you can reach out directly to appropriate members of the advisory network as needed.

As I mention later in this article, your advisor network members shouldn’t be compensated, and shouldn’t be asked to sign advisory agreements or NDAs. It’s just not worth the cost and complexity for you or for them. If there’s something you’re worried about sharing with them (you probably shouldn’t be), then be careful sharing it or tone down the details.

Your advisory network is most likely to offer fairly passive and infrequent contributions such as pointing out interesting companies, a few introductions, and general ideas and feedback. When members of the network come to you with more specific contributions, consider moving them to an advisor role.

One minor risk that’s worth pointing out is that if you have an advisor who engages too deeply, and starts to feel that she has made meaningful intellectual property contributions to the company, you could find yourself in a legal dispute about IP absent an advisory agreement. That’s one more reason to consider pushing someone to advisor status if they’re becoming more active in helping you.


Your advisors should form naturally from your advisory network. These will be the people who provide the most value to you, both because their capabilities match your needs and because they reliably offer assistance—and come through with it.

Advisors may or may not be compensated, as mentioned later in this article. In many—in my experience most—cases advisors are doing it because they like to help, not in the hopes of compensation. But in the end, I recommend compensating your advisors for reasons discussed in later.

As you get to know your advisors you will start to identify a few who can stand out for their advice and assistance. It tends to happen naturally due to the nature and direction of your business. That’s when you might consider adding an advisor to your advisory board.

Advisory Board

Your advisory board should be formed of key advisors who agree to engage on a regular cadence for a specified tenure. This board should have a regular call and meeting schedule—perhaps monthly calls with once quarterly in-person meetings. The board should be small enough to be nimble, but large enough to offer the key expertise and experience that you need during any given time period. That usually means between 2-4 people.

The tenure of members of your advisory board should map to likely evolutions in the needs of your business. I strongly advise an explicit tenure (e.g., not open ended) for several reasons:

  • Your needs for advice and assistance are likely to evolve over time
  • It sets expectations in advance, and makes it much easier to transition people off as needed without offending them
  • It constrains their commitment, making it more likely for busy people to accept the role

Terms should probably be for one to two years. If you have a near-term need that’s unlikely to persist, one year might work. Otherwise, two years probably makes more sense because things always seem to take longer than you think, but two years probably offers enough time to get a lot of value out of an advisor.

Advisor Compensation

As I mentioned previously, you should generally expect to compensate your advisors with some equity. I do not advise offering equity to your advisory network; presumably they will accept this light level of engagement without an expectation of compensation. It would also be hard to justify the cost in both equity and time (and legal costs) of offering equity to a fairly broad set of people in an advisory network.

Your advisors, and certainly your advisory board, however, will probably expect some equity. And even if they don’t, there are good reasons you may want to give it to them. Offering equity allows you to require an advisory agreement, which can clarify expectations and offer important intellectual property protections for the company. If you have an advisor who’s clearly adding value and appears to be a level-headed, reasonable person, you probably don’t have to worry about getting her under contract. But less sophisticated or rational people should probably be under contract—or maybe shouldn’t be advising you at all.

How much equity do advisors get?

Advisor equity commonly ranges between 0.10% and 0.25% for a (typical) two-year engagement. In unusual circumstances it can be much higher: 1% or more. Generally I think it’s a bad sign if an advisor expects too much equity. It implies she doesn’t assign too much value to the company, and likely means she isn’t particularly passionate about your vision.

The amount of equity that’s appropriate depends on several factors:

  • Stage / value of the company
  • Level of effort
  • Expected contribution of the advisor

On the other side of the coin, this isn’t a time to be an equity skinflint. I’ve already pointed out how much value an advisor can generate. So instead of thinking about how much equity you’re giving away, I’d recommend thinking about how much net value their participation will add to your company. If you give away $25,000 worth of equity, but see a $100k increase in enterprise value, you’ve made a good deal for everyone involved.

Another way to think about it is that startups are extraordinarily unlikely to achieve a meaningful liquidity event. But when they do have meaningful exits, they’re often really (really) meaningful. As such, I advise optimizing more for the likelihood of a positive outcome rather than the amount of it you own at the time. One-hundred percent of nothing is—wait for it… nothing.

To put things in context, for a startup with a post-money valuation of $10 million, a 0.10% award is nominally worth $10,000. If an advisor allocates three hours a month on average over the course of two years, that’s $138.89 per hour—theoretically. For one thing, value is in the eye of the beholder and many startups are overvalued and advisors know it. For another thing, advisors are typically awarded common equity, which is worth less than preferred equity, so it’s not as simple as multiplying equity percentage by post-money valuation to get the equivalent value.

Advisor equity structure and vesting

In my opinion, advisor equity should be in the form of common stock options. There’s no reason to add complexity to your cap table and voting structure by offering preferred equity to advisors. And as long as the option strike prices are properly set (e.g., at a reasonable fair market value at the time of award), advisors can expect to defer any tax payments until the time of liquidity. As always, consult your tax and accounting professionals and pay attention to regulatory elements such as 83b elections.

All advisor equity should vest. The timeframe should map to the expected time horizon for value creation, which is typically one to two years. I recommend a three month cliff because there’s always a risk that an advisor won’t work out. And if that happens it’s likely to be obvious fairly quickly. A cliff enables you to end the relationship with the advisor with the three month window without losing any equity, and without having to deal with a hard to explain entry on the cap table.

Advisor equity should feature 100% acceleration on single trigger. In other words, if you sell the company before they’re fully vested, they should get everything they would have gotten over the entire vesting period upon sale. After all, they probably did their job, and there shouldn’t be an expectation for them to hang around to advise the new owners.

Advisor contracts

You need an advisory agreement for any advisor who will receive equity. There are many reasons to put it in a legal document:

  • Putting expectations in writing ensures clarity and a “meeting of the minds” about the nature and level of contributions that can be expected
  • A contract makes it harder for them to skimp on their duties
  • It shows that both parties are serious and actually committed
  • Establish clearly that the advisor is not conflicted, and that she will inform you if she becomes conflicted
  • A properly constructed agreement protects intellectual property that you may expose from them, or even receive from them (e.g., patentable ideas that by law can lose protection in the absence of NDAs)
  • It provides an opportunity to vest advisor equity over time, which is an important tool for recapturing equity that wasn’t really earned

Some advisors will agree to an NDA, IP assignment, and even non-competition without complaint. Sophisticated ones will almost always balk at some or all of those provisions. Venture capitalists, for example, generally won’t sign any of these sorts of provisions. We see so many deals and so many ideas that it’s far too risky to expose ourselves to claims of infringement. Corporate executives are likely to balk as well, for similar reasons. If you do end up at an impasse about any provisions like these, I would recommend dramatically narrowing the scope of your requested protections. The risk that any of your advisors will take advantage of you is vanishingly small. And it’s nothing compared to the value they might create for you. If you construct appropriately narrow provisions, then you can probably protect yourself against the actual bad actors without capturing the 99.99% of good actors in your net.

It’s generally a good idea to seek legal counsel when constructing important agreements. A good lawyer, for example, can play a critical role in negotiating an appropriately narrow agreement for an advisor who is concerned about your standard provisions.

Alternately, there are standard forms that might work if you’re really tight on capital. Here are two good ones worth considering:

Maximizing advisor contributions

It’s not enough to just find and recruit advisors. You have to take the initiative necessary to maximize the value of their contributions. For the most part your advisors will be very busy, and it will be up to you to ensure that you pull the most value from them.

Just as importantly, you ought to minimize the management overhead associated with your advisory team. Startups feature a crushing enough workload as it is.

I’ve seen advice to focus on transactional engagements with advisors to minimize overhead. I think that’s a poor idea. Instead, a regular and thoughtfully managed advisor system can ensure that your advisors remain informed about what’s going on with your business and the industry so you don’t have waste cycles on reeducating them every time you interact with them.

And a properly managed advisory board can offer a very strong incentive for busy advisors to brush up on things and bring their A-game to advisory board meetings; the last thing they want to do is look like an idiot in front of their advisor peers. And it forces you to think through your needs and goals in advance, which is likely to lead to a more efficient and productive meeting.

Advisors also tend to have strong opinions and inherent curiosity. And for many (most?) advisors, their role helping you is a rare chance to indulge in things that interest them rather than having to be disciplined about their own affairs. As a result, it’s not unusual for them to barge into areas of the business where they’re uninvited and maybe even unhelpful. At least there is a risk they won’t focus on the areas where you need them most.

That’s why I recommend some best practices for working with advisors:

Structured interactions

It’s best to set a regular cadence for core interactions with advisors. For example, I recommend monthly calls and quarterly in-person meetings with your advisory board. This ensures that they can plan ahead to be available, and makes it easier for them to maintain an awareness about what’s going on. If you let things stretch too long between engagements, they’re likely to forget context, requiring inefficient catch-up cycles and increased confusion. That’s not to say that you shouldn’t reach out to advisors on an as-needed basis as well. It’s just that your ad hoc requests should be on top of regularly established interactions.

Share information in advance

You should prepare advisor briefs in advance of advisory board meetings—something like a board deck. You should also try to do brief write-ups before every meeting or call with an advisor to give them context. This ensures that you can spend your time creating value rather than catching up. Experienced business people are accustomed to walking into meetings well-informed.

Focus on specific issues / asks

Most advisors help companies at least in part because they enjoy it. And because they’re not involved in the daily activities of the business, they are often curious about how things work, and may have ideas about directions the business could go. I would recommend listening to whatever it is they want to talk about, but balance that with the need to keep them focused on the task at hand. That’s why your write-ups and initial framing of conversations should be very specific. I recommend listing the specific area(s) where you’d like their help, and where possible describe the options you’re considering. Once you’ve framed the issue(s), you’re much more likely to cover the things that matter most to you.


Advisors can be a critical resource for startup teams. Yet many founders make strategic errors in assembling and managing their advisor group. Don’t assemble a fake or perfunctory advisor team. My advice is to treat it as an important initiative that will require time and energy to achieve full potential.

5 digital transformation risks to avoid

Embarking on a digital transformation effort is full of potential risks. According to McKinsey, 70% of digital transformation efforts fail.

And while there are dozens of reasons your transformation initiative might run into trouble, there are a couple of consistent traps we’ve encountered. As with most situations there’s usually some pareto optimization opportunity. We believe avoiding the following 5 issues will address a big chunk of your risk as you start a digital transformation project inside your organization.

  1. Faulty digital transformation premises
  2. Lacking a product deployment skill set
  3. Attempting to tackle digital transformation alone
  4. Not having digital transformation mentors
  5. Not proving the value early on

Faulty digital transformation premises

If you’ve seen the movie The Big Short you’ll recognize the following quote: “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you in trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.”

It’s a wonderful encapsulation of what led to the irrational exuberance leading to the 2008 financial crisis. It also illustrates something we see in large companies engaged in digital transformation.

For example, many large companies are in the throws of an end-to-end ERP upgrade to the cloud, or are planning to get started. The premise is that an ERP upgrade gets you the business results that increase profitability and improve operations.

But this is simply not true. We’ve consistently seen evidence of this. Big company implements large ERP provider. 36 months later they have difficulty identifying where the value is.

This isn’t because implementing a cloud based ERP is a bad idea. It’s a great one. But typically this gives you the capability to do new things with your data that can create opportunities for profitability and operational improvements. It doesn’t accomplish it by itself.

Driving innovation without a production deployment skill set

Many companies now have Chief Digital Officers in place. Some have innovation teams, perhaps even an innovation fund. Even organizations lacking a formal innovation governance model have begun holding design sprints, hackathons and other innovation-focused activities.

These are great things to have. But often what’s missing is the skill set necessary for bringing the ideas that are surfaced into full scale operations.

Unless you’re a team that’s experienced at bringing a wide variety of emerging technology to market from concept to successful user adoption, your teams will struggle. Many large companies have learned this lesson the hard way.

Many of these initiatives are expected to be implemented by the existing IT and development infrastructure. But the workflow for these types of engagements is typically much different.

With innovation projects, you’re ideally engaging in rapid, iterative testing. You’re delivering incremental value in the form of minimum viable products, testing or piloting them with internal or external stakeholders, and rapidly improving them as you deploy to progressively larger sets of users.

There’s also often the issue of technology stacks. While the end product will need to integrate with internal systems, you’re often better served early by using technology stacks that favor speed and ease of deployment over enterprise systems.

Even organizations like SAP have realized this, providing the ability to “bring your own language” (BYOL) into build packs that work seamlessly with the larger enterprise architecture.

But adopting those languages and knowing how to leverage them is often met with (understandable) internal resistance. And so teams attempt to execute on lean startup principles with legacy or enterprise tools that make such speed and agility difficult.

Going it alone.

“Data is a team sport”.

“There’s no I in team”.

“If you want to go fast go alone. If you want to go far, go together”.

All of these maxims get at the same idea. If you’re going to innovate, do it as a team.

This doesn’t necessarily mean mean staff up and build internal skill sets, although in many cases that might make sense. But in many cases, it pays tremendous dividends to bring in outside team members to either execute or provide perspective.

Teams with start up experience know the fastest path to market is often cobbling together existing third party solutions. They focus on staying close the user, delivering value, and accept that code or platform debt is part of the trade. They fully expect to replace and refactor work later. That’s a perspective internal teams often lack.

Likewise, people with startup backgrounds (and to a lesser degree agencies) often have pattern recognition that internal teams are missing. Part of why DI is able to provide value at a product strategy level is our experience building startups ourselves. That perspective is incredibly helpful when trying to make product decisions like:

  • What data represents leading indicators for success or risk.
  • How to design for internal power users and novice external users simultaneously.
  • How to overcome chicken and egg problems when dealing with marketplace businesses.
  • The critical importance of first time UX and how to optimize for adoption.
  • The techniques that can drive referral and increase incremental revenue.
  • How to architect products that have self-priming growth loops.
  • The potential pitfalls with conversational interfaces or voice enabled devices.

Even if your internal team does the heavy lifting, bringing in an external team to provide guidance and feedback can be incredibly helpful.

A common approach we have leveraged is to co-create solutions, in the beginning leaning heavily on the external team for execution while the internal team learns the ropes, and over time transitioning more responsibility to the internal team as they develop the necessary skills and perspectives.

Not having mentors.

Along the same lines, a common gap is the higher level strategic perspective. While internal teams have deep domain expertise, they also often suffer from being too close to the problem, or lack the pattern recognition that comes from seeing a variety of different industries and organizations.

Again startups provide a great model. Most venture backed startups have a board of directors, as well as third party advisors. These are indispensable resources who can identify and help avoid potential obstacles, bring novel solutions from other industries, and make business-transforming introductions. They also can provide coaching to navigate the slog of iteration.

Creating a similar board of advisors, either at an individual initiative level or at the portfolio level, can often mean the difference between success and failure.

Not proving the value.

According to Harvard Business Review, a common pitfall is lacking a clear hypothesis around value creation.

This mistake often leads to funding projects that were executed on well but still had no value associated with the win. Allocating resources, driving team energy and engagement, and crossing the finish line without tangible value creation to point to can often be the kiss of death for innovation teams and the leaders within them.

Successful innovation initiatives often take time. And there’s a definite need for patience and sufficient air cover at the executive level to give fledgling ideas room to iterate and find value. But that doesn’t mean you need to start an engagement with no clue how you’ll extract value out of the other end if successful.

Modeling out potential options for growth and value creation, understanding the potential addressable market, having a hypothesis for “exit” (even if that exit is simply bringing the initiative in-house) are all great strategies to leverage to de-risk this pitfall and ensure that successful initiatives represent legitimate wins for the organization.

Create plans to mitigate these digital transformation risks

As you put your digital transformation agenda in place, it can be helpful to outline all of the potential risks you can see and develop mitigation strategies for each. Conduct a “pre-mortem” – try to anticipate what could go wrong, and make sure you have the right systems, processes, and partners in place to execute on your digital transformation initiatives brilliantly.

The Importance of Innovation

We have mentioned previously that corporations often view innovation as a useless buzzword. So often the word has little or no substance. But if you believe that innovation really is important—at least the kind that has substance—then you’re not alone:

“Business only has two functions: marketing and innovation.”
—Peter Drucker

And for good measure (and from the person who developed the theory of “creative destruction”):

“Carrying out innovations is the only function which is fundamental in history.”
—Joseph Schumpeter

Yet it’s worth exploring, both to assess whether we’re right, and if so to understand why. Knowing why will power our conversation about what to do about it.

Maybe we can set a threshold by finding some industries where innovation is not particularly important. And if we have trouble identifying any, that might go a long way towards establishing that innovation is broadly important.

Is innovation important in government?

Governments tend to be slow and stable. Significant change can take decades. After all, stability is one of the key demands we tend to make of government. Without a stable government it is difficult to maintain a stable currency, assured property rights, reliable market transactions, and public safety.

Perhaps governments should avoid innovation, which can be risky and destabilizing.

Sometimes it’s not that easy. The Arab Spring of 2011 resulted in very rapid change in at least seven governments. And it’s nothing new; history is replete with revolutions and other forms of civil unrest. That sort of existential risk seems like a good reason for innovation in government—whether to crack down on it, or avoid it. So there’s likely a tension between stability and innovation when it comes to government.

Even long-term stable governments such as the US seem to be constantly evolving. The US federal government typically enacts between 200-500 laws per two-year Congress. Some involve commemorative coins, but others such as the JOBS Act or Dodd-Frank are more far-reaching.

So, while we’ve only changed the US Constitution 27 times in 200+ years, we’re still actively evolving some pretty important parts of our government. Stable governments frequently evolve in the face of changes in technology, society, and international affairs.

If that’s not a form of innovation, I don’t know what to call it. And given that it’s one of the key activities of government, innovation seems awfully important even for government.

What about highly regulated industries?

Maybe innovation isn’t particularly important in highly regulated industries. After all, they’re likely protected from most threats by regulatory moats.


Most major cities strictly limit the number of cabs out on the streets, as well as their appearance, tools / technology, and pricing. Those constraints tend to work in favor of incumbents. That’s probably why Yellow Cab Company, which formed in Chicago in 1907, flourished for almost 100 years. But it succumbed to ride sharing services, filing for bankruptcy in 2015.


US banks are highly regulated. And the government effectively erected a defensive moat by only issuing one new bank charter between 2010 and 2017.

That, combined with heavy regulation after the 2008 financial crisis is why in 2007 the top three US banks held 20% of the country’s deposits, but as of the end of 2017 they held 32%. In the meantime they have allocated capital to technology improvements, but little to innovation.

Apparently, business as usual is working pretty well for them.

Yet digital disruption is a looming threat to even the largest banks. CB Insights writes eloquently on the topic, explaining that “emerging companies generally don’t attack incumbent players head-on, but rather focus on tackling specific verticals.” They go on to show an image of “Unbundling The Bank,” which demonstrates the multitude of smaller players eating away at the various components of traditional banking.

My friend Tom Loverro at IVP wrote a great post in 2014 pointing out the existential threat to the banking industry posed by startups:

“Non-bank actors are attacking just about every valuable and revenue-generating activity that traditional players engage in”
— Tom Loverro

The government is speeding things up with its new fintech special purpose bank charters, which will make it easier for new players to displace traditional banking. These fintech innovators often focus on underserved markets to rapidly establish meaningful market share. For example, the 20%+ of US households that are underbanked. And capital partners are ready and willing to finance this disruption: $31 billion alone went towards fintech investing in the US in 2017.

Electric utilities

Electric utilities in the US are typically monopolies whose profits are effectively set by regulations. Surely they aren’t threatened by disruptive innovation. Their maximum profitability is determined by what’s called a “rate base” calculation derived from a percentage return on assets, with a US average of 14.5% as of 2015 (read this blog post by Coley Girouard on Advanced Energy Perspects for more information).

But as Coley points out, changes in dynamics in the energy industry are putting significant pressure on electric utilities. Aging and outdated infrastructure combined with improvements in energy efficiency at the edges of the grid—for example residential solar—are threatening the stability of the entire industry.

At DI we have engaged with a number of major utilities in the US. It’s clear they are very aware of the need for innovation even in this regulated monopoly industry. Apparently even a government mandated monopoly and preset profitability model aren’t enough to protect an industry from disruption.

What about intellectual property monopolies?

Government regulation can create effective barriers in other ways. For example, intellectual property rules might protect some industries or organizations from disruption.

Pharmaceutical companies

Drug discovery can be extraordinarily expensive—it costs on average over $2 billion to bring a drug to market. But successful new drugs are typically protected by patents that create effective monopolies for up to 20 years (usually less due to patenting process).

Health care rules and procedures often ingrain effective treatments into “standard of care” rules that generate guaranteed revenue streams for many drugs. Distribution, insurance coverage, and channel partnerships favor incumbents, too.

But it’s not all unicorns and rainbows for the pharma industry.

Regulatory and market dynamics are putting drug companies in a tough spot as health care costs rise, and pharma costs are put in the spotlight. The solutions that promise to lower discovery costs—such as AI or “in silico” drug testing— or to improve overall efficiency—such as the rise of PBMs (Pharmacy Benefits Managers) and digital patient engagement systems—are alien to pharma companies.

Other new technologies such as CRISPR and 3D drug printing and trends such as personalized medicine present increased chances for leapfrog innovation. Meanwhile, companies such as Amazon are more comfortable with disruption, and have increasingly powerful positions in the consumer and health care markets.

As a result, they’re edging into important parts of the drug market, and putting pharma companies at increasing risk. Even normally conservative hospitals are banding together to enter the drug business. It’s definitely a brave new world for pharmaceutical companies.

Consumer Packaged Goods

CPG companies enjoy intellectual property protections that can create competitive barriers to entry. Their trademarks and trade dress rights combined with marketing expertise and massive manufacturing and distribution reach can lead to significant long-term profitability.

Proctor & Gamble (P&G) was founded as a soap and candle company in 1837. P&G is known as one of the most innovation CPGs in the market. In 2013 they did almost $83 billion in revenue. By 2017 they had dropped to $65.7 billion—an almost 21% decline.

Much of this is due to dropping about 100 underperforming brands to focus on their big money makers. That strategy resulted in a much smaller drop in EBITDA during the period: $17.5 billion in 2013 down to $16.8 billion in 2017. Meanwhile their market value during the period grew from almost $200 billion to almost $240 billion.

Yet some argue that P&G’s recent success is unsustainable without significant change. Per a 2016 NY Times article, P&G’s CEO suggested that the “rise of e-commerce and social media has reduced the cost of entry for new competitors.”

One key element of that is the increasing importance of direct-to-consumer sales, for which large CPGs were not built and are not well suited. But it’s probably much more than the rise of e-commerce that presents a threat to major CPGs.

An article from BCG presents it in stark terms: “[s]cale was once all important. On its own, however, it no longer guarantees competitive advantage… FMCG companies… need a new playbook.” Niche products and brands are taking market share away from the large incumbents. They point out a number of factors including: asset-light production, expanded distribution options, variable-cost marketing, and ease of coordination as underlying factors enabling the small players to beat the big ones at their own game.

How about network effects businesses?

Network effects can create substantial competitive barriers to entry. From railroads to faxes, network effects have been instrumental in the formation of sustained value creation. Are businesses that benefit from network efforts largely insulated from disruption?

Microsoft built an empire based in part on network effects. As described in a 2008 NY Times article:

“Microsoft attracted consumers and software developers to use its technology, the software that controls the basic operations of a personal computer. The more that people used Microsoft’s operating system (DOS and later Windows), the more that third-party developers built products to run on Windows, which attracted more users.”

That same article points to Google as the new king of network effects, suggesting that the Internet and open standards have eroded Microsoft’s competitive advantage.

Despite that, Microsoft’s share of the PC operating system market was over 90% in 2013, and remains almost 83% today. So while their desktop market share is declining, it remains dominant. Their profits during the period have remained strong with the exception of a significant dip in 2015. In mid 2018 Microsoft reported their best fiscal year ever both in terms of revenues and profitability.

It certainly appears that something is working for Microsoft. But they have run into some significant challenges as well—challenges which might persist for the long term.

Their business has been built around a partnership model rather than a direct-to-consumer model. While they have had some success in gaming, their pursuit of mobile and music have largely failed. Their enterprise business is thriving, but given the rising power and importance of direct-to-consumer models, it’s probably not safe to say they’re not out of the woods yet.

Businesses such as Facebook have also leveraged network effects to build powerful competitive barriers to entry. Once most of your friends are connected to you on a social platform, it’s probably hard for another platform to convince you to switch until they have both a persuasive reason and enough of your friends to create a critical mass. Given the cost of building a mass market social network, that probably makes it hard to fund competitors, on top of the difficulties challenging a network effects incumbent.

But it’s not impossible.

Instagram and WhatsApp both came at the market from a different angle, and Facebook ended up buying both of them. If their competitive power were unassailable, Facebook probably would not have had to make those acquisitions.

Snapchat has also made a good run at Facebook. That is part of a larger—and potentially existential—threat to Facebook from the changing dynamics of young consumers.

Many see Facebook as the product their parents use, and therefore less desirable. At the same time, the fundamental structure of Facebook may not weather well as consumers continue to explore new modes of social interaction and engagement.

Facebook obviously isn’t going away any time soon, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t need to continue to focus on continued innovation.

Local businesses?

So far, we have not done a great job of identifying industries where innovation isn’t important. There’s another type of business that might do the trick for us: local businesses.

Think hair salons, private schools, or independent retailers. They tend to be driven by geography, personal relationships, and brand intimacy. Most of these sorts of business models haven’t changed considerably in the past several decades. Are they mostly immune to disruption?

For decades, independent retailers were a key part of the fabric of our economy. They have long benefitted from personal relationships and geographic ties.

At first they were pressured by big box retailers such as Wal-Mart. Many went out of business. And then e-commerce and delivery systems combined to create an increasingly viable solution to bypass small and large retailers alike.

Big retailers have by-and-large adapted with their own e-commerce offerings. Independent retailers, despite their competitive advantages of geography and personal relationships are increasingly falling down in the face of market (and social) evolutions.

Hair salons are a good example of a local business. They, too, tend to be built on personal relationships and geographic ties. On top of that they are a service-oriented offering, and thus should be harder to disrupt via e-commerce. Their fundamental business model hasn’t changed for over 50 years.

Are they at risk of disruption? They are at least at risk of losing meaningful business.

Take for example the brands offering a direct-to-consumer e-commerce solution for hair coloring and related products. The same article mentions a hybrid solution where a salon professional applies a direct-to-consumer formula and teaches consumers how to do it. Or what about Salon64 and its hybrid salon, workspace, and coffee bar?

Even service oriented local businesses probably aren’t safe from disruption.

What about private primary and secondary schools? In most bigger US cities private schools occupy an elite niche, commanding their market due to a persistent supply demand imbalance—in favor of the schools. Parents fret about getting their kids into the right school. It has been happening for decades, and is only getting worse (for parents).

But there are warning signs for schools. New entrants with innovative technology and learning experiences are making a push for market share. Even WeWork is launching its own school called WeGrow.

Parents are understandably reluctant to try new things on their kids. These new schools are made possible in part by the exclusivity of the schools, and the increasing cost of private education. It’s likely that many private schools in the US will be faced with a need to consider more aggressive (e.g., higher level) innovation.

Innovation is broadly important

If you think your industry is mostly immune from the forces of disruption, you’re probably wrong. Virtually every industry is facing real threats—and in many cases existential threats—from disruptive innovation. There are many potential responses:

  • Stick your head in the sand (perhaps the most common)
  • Improve your ability to innovate internally
  • Engage with an outside firm to enhance your innovation capabilities and to create new value creation models / products
  • Invest in and / or acquire promising startups
  • Utilize a hybrid approach (probably the best approach)

All of this brings up an interesting question… have things changed? Is innovation increasingly important? Those are the questions I will address in the next post.

After the Design Sprint

Design Thinking has become an essential part of how innovation teams surface ideas.

One specific tool has been the design sprint – typically a 5 day exercise using user-centered design methodologies to quickly arrive at a potential solution to a problem.

It’s fantastic tool – one we use ourselves and teach to our clients. But coming out of them, there’s often the problem of what to do next.

Getting Stuck

In our conversations with innovation teams, its extremely common to run a bunch of design sprints, identify a bunch of potential solutions, but then get stuck.

In many cases, the rough prototype and the small sample size of customer feedback, even if positive, isn’t enough to earn the resources internally to move to an MVP build.

And so instead of a stack of ideas piling up, there’s now a stack of somewhat validated prototypes piling up instead. You’ve moved the ball forward, but not by much.

Validating the rest of the Lean Canvas.

A great tool for summarizing a potential solution on a single sheet of paper is the Lean Canvas.

The Lean Canvas

Underneath an idea is a set of assumptions:

  • You’re assuming a certain stakeholder (or set of stakeholders) has a problem.
  • That you have the solution to that problem.
  • That the problem is solved in a way that creates value for the stakeholder – enough for them to either start paying for it or otherwise incorporate it into their lives.
  • That there are enough of these stakeholders out there (and that you can get access to them easily enough) to make the time and effort worth it.
  • That the cost to get them to use it is cheap enough relative to the value you extract from their use to make it worthwhile.
  • That the solution is defensive enough to avoid being copied immediately.

Design sprints can help solve a subset of these, but obviously not all of them.

Assuming you are following the practices of user-centered design, you’ve done the work of validating stakeholders need before starting your design sprint. And through the sprint process you uncover at least to a degree that the solution could potentially solve the problem.

Design sprints validate part of the lean canvas, but not all of it.

But just like a venture fund is unlikely to invest in a company on the basis of a clickable prototype and 6 conversations with end users, your growth board or other innovation governance team likely won’t consider that sufficient to green light the resources to build an MVP.

So how do you close that gap, improve your case and move the initiative forward? Here are 5 suggestions that have helped other clients break the logjam.

Polish the prototype and get more data points

You make something quick and dirty to capture user feedback during the sprint. Now it’s time to create high fidelity versions of that prototype.

This doesn’t need to be working software. It can still leverage tools like Invision. But it should have the look and feel of a finished product.

With that in hand, go outside the conference room and show it to more users. Capture their feedback around willingness to use and if necessary willingness to pay.

Don’t be surprised when you get lukewarm feedback or objections. Use those to improve the prototype, and go back out there.

Getting more data points can help build your case. And interestingly, simply having a highly designed version of your prototype can increase internal momentum as well. It gives the impression that there’s a “there” there.

Showing pretty screens can often generate more enthusiasm than talking about an idea in the abstract (or even showing lower fidelity versions of an idea, which signal that it’s half baked.)

Create a functional spec

Assuming the solution is a piece of software, a fantastic next step is to turn the prototype into a functional spec document. This typically includes:

  • Writing out the user stories in detail.
  • Outlining all of your assumptions around integration points and other data that needs to be captured.
  • Creating a product roadmap, with the functionality you envision in the MVP and subsequent releases.
  • Most importantly, using that information to get a timeline and budget estimate for the build.

Doing this gives your internal team the data they need to make the case from a level of effort perspective, which is obviously an essential part of your case.

It also helps you craft the message in a way that increases the likelihood of success. Too often teams try to pitch the grand vision. They ask for the budget to create the product as it will ultimately be. But this increases your cost and risk, both perceived and actual.

Instead, identify the “core experience” that belongs in the MVP. Focus your effort on nailing the first time UX and the core experience. Defer the rest.

This is a good practice anyway, as simpler, tighter products tend to result in higher user satisfaction and limit the amount of behavior change needed to adopt.

Getting timeline and budget numbers also help you identify potential trade offs, shaping what that core experience includes and doesn’t include. It helps you make a more modest ask for MVP development, while providing visibility into the costs of the potential long term roadmap as well.

We typically recommend getting an estimate from an external vendor at this phase, even if your internal team plans to build. This addresses two potential issues:

  • It avoids the objection that the internal team has too many other things going on.
  • Often the internal estimate is higher than the estimate from the vendor, both in terms of budget and time. Having a second data point is incredibly useful in making the case.

Create a growth model.

We’ve talked in detail about how we use growth models to put realistic assumptions around getting traction. We’ve found it to be an invaluable tool for making the MVP case.

Using growth models to validate go to market assumptions

The model makes a series of detailed assumptions at every layer of the customer or stakeholder funnel:

    • Acquisition: How will we get people to find out about the solution? From what channels? How much will those channels cost? What’s the audience size of those channels?
    • Activation: What are the steps necessary for a user to go from awareness to adoption? What are our estimates for conversion rates at each step of that onboarding process?
    • Retention: What do we think retention will look like over a 3/6/12 month period of time? (note that benchmarks are incredibly helpful here.)
    • Revenue: If these users are being monetized in some way, what are our assumptions around monetization? Number of ad impressions, % of free to paid subscribers, etc.
    • Referral: If there is a referral component, what does that loop look like? Number of invites sent per user, % who accept the invite, their onboading behavior (note that it’s often different than a user acquired cold because of the referral), etc.

These are obviously all assumptions. But they demonstrate to your team that you’ve given things way more thought. That you have a rational plan for how you will grow the product once it’s launched, and that your estimates for ROI are backed by a detailed breakdown of the levers that influence it.

Create a smoke test

To further validate some of the assumptions in your model, you can create a smoke test to test acquisition.

A smoke test can take many forms – often it looks like a landing page (with your pretty screens) with a call to action to sign up. Behind that is a page saying we’re not ready yet, asking for an email address to be notified when you launch. You supplement this with a tactical paid acquisition campaign to acquire potential customers.

This helps you validate a whole host of things:

    • Which channels are most cost-effective for generating traffic from our target users?
    • What value proposition and create treatment is most effective?
    • What percentage of people, once made aware of our product, are interested enough to click a sign up button?
    • Once they see that it’s not ready yet, what percentage still think it’s compelling enough to provide their contact information?

As an optional intermediate step, you can even add a pricing page (if relevant) in between the landing page and email collection. This lets you test various pricing models as well.

Conduct cold outreach

Finally, when dealing with b2b solutions, we often advocate for taking that smoke test and supplementing it with an aggressive cold outreach campaign.

You want the landing page up because it gives the idea credibility. You supplement the landing page with email addresses and linked profiles of people who “work” there. You build a list of targeted potential customers, and you craft a multi-modal outreach campaign to generate potential leads (typically some combination of email, phone and social selling.)

This again forces you to get outside of the building and test for value prop – customer fit.

While we believe in doing stakeholder research in other ways at the front end (validating pain through problem interviews, etc.), we do believe there is value in trying to sell the solution at this stage.

Getting meetings with potential customers who think the solution exists in some form is helpful because they’re no longer just giving you advice. They’re being sold, which increases resistance. As a result you get a ton of new useful information:

    • It surfaces objections you’ll eventually need to learn to overcome.
    • It begins to help you map the buying process by understanding who the decision makers might be for a solution like this.
    • If coupled with an signed offer letter when there is interest, you give your team the most compelling reason to move forward of all – a signed commitment to purchase the product once it’s live.

Design Sprints are important but insufficient

Please, continue to do design sprints. We know of no better tool to quickly make progress on a concept for a solution.

But realize it’s not a magic bullet. You still have to do the work of building your case to earn the right to move forward with it.

You can fundamentally de-risk an idea and earn the resources to build an MVP, in very little time and with very low cost. Consider baking the tools above into your process to increase your velocity of tested ideas.

DI has done all of the above for clients many times. We’d be happy to help you execute on any of them. To learn more, contact us.

Digital Intent’s Innovation Framework

Digital Intent uses a specific definition of innovation that we believe provides utility for innovators. But our definition is still pretty broad. Given the work we do, certain types of innovation are more meaningful than others.

We propose a framework for distinguishing innovation based on four levels of increasing complexity. This approach is neither the only framework — there are many — nor necessarily the best for every purpose. But we do believe that it is the best framework for understanding how to pursue different types of innovation most effectively.

Existing Innovation Frameworks

Consultants and academics often codify their experience into frameworks, designed to abstract experience into principles that can be broadly applied to a variety of situations. By operating within frameworks, they’re able to quickly navigate complex problems and arrive at novel solutions.

Many experts have described ways to distinguish between different types of innovation. What vectors of differentiation do they tend to use?

Our goal is to identify a consistent way to differentiate between various types of innovation that will inform us about when it’s appropriate to change our process and decision-making.

Extent of innovation

Some distinguish innovation based on the extent of novelty, complexity, or change involved. The OECD describes four different types of innovation, one of which is incremental innovation:

“Incremental innovation: innovation that builds closely on technological antecedents and does not involve much technological improvement upon them.”

“Incremental” and “sustaining” are two words commonly used for modest or low risk innovation. In a corporate context we often talk of “exploitation” (versus exploration) as well. The other end of the spectrum is described with a variety of words, each of which incorporates some nuances or variations of meaning. Examples include:

  • Disruptive innovation
  • Breakthrough innovation — generally used to describe significant, complex, and particularly meaningful innovation
  • Radical innovation — similar to breakthrough, but more likely to emphasize the novelty or risk associated with the process

Disruptive innovation is a term coined by Clayton Christensen in the mid 1990’s to describe a specific form of creative destruction which is rooted in Joseph Shumpeter’s concept of creative destruction.

Steve Blank called out Christensen (and Shumpeter’s) theories in a 2014 speech:

“Disruptive innovation – this is the innovation we associate with startups. This type of innovation creates new products or new services that did not exist before. It’s the automobile in the 1910’s, radio in the 1920’s, television in the 1950’s, the integrated circuit in the 1960’s, the fax machine in the 1970’s, personal computers in the 1980’s, the Internet in the 1990’s, and the Smartphone, human genome sequencing, and even fracking in this decade. These innovations are exactly what Schumpeter and Christensen were talking about. They create new industries and destroy existing ones. And interestingly, in spite of all their resources, large companies are responsible for very, very few disruptive innovations.”

The term has become very popular, but has also been critiqued. Christensen defended his theory in 2015 by re-emphasizing the narrow scope of what he considered disruptive.

Specifically, Christensen’s term described innovation by upstarts targeting unmet needs in “low-end footholds” that the incumbents had ignored or been unaware of. He also clarified that for something to be disruptive (according to his definition at least), the existing market had to consider it undesirable at first. He went on to argue based on these tests that Uber is not a disruptor. Commence head scratching.

It appears, by the way, that Steve Blank probably understood disruption to be a broader concept than Christensen intended. After all, automobiles, television, and the fax machine are hard to fit into the notion of a low-end foothold.

Christensen has since walked back from his position that Uber is not disruptive, but the fundamental fact remains that the term he popularized—to him at least—is quite narrow, and rooted primarily in Joseph Shumpeter’s original concept of creative destruction.

The concept of creative destruction, while useful, is still largely a theoretical construct. Christensen inarguably contributed to economic theory with his notion of disruptive innovation, but it’s not clear to us due to its narrowness that it offers a particularly useful rubric for understanding innovation.

When most people use the word disruptive innovation, they probably mean the broader notion of innovation that disrupts an industry. That’s the meaning we assign to it at Digital Intent unless we specifically invoke Christensen.

In this broader conceptual vein, using the extent of innovation to distinguish types of innovation seems useful. If you’re doing something incremental, it seems more likely that traditional management orthodoxy would be appropriate. If you’re doing something disruptive, it seems much more likely that you would need to adopt new strategies to accommodate. But still, the terms we’re discussing feel like blunt instruments that don’t offer enough utility for our purposes. Let’s keep looking.

What you’re trying to improve

Another way to think of innovation involves what you’re trying to improve. For example, the same OECD report mentioned above describes product, process, marketing, and organizational innovation. Each of these appears to distinguish between the types of resources or capabilities an organization is trying to improve. An example:

“Product innovation: development of new products representing discrete improvements over existing ones.”

A different approach has been written about by Doblin in its Ten Types of Innovation. They focus on the ten different innovation targets, including: profit model, network, structure, process, product performance, product system, service, channel, brand, and customer engagement.

It’s definitely a worthwhile read. Jay Doblin, the cofounder, was an iconic designer with expertise in systems thinking and design theory. As a result, their approach tends to be derived from a product design perspective, and may not be as useful when it comes to the broader context, and specifically in the context of technology and business model innovation.

Steve Blank also talks about process innovation, but his version is different and would probably be labeled incremental or sustaining innovation by most:

“Car companies introduce new models each year, running shoes grow ever lighter and more flexible, Coca-Cola offers a new version of Coke. Smart companies are always looking to make their current products better – and there are many ways to do this. For example they can reduce component cost, introduce a line extension or create new versions of the existing product. These innovations do not require change in a company’s existing business model.”

In fact, today this sort of innovation seems a lot more like everyday execution than innovation.

Steve also talked about business model innovation, which probably falls under the “what you’re trying to improve” umbrella.

What’s a business model? That has been described many different ways, much like the definition of innovation. And similar to innovation, we have a preferred definition, specifically Blank’s:

“A business model describes how your organization creates, delivers, and captures value.”

Business model innovation and disruption often go hand-in-hand; successfully creating new ways of creating, delivering, and capturing value is often disruptive. (By the way, around Digital Intent you’ll hear us use the term “value creation model” frequently in place of business model. That’s a nod to the fact that commercial value creation isn’t the only game in town.)

Is defining innovation based on what you’re trying to improve the best approach for our purposes? Probably not.

Innovating a product or process, for example, probably has a lot of similarities from the perspective of team, organization, and the path it takes—and as a result aren’t as useful for our clients trying to take a strategic approach to innovation.

It’s probably more important to understand how radical the change is than what’s being changed. The exception might be business model innovation due to its likely implication of breakthrough or disruptive innovation (when successful).

Time horizon

Ralph-Christian outlines a concept he calls “Dual Corporate Innovation Management” that involves a balance between exploitation-oriented and exploration-oriented initiatives.

He identifies three (time) horizons for innovation based on balancing exploitation (“enhancing existing business models or technological capabilities”) and exploration (“novel, and often disruptive, business models or technological capabilities”) for establishing organizations. He advocates an innovation management system based on a portfolio approach driven by a gap analysis. Importantly, he points out that exploitation and exploration require different approaches to achieve success. In the end, he describes three horizons of innovation: core, growth, and future. His approach is useful from a corporate strategy perspective, and is rooted in traditional management orthodoxy. But it’s not really aimed at distinguishing different types of innovation.

McKinsey also describes three horizons of growth:

  • Horizon 1 — maintain and defend core business
  • Horizon 2 — nurture emerging business
  • Horizon 3 — create genuinely new business

As they say, “Time, as noted on the x-axis, should not be interpreted as a prompt for when to pay attention—now, later, or much later. Companies must manage businesses along all three horizons concurrently.”

This seems like a sort of GTD (Getting Things Done) for corporations (Inbox, Today, Someday). It’s useful as a tool for allocating time and energy, but not as useful for understanding the nature of the innovation you’re undertaking, and not particularly informative about how you organize, lead, and manage the team that’s involved. It’s also not particularly useful outside of the context of an existing corporation.

Greg Satell’s 4 types of innovation

Greg Satell describes a matrix-style approach he describes as the “4 Types of Innovation.” His model incorporates the notions of domain and problem, asking the following questions:

  • How well is the problem defined?
  • And how well is the domain defined?

From that, he outlines a four-part matrix that includes:

  • Basic research
  • Disruptive innovation
  • Breakthrough innovation
  • Sustaining innovation

A key insight he offers is that when the marketplace shifts, often “innovating your products won’t help—you have to innovate your business model.” We find his approach to be insightful and interesting. But we believe his emphasis on problem as one of the vectors misses an opportunity. Whereas clarifying a problem is very important, particularly early on, we don’t believe it’s as useful to focus on that vector.

Digital Intent’s 4 levels of innovation

Digital Intent borrows from Greg Satell’s approach, but replaces the system (e.g., the value creation model) for the problem. Our two vectors:

  • System is the value creation model (e.g., business model)
  • Domain is the combination of resources and context, including underlying technology, geography, and other components to the system of value creation.

We also change the nature of the questions asked. Instead of asking how well the vectors are defined, we ask “how familiar is it?” The answer ranges along a spectrum from familiar (to the team), to unfamiliar (to the team), to novel (to the world):

Known to me — New to me — New to the world

This enables our framework to view the vectors more simply and objectively. It also more explicitly accounts for both the novelty and the relationship between the novelty and the organization involved.

We believe this new approach changes the model significantly, making the framework more useful. For example, this model makes it more natural to recognize tiered levels of innovation, which we found to be useful when we first looked at distinguishing innovation based on extent (above). It also recognizes that innovation can be experienced differently for different organizations.

Digital Intent’s four different levels of innovation:

Digital Intent's Innovation Framework

Level 1 — Optimization: Familiar system and domain.

This is a known system of value creation using known resources and technology. These sorts of innovation tend to have clear proxies, and offer predictable timing, budget, and resource requirements. It’s easy to measure and manage risk, and it’s reasonable to expect a steady upward progress. It’s arguable this isn’t even really innovation, although we think it’s fair to use the term here as long as we’re careful to differentiate from other types of innovation.

Level 2 — Change: Unfamiliar system and / or domain.

There’s nothing truly novel (to the world) here, but something is unfamiliar to the team. Perhaps it’s the implementation of new (to you) technology or a new (to you) revenue model. This sort of innovation still offers a relatively predictable path, but it’s riskier and harder to predict than level 1. These innovations tend to take longer than level 2 innovations.

Level 3 — Transformation: Somewhat novel system and / or domain.

Level 3 innovation often involves new technologies and business models, albeit not radically so. Usually there are somewhat close proxies or partially understood or known technology. It starts to become hard to predict path, timing, budget, and required resources. Risks are very hard to assess. Often the complexity is in the combination. This sort of innovation tends to take a longer time.

Level 4 — Breakthrough: Truly novel system and / or domain.

Breakthrough innovation is the process of bringing to market a truly novel business model or domain. Either or both of the system or domain is new to the world. These sorts of innovations tend to take a very long time and are fraught with risk and uncertainty. They also tend to create significant value when they’re successful.

The Benefits of Innovation Frameworks

This approach to distinguishing types of innovation has the benefit of simplicity, with only two factors to consider. Each of the levels also has natural implications for key factors such as level of uncertainty and risk, volatility, predictability, typical timelines, etc. That’s useful because these are the factors that typically force changes in strategy, organization, and process to maximize the odds of success. By tying them naturally to the levels of innovation, we are increasing the usefulness of the framework.

The framework also works both in the context of a corporation, and for startups. And it recognizes that what might be transformative for one organization might be mostly change or optimization for another.

It has some weaknesses as well. The rating of the vectors is subjective. The model also may miss nuances (or perhaps substance) in the differences between innovation based on system vs. domain. After all, core technology innovation likely has meaningful differences from business model innovation.

Overall, however, we have found it a useful approach to differentiating innovation for the purposes of understanding how best to drive efficient value creation for our clients.

What is innovation: why almost everyone defines it wrong

Definitions matter; it’s hard to have effective discussions and build on concepts without them. And the best definitions offer utility.

Mention the word innovation in a corporate context, and you’re likely to see some eye rolling. The word “innovation” has turned into something of a buzzword whose application is so broad and nebulous that it often feels useless.

But innovation is critical in the modern economy. That’s why we’re going to come up with a clear and useful definition for innovation.

For our purposes, a useful definition of innovation probably:

  • Has easy to understand tests for filtering
  • Reliably filters out the sorts of activities that set corporate eyes rolling
  • Rarely excludes things most of us would consider meaningful innovation
  • Is brief and simple

Various definitions of innovation

It won’t take much Googling to see that the definition for innovation varies widely. Here are some paraphrased selections from an article by Nick Skillicorn based on interviews with 15 innovators:

  • Application of ideas that are novel and useful
  • It’s about staying relevant
  • Great idea, executed brilliantly, and communicated well
  • Feasible, relevant offering with a viable business model perceived as new and adopted by customers
  • Introduction of new products and services that add value to an organization
  • As long as it includes “new” and addresses customer needs, any variation goes
  • Fundamental way companies bring constant value to their customers
  • Work that delivers new goodness to customers in new markets and radically improves the profitability equation
  • Implementation of something new
  • Implementation of creative ideas to generate value
  • Anything new, useful, and surprising
  • … and so on

There are good concepts in those definitions, but none seem to strike the right balance of clarity, utility, and brevity. We probably need to look elsewhere.

Webster’s definies innovation as “the introduction of something new.” It’s hard to dispute that’s accurate. But it doesn’t seem particularly useful.

Perhaps that’s because innovation exists outside of our business mindset. By their definition, introducing a new paint color that’s a half-shade different from any others known in the market is innovation. Most of us would not consider that “innovation,” at least not in a useful way. It might be the absolutely perfect shade for your new house, but I think we need a better definition for our purposes.

Peter Drucker said “Innovation is the specific instrument of entrepreneurship… the act that endows resources with a new capacity to create wealth.”

It’s eloquent. The concept of endowing resources with a new capacity to create value is interesting. But still it doesn’t feel like a particularly useful definition.

Scott Berkun thinks “Innovation is significant positive change.” That’s starting to sound better to me. He adds the notion of “significance.” If it doesn’t matter (to someone), should we call it innovation? I think not.

But this definition focuses on the outcome rather than the process. If you don’t know whether something is innovative until after the fact, it’s hard to apply the definition proactively. And while the word “change” implies novelty, it’s probably too broad. What if we’re looking at a change to a well-known business model that results in a loss in stock value but an increase in stability? There’s something novel about that, but it doesn’t feel like innovation to us.

Tim Kastelle writes innovation is “not just having an idea—but executing it so that it creates value.” I like that he incorporates three key concepts: an idea, execution, and value creation. You’ll see below this is probably the closest to our definition.

A proposed definition of innovation

Here’s how we define innovation:

“Innovation is the process of creating value by applying novel solutions to meaningful problems.”

The reason we believe it has utility is in the three explicit tests for “innovative-ness” we can apply:

  • Is it novel? The notion of novelty is baked right into the word “innovation.” If it’s not new, it’s probably more optimization than innovation.
  • Does it solve a meaningful problem? If not, maybe it’s art instead of innovation. That’s not to say art isn’t valuable, but it’s generally not designed to solve a problem. To us, innovation is.
  • Does it create value? If not, maybe it’s an invention rather than innovation. Inventions can lead to value creation, but usually not until someone applies them through innovation.

It also points out that—at least where we’re concerned—innovation is a process. It’s not the result itself per se, but the path to get there. We know it’s possible to innovate unsuccessfully—there’s plenty of evidence that innovations often fail. What’s key is that you’re seeking to create value by applying a novel solution to a meaningful problem.

According to this definition, innovation isn’t limited to the commercial context. Non-profits can be innovative; their value creation metric is simply different.

The Value of Definitions

Don’t underestimate the role that definitions and language can play in getting your team on the same page. Even revisiting the way your organization defines this can unlock new ideas and help organizations prioritize initiatives. And it ensures that your team is making meaningful progress toward creating truly innovative solutions.

Technology trends in the hotel industry

The hotel industry is full of opportunities to leverage innovative new technologies. Jordan Hollander is the cofounder of Hotel Tech Report, and in this interview we talk about the unique operating structure of hotels and the challenges that presents to innovation. We discuss how one hotel in particular is navigating those challenges and doing some very novel things, and we get into dozens of solutions smart hotels are using to make their teams more effective and improve the guest experience.

Jordan Hollander - Hotel Tech Report

DI: So Jordan, why don’t we start your background and how you came to start Hotel Tech Report.

Jordan My background was in investment management where I was a stock analyst focusing on consumer and technology stocks. I got a little bit of exposure to the travel and tech side of things, investing in companies like TripAdvisor and some media technology companies along the way. After that, I went to work in private equity where I took my deal analysis and due diligence skill set and was investing in boutique hotels, and I eventually went to work on the global partnership team at Starwood.

At that time my co-founder working on a digital concierge business, and ended up getting into an accelerator with Pritzger Group Venture Capital and and asked me for some help. So I joined him, not really thinking I would do that full time, but saw some of the pain points in the the hotel technology industry.

I saw how difficult it was to scale technology into hotels. And as a result of that, how much of a negative perception hotels had when it came to innovation and adopting technology. And so we were working on this digital concierge business and saw some really kind of troubling dynamics in the hotel industry, where you have this imbalance of information.

There was a huge fragmentation in terms of the number of vendors that were out there. And it was really hard to break through and get any market share for innovative companies looking to start up. And we thought there was a huge opportunity to not just scale a single technology into hotels, but figure out how to make the whole market more efficient.

Since we started we have about 400 hotel technology companies using our platform, and we’ve got about 65,000 hoteliers around the world using our site to research different solutions. And we’re really just kind of scratching the surface of what it means to bring transparency and education into the hotel world.

DI: I would imagine Starwood and maybe some of the larger hotel groups struggle with the same kinds of innovation challenges any enterprise organization struggles with. But are there specific challenges or problems you’ve seen specific to hospitality?

Jordan: Absolutely. The first thing is you have a huge fixed asset. So it’s really hard to change the operations of a hotel just by the sheer amount of investment that goes into creating the product. It’s not easy to iterate like software is.

The second is that hotels are really complex operations. If you want to try new things, you need to educate a huge staff that is constantly stretched thin, so it’s really hard to change. Also, this stretched workforce is relatively transient and there’s high turnover, so if you try a new system with one employee, that employee’s likely gone within a matter of six to eight months and you need to train a new employee on a new software. And so there’s this real unwillingness to try new things.

Probably the biggest challenge is that this industry structure is very different from most. Starwood Hotels, Mariott, Hilton – these guys most for the most part don’t actually own their properties anymore.

The way the industry is structured is you have a high net worth individual or a real estate investment trust that owns the hotel. You have a management company put in place to manage the operations, do all the hiring. And then you have a brand who creates brand standards implemented by the management company at scale.

So you have this really diffuse organizational structure. When you’re looking to innovate, it’s really hard to figure out who to work with. Do I go to the management company who’s actually involved in the day-to-day? Do I go to a high net worth individual who probably knows nothing about technology and doesn’t care about my pitch because their Core Business is something completely different from hotels? Do I go to the brand and try and get brand approval at a global level, but then I still have to sell into each individual hotel within that brand?

So it’s really like a kind of strange industry structure that’s created a tough dynamic to navigate.

DI: Have you seen any examples of organizations that have figured out ways to move more quickly, or who have developed a reputation for being particularly innovative and have overcome some of those challenges?

Jordan: Yeah, absolutely. The first one that comes to mind is a company called Highgate Hotels out of New York.

Highgate in the early 2000s and and late 1990s found that the software vendors that were out there were not really serving their needs or moving quickly enough for them. So they actually started creating proprietary software products internally spinning them out to sell to other hotels.

There’s a tool called Travel Tripper that was founded within Highgate that does digital marketing services. They have a central reservation system, which is basically like the central record for all the hotel’s data. And they have a booking engine which is basically like when you book on the hotel’s website. And now they’ve created Highgate Ventures where they’ll invest in technology businesses that are moving the needle forward.

Highgate has been known to move really quickly. They do that by making investments so they have skin in the game and they really incentivize their teams to onboard new products and and fail fast like Silicon Valley.

DI: What are some of the other trends you’re seeing that are the biggest pain points that hotels are running into again and again?

Jordan: Hotels are generally a few years behind other industry verticals. One of the big trends is the shift to the cloud. We’re still there. Under 5%, from the numbers that I’ve seen, of hotels are are using cloud-based property management systems. Most of them are still using server-based systems. So the shift to the cloud has created 750-800 property management systems.

Another would be digitization of operations. Many hotels are still running their operations off of pen and paper log books. There have been tons of companies popping up that are basically purpose-built task management and and team messaging software that help hotels manage their process across shifts, track maintenance requests and understand the lifetime different furniture and fixtures within the hotel.

Only about 7% of hotels today use Revenue management software. So basically running elasticity curves on different booking channels to determine the right price to the right perspective guest at the right time. But there’s a huge trend towards using uh, external and internal data sources to make better pricing recommendations.

And then along the lines of shifting into the cloud, a lot of systems in the hotel are still very fragmented and they actually don’t communicate with each other. So there’s been a huge trend towards open APIs where vendors start by building integrations with partners. And most vendors are moving towards a world where they have open, well-documented APIs. And so you’re seeing a lot of huge movement towards like an open and integrated world where these systems can connect with each other.

So it’s really just around digitization, shifting to the cloud and then integrating all those products so that you have a really streamlined workflow at the hotel.

DI: Has there been an equivalent of a Salesforce or an SAP or something like that where they they sort of got a toehold in the market with one primary product, and then pursue a platform strategy?

Jordan: Probably the third company that you were going to mention was Oracle. Oracle has the leading market share in Property Management Systems. Much more focused on the Enterprise side of things, but they’ve built out modules that will manage other aspects of the hotel through through an acquisition of a company called Micros. So they have a huge market share.

Then the two giants in the space are Sabre and Amadeus which are really moving to build what they call their Hospitality Cloud Solutions. Amadeus has acquired a series of companies that do different things throughout the hotel. They now have their own property management system. They have a partnership with Salesforce to develop vertical sales software.

So you do see an element of that in the market. But with the the kind of interoperability of these systems, I see that coming to an end.
Hotels are often paying exorbitant fees for things that should be much cheaper. Things that should be evolving much faster.

So there’s been a huge movement towards smaller companies like ALICE out of New York that just raised $30 million to build operation software. There’s a company called Mews Systems out of Prague that’s doing an incredible job completely reinventing the property management system, and building their own partner marketplace that connects with their open API.

DI: Have you seen any investments around leveraging IoT and big data? For example, It seems like if you could track my movement for example through the hotel through connected devices and leverage that to personalize an experience or improve an offering. Anything you’re seeing in that space?

Jordan: It’s still early. The real challenge when you start talking about connected devices is that it takes material investments on the part of owners to upgrade their existing portfolio of hotels.

A lot of the innovation around IoT (and in general actually) comes from the gaming market. It’s extremely lucrative. If I could track someone’s movement through a hotel, what would I really do with that? But if I can track someone’s movement through a casino, I could make them targeted offers to play certain slot machines. Or give them freebies and things like that. And so there’s a lot more opportunity and monetary value in gaming. So the Innovations usually start with gaming and then trickle down to the rest of the hotel world.

DI: What about wearables? Like “Hey we know so and so is going to be down for their car in 10 minutes. Valet, can we go ahead and get them?” Anything like that?

Jordan: There’s been there’s been a few early innovations in wearables, but they’ve been on the staff side of the business. Historically staff have walked around with walkie-talkies, and that leads to a lot of things slipping between the cracks. That company ALICE I mentioned now have a smartwatch application so staff can see requests, track whether they’ve completed them or assign them to a team member.

On the customer side, you’ll sometimes see press releases where they put beacons in a hotel in a test market. But it usually doesn’t go anywhere. But in terms of really getting traction – again, if you’re Mariott and you want to have beacons in your hotels, you need to either take that out of your revenue, or convince owners they need to invest in it and prove a real ROI.

DI: You talked about CRM a little bit. How advanced are they in terms of personalization and creating omni-channel experience – you know, taking my website activity and translating that to my experience on property, or vice versa?

Jordan: Absolutely. There’s a whole category of companies called direct booking platforms. There’s a company called Triptease that has done an incredible job. I think they have somewhere around 30,000 hotels globally.

If I get a booking through booking.com, I’m gonna pay 20% commission to them as an independent hotelier. And if I get through my website, I pay nothing. So how do I get people to book through my website more frequently?

The initial product was just a popup on the hotel website that would compare the hotel’s website with booking.com. So they could advertise that they were going to get a better experience if they booked direct. That evolved into more customer relationship management and analytics, and referral links to figure out to send personalized messages. And now they’re adding live chat so they can communicate directly on site. And if you stitch that in with your property systems you can see a lot of information about the guest when they get there.

The other aspect that’s been really interesting is verticalized CRM for hotels. I think it was Excel and KKR that invested a significant growth round in a company called Cendyn out of Florida that does CRM. And it started out really just looking at recency, frequency, monetary value and and trying to send email campaigns to guests at the right time.

There’s a company called Revinate out of San Francisco that started out as reputation management software. And so they started out helping hotels manage TripAdvisor and Metasearch reviews and all that at scale. Now they have the guest data and now they’re starting to connect that into a CRM product. So you can use data and insights from reviews online to determine what your email marketing strategy is going to be.

DI: It seems like the Expedias and TripAdvisors of the world would change how loyalty works, making people less brand-loyal. Is that accurate?

Jordan: It’s definitely one of the biggest worries brands have. When you dis-intermediate on the booking experience and you really commoditize the offerings, my options are I choose a brand that I know, or maybe I have a travel agent recommend it. But if not, I don’t know what I’m getting when I get there and I don’t want to risk that on my vacation.

What those sites have done is brought transparency. So instead of saying brand or I don’t know what the heck I’m gonna get, its what’s the price? What’s the quality? So I think it definitely decreases brand value.

In tandem with that you have an explosion of Brands. Marriott today, with the Starwood acquisition, has something like 35 or 40 brands. In the early 2000s you started to see these Hotel companies sell off their assets to have more capital-efficient operations and businesses with higher return on equity for their investors.

By offloading all the assets on their balance sheet, they were just taking in management fees and really looked like service businesses that were highly scalable. So what happened was a “flag race”. The development teams from all these different companies were going out and trying to put their flags and brand these properties everywhere. What’s the real cost to Starwood to add a new St. Regis into the portfolio? It’s nothing. It’s all incremental.

And so they’re going to go put up the St. Regis flag, give them the brand standards, plug them into the distribution network. And so what happens when is you go out into Atlanta and you sell an owner to put a Marriott flag on it. And you want to pitch another owner down the street that they should become a Marriott, but you can’t do that because of your brand standards. You can’t have two Marriott’s within a three-block radius.

So you create a new brand so that you can increase your market share. So they’ve created all these Brands so that they can go out and cross-sell two different owners in the same market.

Now what’s happening is the brand proposition changes for not just the customer but for the owners of the real estate. You might try to sell me a Sheraton flag instead of Marriot. But you’re plugging me into the same distribution channel. Who’s to say that you’re that you’re not going to cannibalize my business when Marriott becomes a more profitable channel for you?

And so both on the consumer side, the disintermediation has diluted brand value. And on the owner side, you have to pay these exorbitant brand fees. And what do you really get for that? That’s the real question that a lot of these brands are struggling with.

But these are all kind of relatively new problems. The change in business model for the Marriott’s and Hiltons of the world has enabled them to have really immense growth even in the presence of an Airbnb and the Expedia’s. So fortunately everybody’s winning right now and travel’s moving up. But it’s a real question those guys are going to have to address eventually.

DI: What do you think is most exciting from an innovation perspective in the space?

Jordan: I think it’s really about a unified experience. So, figuring out how do you deliver the conveniences in the consumer world into the hotel? For example, bring your own device into the hotel room for your entertainment system. Instead of paying 20 bucks for a pay-per-view movie, just login with your Netflix.

I also think guest messaging and customer experience. There’s a company out of LA called Whistle the does an incredible job just making it so that guests never have to call and go on wait to get with room service or to book a spa appointment or to get with the front desk.

And then on the consumer side a lot of the innovation comes in from luxury and from gaming and then trickles down. Some of the luxury properties we’re seeing are working with technology to create innovative experiences. Obviously design is a huge part of the value proposition of a hotel, especially in the age of Instagram. And we’re seeing some of these really high-end properties start experimenting with digital art. Taking really high-end fine art and animating it to create a really immersive experience.

What these guys at Wrapped are doing is creating ultra high res art. And they’re using the same technology that Game of Thrones is using to create the dragons and CGI and they’re starting to animate art to create a really big wow factor when you get into a hotel.

Growth models: the missing piece in your product strategy

A growth model is one of the best tools we’ve seen for product management.

It helps you plan for exactly how you’ll get to success. It helps you identify the levers you can manipulate to acquire and keep users. It can tell you whether the expectations you’ve set (or have been set for you) are realistic. And they help you prioritize decisions for what to build or optimize next.

Growth models have become increasingly common in high growth startups. But we’ve never seen an enterprise product team implement one in our consulting engagements, nor have we seen one when listening to startup pitches at our sister company’s venture fund.

Which is unfortunate. Growth models aren’t just helpful when you’re riding a rocket ship. They can be useful pre-product market fit (and even pre-launch) to validate assumptions and provide rationale for how you’re going to get from here to there.

We first heard about growth models from Brian Balfour, and our approach is heavily influenced by his. Here’s how to create one.

We’ve created a sample growth model you can play with. Scroll down to the bottom of this article to get immediate access.

Identify your north star metric.

The first step in building out a growth model is to identify the key metric that will determine product success.

While there will certainly be other metrics you’ll be monitoring, there is tremendous value in identifying a single metric to focus your team.

A good north star organizes everyone’s thinking. It helps you communicate with your team (or investors, or growth board or steering committee). And in our experience it tends to get teams to move faster since they’re trying to improve one thing.

A good north star metric is typically a retention or engagement metric of some kind. For most products, unless you have solid retention you don’t have a viable long term business.

It’s important to keep in mind the nature of your customer relationship – you might have a desire for your user to engage with you on a daily basis, but that might not map to their desire. My mortgage company might want me to have their mobile app on my phone and for me to log in regularly, but if I never have to deal with my mortgage company again I’m happy.

Some examples of good north star metrics:

  • Daily active users: good for collaboration apps that are an essential part off my job (email, slack, CRM, etc) or social sites.
  • Monthly active subscribers: good for box model or subscription sites. It sounds like it might be good for SaaS products as well, but it typically is a lagging indicator – ideally there is usage data that you can identify that is predictive of eventual churn if you don’t intervene.
  • Marketplace businesses usually have some version of a chicken and egg problem. The answer is usually to prioritize the supply side of the equation, as this will lead to the demand side if successful.

That said, consider the nature of your business. WhatsApp prioritized number of messages sent per day, realizing that they were competing with SMS and had a usage pattern of many times per day if successful.

LinkedIn for a long time prioritized number of profiles created. While total accounts is usually something that savvy investors would discount (they care about active users, not total users), LinkedIn realized recruiters were how they made money, and recruiters cared about having lots of resumes to search on.

Figure out the inputs that lead to that metric.

Let’s say you decide monthly actives are the critical metric. The next step is to figure out how to get there.

The goal is to identify the levers that will get you to your end state. Each of these can be manipulated to increase (or decrease) your north star metric.


For acquisition, ask yourself what marketing channels you plan to use. What do you think are realistic numbers for each in terms of visits? How do you think you’ll get there?

Take SEO for example. Often a team will say organic search will be one of the ways they get customers. But how will they get them?

Well, organic search is a function of the number of keywords you rank for, the search volume for those keywords, and the expected clickthrough rate for ranking in a particular position. It’s also likely that ranking will take time.

Organic Search Growth Model ExampleYou’ll most likely be engaging in some content marketing strategy coupled with link building. So how many articles will you create each month? Make a guess on average search position across all keywords. Assume that you won’t show up on page one for a while, and that it will take 12 months at least to reach a top 3 position. What does that look like?

Again, the point of all this granularity is to help you frame expectations for yourself and your team. “We’ll get users from SEO” sounds great. But without clear assumptions for how you’ll get there you’re stumbling in the dark and likely to create disappointment when you can’t hit those numbers.

The same should apply to all your other channels:

  • PR: how many articles will you show up in? Can you estimate the average page views for an article on that site? What’s the expected click through rate on an article?
  • Paid Acquisition: what channels will you be using? What’s the estimated audience for each? What’s the anticipated cost per click and clickthrough rate?
  • Social: how do you anticipate growing your audience? What are reasonable numbers for organic reach? How many posts will you be publishing each month?


What happens once people land on your site? At DI we talk about activation instead of “user registration” because activation is more predictive of long term engagement, and there’s often a drop off between registration and them engaging in your core experience.

Identify the steps users have to take between visit to registration, and between registration and activation. Create some estimates for conversion rate for each step (if you have data already, plug that in instead. Try not to throw up.) Now you’ve identified the areas of product friction within your product and can work toward reducing them.


People often get confused when trying to model out referral. But it’s not that difficult – the key again is granularity.

Referral growth model exampleIdentify every opportunity to refer that makes sense. There are often more opportunities than simple having an “invite friends” screen. For example, lets say I have a collaborative todo list app. I could have an invite screen during onboarding. I could have another one from the dashboard. And I could have an “assign task” flow whenever a new todo is created. Again, take into consideration the nature of the customer relationship. I’m probably not going to send an email to my contacts suggesting they get a mortgage.

For each, document each step and make assumptions on conversion rate. On the invite screen, the user will send X number of invites on average. X% of users will see the invite and click through. X% of those will create an account, and x% will activate.

Add those new users to your total activated users. What you’ll quickly see is the power of referral. While it’s rare to have an app that’s truly “viral”, most apps can get some lift from referral. Which drives down your CAC.


You have to plan for churn. And for most products, churn is actually pretty steep. Look for baseline metrics for retention 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months later. And build that into your model in the form of cohorts.

retention growth model example

Don’t be surprised when it looks ugly.

Once you’ve documented all this, step back and play with your model. You’re probably going to see that it’s going to take WAY more work than you thought to hit your numbers.

That’s okay. Kind of like getting your financial house in order, the first step is to confront reality. You’re not going to get on Techcrunch and be staggeringly successful. It’s going to be grind.

The growth model helps you understand what it’s going to take. It can help you and your team steel yourself for the slog that’s about to come.

Use it to manage your team

The real power of the growth model is as a management tool. You don’t want to create it once time and then ignore it. As you start executing, plug the results into your model. Adjust your assumptions as you start to capture real data.

Use the model to prioritize decision making. Whenever you’re discussing a new idea for a feature or product iteration, ask yourself which variable in the model is it going to impact and estimate what that impact will be. this can be extremely helpful in seeing which work will have the biggest impact if successful. It can help diffuse conflict around what to focus on (or salespeople who rely on anecdotal data, or a boss that’s typically the loudest person in the room.)

Use it to set realistic goals for your team. If you’ve decided to prioritize SEO, it’s helpful to show your team how much content they’re going to have to crank out and how many links they’re going to have to acquire to hit their numbers. It can help you be realistic while also creating urgency.

Get access to our growth model template.

There are few tools we’ve seen that have been more useful for product teams than a growth model. It sounds tedious, and the model will 100% be inaccurate. But the time it takes will be more than worth it in terms of setting expectations, prioritizing the right things, and measuring impact.

We’ve created a growth model template with detailed assumptions for a fictional product that you can customize to fit your needs. Fil out the form below to get immediate access.

The Promise of Progressive Web Applications

Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) could dramatically change the application landscape. They combine the best things about the web with the best things about native applications, allowing you to build rich web applications that can live on a user’s device and take advantage of native functionality.

In a nutshell, Progressive Web Apps are sites that can self-install on your device. It makes it possible to fully or incrementally offline an app onto your device.

The Chrome team has made big investments in this technology with their Service Worker and Web App Manifest specifications. And as of April of this year, Apple quietly added support for these two specs as well. That means that, with some limitations, progressive web applications are ready for prime time.

Benefits of Progressive Web Applications

They are responsive.

PWAs work on any device. While universal applications have addresses the issue of designing or different device types to a degree, you still have to deal with different platforms (android vs. iOS vs web). PWAs hold the potential to address this.

They work offline.

One feature of PWAs is “service workers”, which allow for offline connectivity. For field sales teams or other situations where there is low (or no) connectivity, PWAs will be able to function where web apps can’t.

They feel like native apps.

A big part of the appeal of native applications are the interactions and navigational concepts that have emerged. PWAs have similar functionality, allowing your app to have the same fast, responsive feedback and microinteractions for users.

PWAs also can access various functionality at the device level. This includes things like geolocation, the accelerometer and other sensors, the camera and audio, Apple Pay, and more.

Simpler growth hooks.

DI thinks a lot about how the growth hooks you can leverage inside of products to drive distribution, retention and referral.

PWAs have the potential to be more discoverable via search engines. For anyone who’s good at SEO and who knows the costs of mobile app installs, this could be a boon. Housing.com was able to drop its user acquisition costs on Android from $3.75 to just 7 cents.

PWAs also have less friction for registration and onboarding since they are easily shared with a URL (which also assists in referral). And since they can take advantage of native functionality like push notifications, they can facilitate a retention loop and make it more likely you can build user habits.

Faster iteration.

Your speed through the build-measure-learn loop is critical to getting from your initial product to a product that users love. Since there is no submission process, updates are available immediately. This also means that companies could publish internal applications for their employees without having to distribute through the app store.

Save Money.

You can also upgrade your existing web applications to PWAs, which saves you a ton of money vs. building native app experiences. While this probably isn’t a replacement for your mobile apps for consumer products, for internal enterprise applications it might make a lot of sense.

Limitations of Progressive Web Applications

There are still limitations to PWAs. On iOS, you can only store files up to 50MB offline. They can’t access some device-level functionality like Bluetooth, Face ID, AR Kit, etc. They aren’t able to run in the background, and they don’t have any access to user information stored on a device (like contacts or app passwords).

Android has more functionality – you can store larger files, you can access bluetooth, leverage push notifications and more.

That said, many of these limitations are likely to change in the next 12 months. PWA support was extremely spotty 12 months ago.

Progressive Web App Examples and Success Stories

The success stories for PWAs are early, but compelling.

Start Building PWAs today

For any organization with a large field operation, or people gathering data in locations with unreliable connections, PWAs can be a fast and effective way to increase efficiency. And for everyone else, PWAs hold promising potential to create more engagement and drive increased conversions.

We’d love to help you bring the power of Progressive Web Apps to your organization. Reach out to schedule a collaborative workshop or design sprint, or for more information.

Building Voice Interfaces People Actually Want to Use

Voice is increasingly becoming a preferred method of interacting with devices. It’s easy to see why. Voice-based interfaces are:

  • Fast. On average, users can speak 150 words per minute, but can only type 40.
  • Easy. Users don’t have to stop what they’re doing. Voice interfaces fit into our lives more seamlessly.
  • Personalized. Answers can be tailored based on the user’s location or context, and based on previous interactions.

Thanks to the proliferation of APIs and platforms currently available, voice interfaces are relatively easy to stand up. However, most interfaces don’t get used. They solve non-existent problems, or they do so in a way that is frustrating for users. The end result is a dismal level of retention and ongoing use for most skills.

DI has spent considerable time over the last year wrapping our heads around the implications of the voice revolution. Having built voice interfaces for telecommunication companies, meal delivery startups and more, DI has learned what works in the space and the pitfalls to avoid in crafting a usable voice interface.

Prototype early and often.

By far the most important piece of advice is to prototype early and often. Your voice interface will be much different than your web or mobile app.

You’ll likely discover that a step of your process is super clunky, or that additional steps are necessary to give the user the information they need. Plan for several iterations.

Avoid bad reviews.

Reviews play a big role the rankings and discoverability inside any platform, and the big voice platforms are no different. Even if you have a responsive cadence for providing feedback and fixing problems, it’s rare for customers to update reviews after the fact. Your best bet is to hit them off at the pass.

Set good expectations.

One great way to avoid unnecessary bad reviews is to tell your users what they will and will not be able to do with your skill. Put it in the description of the skill itself. Put it in Alexa Cards. Put it everywhere else you do promotion.

Identify edge cases.

Your users are going to behave in strange ways. Expect it. Create graceful error messages to guide users back on the right track. Consider how the app will respond when users provide all, some, or even none of the necessary information.

Be careful about wording.

Often phrasing that sounds good on paper doesn’t work when translated to voice. For example, if you ask “would you like X or Y”, don’t be surprised if users respond with “yes”. Focus on keeping your answers short and concise – Alexa speaks slower than a normal human would.

Think about brand.

Just because an interface doesn’t have any visual elements doesn’t mean it’s not an opportunity to build or reinforce your brand.

Ask yourself what your product or service’s personality is like. How would they talk to other people? Craft your copy to match.

Naming matters.

Don’t assume your users will understand how to pronounce the name of your skill. Don’t assume that it sounds the same regardless of accent. Test it. Also focus on what language consumers would use when trying to find your app. Don’t use jargon – think about them like keywords, because that’s what they are.

Make sure you have analytics set up.

Just because it’s a voice interface doesn’t mean you can’t capture data on how users interact (or don’t) with it. Study the most successful paths users take, and figure out how to funnel more of your users through those paths.

Obsess over “completed query percentage.”

By far the biggest predictor of retention is the percentage of queries successfully resolved on the first try. Users get frustrated with buggy voice interfaces much more quickly than other modalities.

Tracking and iterating to improve this percentage is a great way to boost retention, which can have a huge impact on growth. In fact, a 20% increase in retention results in nearly 4x the growth rate.

Add functionality.

While you want to constrain your application to a limited set of use cases, you’ll often find places where users go off the rails, or identify use cases you hadn’t thought about before. Adding this functionality can increase your completed query percentage, which increases satisfaction.

Keep user requirements simple.

Every additional piece of information you require reduces your completed query percentage. Figure out ways to make the interaction simpler.

Domino’s pizza, for example, has default order functionality inside of user accounts, allowing users to say “Alexa, order me a pizza.” and have it complete that task without asking for any additional information.

If a request does require multiple steps, make sure you keep the session “open” – customers get frustrated if they need to invoke your app for every request.

Use text to streamline onboarding.

There is not currently a fantastic way of linking user accounts with an Alexa skill. The best approach we’ve seen is to leverage text messaging.

Ask the user for their phone number (which, unlike email, has a high likelihood of being captured successfully) and send them a text message to verify their account and finish onboarding.

Place subtle triggers into your skills to drive retention.

One of the biggest issues with driving retention is the inability to send notifications – every interaction must be initiated by the user.

One sneaky way to train users can be to remind them at the end of a completed query to use it again. Something as simple at “here is your daily briefing”, or “check back tomorrow” can provide subtle, even subconscious cues to your users.

Leverage existing channels to drive adoption.

You’re not going to get enough traffic yet from the various app stores to drive significant volume, and paid ad networks don’t exist yet either. Your best bet is to leverage your existing assets – social, email, your website and others.

You probably need to augment off the shelf tools with your own.

While out of the box APIs can get you a long way, they’re often insufficient. For example, a product catalog probably needs to be backed by a fuzzy, full-text search, because people don’t say full product names, i.e. the full name of a Purely menu item.  Rather, they might say, “add the steak” to my cart.  They might also list multiple items in one breath.  Alexa will figure out what they are saying, but an API without fuzzy matching won’t find any matches for that specific menu title.

Start innovating with voice interfaces today.

It’s still early in the lifecycle of voice interfaces, and new patterns will emerge as customers and brands figure out what works and what doesn’t.

But being early to any platform usually creates a virtuous cycle. You learn faster than your competitors, you build an active install base, and you dig a moat. The friction inherent in getting an Alexa skill installed becomes an advantage once you’re on their device. If you can build a habit around your skill, they are highly unlikely to switch.

DI would love to talk with you about ways your customers could leverage voice to interact with your products or services. Don’t hesitate to reach out with questions or to discus how to bring voice interfaces to your organization.

Creating Voice Interfaces People Actually WANT To Use from Digital Intent

Everything you ever wanted to know about Gamification

Gamification suffers from vagueness – ask 100 people what they think it means and you get 100 different answers.

We think the best definition of game mechanics is from Gartner – they describe it as “the use of game mechanics and experience design to digitally engage and motivate people 
to achieve their goals.”

“Gamification is the use of game mechanics and experience design to digitally engage and motivate people to achieve their goals.”

An even simpler way of thinking about it is “nonfiction gaming”. You’re using the tools of game design to create environments and experiences that people – consumers, internal team members, etc – want to engage with.

What Gamification is NOT

Gamification isn’t badges. When you say gamification, people often immediately associate it with badges, points, and levels. While those are game mechanics you can certainly leverage inside of an experience, that’s a very simplistic definition.

Gamification isn’t the solution to a bad experience. Part of why gamification has become so popular is that it seems to offer the promise of magically increasing engagement in anything it’s applied to. And while there are many examples of where gamification has been used effectively (which we’ll discuss), it’s not a magic pill.

If your product or service is fundamentally flawed, incorporating game mechanics won’t make enough of a difference to turn failure into success. As we often say at DI, the best growth hack is a great product.

Gamification does not mean “games.” Gamification borrows from games using tools and techniques to make non-game experiences more game-like. But it does not mean your objective is to create a game where one doesn’t exist.

You can think of gamification on a spectrum. On the one end, you have micro-gamification. This is the use of individual game mechanics in a very tactical fashion to influence a specific metric. You can think of it as a subset of the larger discipline of conversion optimization. Conversion optimization can include elements of gamification, but not all conversion strategies leverage game mechanics.

SproutSocial is leveraging micro-gamification on this registration form to increase motivation.

SproutSocial is leveraging micro-gamification on this registration form to increase motivation.In the middle you have “gamified experiences”, where you are taking either a new or existing application and baking in multiple game mechanics across the entire user journey to create a much more engaging experience.

And on the far end you have full scale games. Here, the entire experience is a game, but it’s still designed to accomplish a business objective of some kind.

All three can be leveraged inside of companies, and all we’ve implemented all three for clients.

What Can I Do With Gamification?

The use cases for gamification are vast, but we generally put them into one of three buckets.

The first is to increase top line awareness and engagement with a brand. Game mechanics can incentivize users to participate and increase their exposure to your brand, and to get their friends to do the same.

There are many examples of this in action. Some of our favorite examples:

  • MTV’s My Chart lets users create their video chart based on various game dynamics, and obtained 500,000 votes and 150,000 videos viewed within 3 months
  • Buffalo Wild Wings ran a gamified campaign that generated more than 100 million social impressions as well as a 500% increase in participation rate.
  • DI has worked with a company called Billow that leverages game mechanics for social promotions. Eight O’Clock coffee used a campaign we helped create generated 55,265 likes and 227k plays in a little more than a month. Another campaign they did for Chapstick got them over 1m story impressions and increased their fans by over 400%.

The second is to improve the onboarding, retention and use of new or existing applications. At DI we talk all the time about the customer funnel, which is basically the 5 phases of a customer’s journey with your product. Game mechanics can help improve metrics in the activation, retention, revenue and referral phases.

A few examples:

  • Autodesk gamified their free trial, increasing trial usage by 54% and channel revenue by 29%.
  • The SAP Community Network gamified its community platform, increasing usage by 400% and community feedback by 96%.
  • Domino’s Pizza increased sales revenue by 30% using game mechanics in its app.
  • Nike drives over 5,000,000 users to beat their personal fitness goals every day of the year with their Nike+ experience.
  • DI worked with a community management platform called SocialQnect. They used game mechanics to create communities with hundreds of thousands of users with millions of threads in each.

The third use case is to increase compliance with internal systems and improve sales and support effectiveness. Some examples:

  • Spotify replaced annual reviews with a mobile, gamified solution with over 90% of employees participating voluntarily.
  • Google designed a Travel Expense System resulting in close to 100% of employee compliance for travel expenses.
  • Engine Yard increased the response rate for its customer service representatives by 40%.

There are other use cases for gamification as well – you can leverage gamification to increase user happiness when interacting with an interface – what we call “delighters”. Easter eggs are an example. Effective use of delights can spur word of mouth, and particularly effective implementations can increase customer satisfaction.

The essential components of a gamification model.

A well thought out gamification model has the following pieces:

  • Players – your prospective users or customers. When designing gamification loops we talk about them as players.
  • Win State – your goal with the gamification loop. Your win state is where business objectives and player goals align.
  • Actions – the series of steps necessary to reach the win state. Game mechanics are applied to actions to increase their effectiveness.
  • Analytics and Feedback Systems – in order to know if your efforts are working you need both qualitative feedback from players and quantitative analytics.

Without these elements you either won’t have a complete loop, or your loop won’t be effective, or it will but you won’t know it.

So how do you build the model? The process is very similar to any other development project. DI’s process for gamification includes the following steps:

  • Understand the mission from the business perspective and the player’s perspective.
  • Identify the behavior change that accomplishes that mission, ideate around possible tools for making that happen, and design potential approaches.
  • Prototype the solution, roll it out and test for efficacy.
  • Iterate on the solution, making sure to monitor its effectiveness with each iteration.

Step 1: Understand

During the first phase, we are seeking to understand three primary things:

  • The key business objectives we’re trying to improve.
  • The players involved in driving that change.
  • The motivations that drive those players so we know how to create an experience that accomplishes their goals and the business objectives.

Identify the business objective.

Gamification can represent a big waste of time if you’re unclear what it is you’re trying to accomplish. So clarity on business objective is imperative. Each step in the customer funnel has concrete objectives that can be optimized leveraging gamification.

  • Activation: If you’re an ecommerce company or an app that has a registration component, you might be trying to increase the percentage of people who complete their checkout process or who successfully sign up.
  • Retention: Most applications don’t spend enough time measuring and optimizing their engagement and retention metrics. Gamification represents a great mechanism to help users build habits.
  • Revenue: SaaS businesses often operate on a “free to paid” model, where they give users a free trial and upgrade them after some duration or level of usage. Optimizing the % of people who upgrade through game mechanics is a huge opportunity.
  • Referral: referral loops are a critical component of any application looking to have a positive viral coefficient. Game mechanics are one of the best ways to improve the effectiveness of your referral loop.

Note that these same principles apply for internal applications – you want to make sure as many team members as possible adopt, and continue use over an extended period of time. Otherwise your investments in new technology initiatives are doomed to fail.

An important note: often the business objective you’re trying to improve is NOT the business objective you’re going to design your gamified experience around. To figure what experience you need to create, it’s essential to dig into the root causes behind a problem instead of simply accepting it as a given.

For example, lets say your CRM tells you sales are sluggish. Rather than implementing a campaign to increase call or meeting volume, you first ask a couple questions and you discover the following:

  • It turns out the CRM is reporting that data because your sales team isn’t accurately or expeditiously tracking their activity.
  • Your team isn’t tracking their activity because they’re on the road all the time.
  • They aren’t using the mobile app your CRM has because it’s frustrating to use.
  • It’s frustrating to use because they haven’t participated in the training.

So we move from an activity issue to a tracking issue to a training issue. And perhaps the best step is to implement and gamify an initiative to increase the number of salespeople taking the training program on the CRM.

Identify the players.

Once you’ve identified the business objective, you need to figure out who the players are. In the above example, the obvious answer is your sales team.

There are certain situations where you’ll actually have multiple players:

  • Most online communities are subject to what’s known as the 90:9:1 rule. It states that 90% of your users will mostly be lurkers, with 10% of your users contributing the most content and 1% being your power users who are on the community constantly.
  • Marketplace businesses have at least two types of users, often in the form of buyers and sellers or a “supply” and “demand” side. Those users have very different motivations.
  • Many apps have a consumer or end-user facing side and an administrative side. Both types of users are important – the software world is full of admin backends that never get used.

In each of these cases you have multiple types of players, and they’re all important. You’ll want to identify how you can create experiences for each of them that in aggregate help accomplish your business objective.

Identify the player’s goals.

The last step is understanding the player’s win state. We need to know what they’re trying to do, and what motivates them so the solution we create can compel them to take action.

BJ Fogg runs the Stanford Persuasion Lab. And he has developed a model for what he believes drives behavior change.

There are three elements to it – Motivation, Ability and Triggers. If a user is sufficiently motivated to complete an action, it’s sufficiently easy to do, and you show the appropriate trigger at the appropriate time, a user is likely to complete the action you want.

Gamification is about uncovering the behavior change you’re after that accomplishes your business objective and the player’s win state, then using game mechanics to increase a user’s motivation.

Behavior Change = Motivation + Ability + Triggers

So how do you increase their motivation? The goal of your experience should be to make the player feel awesome in some way. Awesome can take several forms.

  • You can try to make your players feel smart. Which means achieving mastery of some kind. Learning new things. Solving puzzles. Accumulating knowledge.
  • You can make them feel successful. That they’ve overcome a challenge, they won, they achieved something.
  • You can make them feel structure. Which means that they understand their purpose, the larger mission, the goals and the rules are all clear.
  • You can make them feel more socially connected. This could be friendly competition, collaboration, or even just bonding.

Inside an internal organization, salespeople are often motivated by success and social rewards. Customer support teams are often motivated by structure and success. Engineers are motivated by looking smart and socially rewarded. Customer personas will have similar leanings. Identifying them and understanding them are essential.

The danger of using money as a motivator.

Often companies will try to motivate players by bribing them. While this sounds like an easy way to avoid doing the hard work of understanding their other motivations, it can often backfire.

When money is used as an external reward for some activity, the subjects lose intrinsic interest for the activity. The introduction of an extrinsic reward has a permanently altering effect on the intrinsic interest. It does not matter how often or rarely you use an extrinsic reward, just the fact that the reward is introduced changes the game forever.

This mistake is commonly made in loyalty programs or apps with a store of value. Even here, redemption is not the core motivator of loyalty programs. Status is. Foursquare proves this, as does FarmVille. Money goes in. Nothing comes out. In fact, FarmVille did a promotion with 7 Eleven, but it wasn’t redeem your credits for Slurpees. Rather players bought Slurpees in order to get FarmVille credits.

Step 2: Ideate

With your objectives defined, your actors named and their motivations uncovered, you’re ready to start identifying the behavior changes that accomplish that mission – the series of actions that will lead to the confluence of your business objectives and the player’s goals. We call this the win state.

There is no silver bullet to gamification. It’s common to hear people starting out in gamification say “Let’s just add some points, and a leaderboard, and the natural desire for people to be at the top of the leaderboard will do the rest.” This is called PBL (points, badges and leaderboards). And it’s wrong.

This is wrong for two reasons. First, there are usually a series of steps that have to take place, or micro behaviors that have to change to lead up to a larger change that accomplishes your business objective. It’s essential to break each step down and identify solutions for each.

Secondly, badges, leaderboards and other gamification elements whose primary motivation is competition actually only appeal to a subset of your players.

The importance of a gamer’s type.

Professor Richard Bartle has classified humans as gamers into four types: Killers, Achievers, Explorers and Socializers.

  • Killers want to beat other people. I want to win, and for you to lose. This might sounds bad, but often is a good thing. Killers are often the most engaged players inside of your community. You don’t necessarily want to discourage them, but you do want to shape their behavior. For example, a community app could implement an incentive system that specifically rewards positive comments with points.
  • Achievers look similar to killers, but there is an important distinction. They want to win, but they don’t care or desire it to be at the expense of other people. These are people who are motivated by mastery for its own sake rather than the comparison of themselves to others.
  • Explorers want to go places and find out stuff. These are the people who love to find easter eggs in applications, like the kids who knew all the secret levels in Super Mario Brothers. They will be the ones who kick the tires on all your features, who look for cracks in the system to exploit (not for the competition but for the joy of discovering the loophole,) and who create wikis sharing their discoveries with others.
  • Socializers don’t care what they do as long as they are doing it with their friends. They want lightweight, non-confrontational, interactions with other people. FarmVille players were usually Socializers.

Perhaps the most surprising thing people find when we discuss gamification is the breakdown of each type of player. Many people assume that most players are either Killers or Achievers – that is how most gamification initiatives are designed. But in reality, Killers only make up about 1% of players. The most common player type by a huge margin are Socializers, who represent as much as 80% of the player universe.

These percentages obviously change depending on the type of players you are targeting – it’s likely your target players skew in certain ways. But at a minimum it’s wise to avoid the assumption that they will primarily be motivated by competition. In fact, cooperative games out-ratio in popularity competitive games by a factor of 3:1 according to Jane McGonigal.

Cooperative games out-ratio competitive games in popularity by a factor of 3:1. – Jane McGonigal

The importance of a player’s stage

In addition to the type of players you’re targeting, it’s important to keep in mind the stage of the experience the user is in. Their goals and expectations are different depending on how long they’ve been a user.

A good game gives players the feeling that they can master it. But as soon as a player masters it, the game cranks the difficulty up. This keeps them in a state of “flow.”

Compare that to any non-game. Business applications, complex image manipulation software, CAD programs, and even a simple banking website tend to offer the first time user a lot of complexity. The level of difficulty the system is exposing to the user is far above the skills that the user has at that moment. The system pushes the user into the “frustration zone,” the zone where the user feels overwhelmed and doesn’t know where to begin.

On the other hand, when a user becomes very familiar with the system, the system complexity tends to remain at the same level as at the beginning, thus moving the user in the “boredom-zone”.

The question that arises for a gamification designer is how to design business applications that balance the skills of the user with the exposed complexity of the system to keep players in the flow state as long as possible.

preserving flow state

The importance of frequency.

Lastly, you need to keep in mind the nature of the application itself, and specifically the frequency of the behavior you’re trying to create. There are no right answers here, although certain types of experiences lend themselves to certain frequency patterns:

  • Several times a day (email, FB, CRM, etc.)
  • One to several times a week (banking systems, time sheets).
  • Once a month (mortgage companies, utility billing systems, etc.)
  • Only once (polls, quizzes, etc.)

Gamification has the power to actually increase frequency. But whether you should is a different question – if increased frequency doesn’t accomplish a business objective or a user goal, and simply represents a vanity metric, the answer is probably not.

So which game mechanics should I use?

We’re commonly asked which game mechanics work the best. But as you can probably guess by now, different mechanics work better for different players, with different dispositions, at different stages in an experience. This is why PBL doesn’t work – you need to be more nuanced, and pick the right tools for the job.

Some sample game mechanics are below. Any of these can be effective when used in the right context. But understanding the business objective, player, and the desired win state are imperative first steps.

Game mechanics

Given that understanding, how do you decide which game mechanics to use? Different mechanics lend themselves to particular types of actions. The best approach is to ideate around potential mechanics that will suit the given action you’re trying to get players to take, and test each approach through prototyping.

Let’s say you’ve built a question and answer platform, and you’re trying to improve retention (your business objective). The “lightbulb moment” when players truly understand the app and its value might be when they’ve received a fast helpful answer to their first question (your user goal). The series of actions might look something like this:

  • Players register for the application.
  • Players ask their first question.
  • Players receive their first response.

Let’s also assume that you’ve done the work to understand your player types. You’ve learned most of your new players aren’t killers or achievers, so appealing to status (or implementing game mechanics around that like PBL) might not be the primary mechanism for achieving this win state. However, you have a second set of players -the folks who will answer questions asked by your new players. Your data indicates they skew higher on Achiever.

An ideation process might result in hypotheses like the following:

game mechanics brainstorming

The hope will be that some combination of these actions creates the most likely scenario to achieve your win state. Armed with your hypotheses, you begin to prototype.

Step 3: Prototyping

Prototyping gamification isn’t too different from other uses of prototyping. Your goal as always is to identify a viable approach as quickly and cost effectively as possible, using a deliverable that is high enough fidelity to communicate the final implementation with no additional waste.

At DI, prototyping consists of a series of steps, in increasing fidelity.

Start with sketches.

Starting out your goal is to get as many ideas down as possible, as cheaply as possible. And for this purpose it’s hard to be paper and pencil.

Sketching allows you to rapidly ideate around potential implementations of each game mechanic for the action in question. Your focus is on quantity, not quality at this point.

There are a variety of exercises you can conduct to make this process more effective, many of which we fold into our DI Design Sprint process. Below are some basic guidelines:

  • Go for volume. We will often conduct time boxed exercises (10-20 minutes or so) where the goal is to get as many ideas down as possible. The forced constraint and the emphasis on volume forces you to avoid perfectionism. Drawings are crude, with just enough detail to communicate the point. We’ve found going for volume can actually increase the likelihood of novel solutions – your first ideas are likely to be rehashes of what you’ve done in the past, and new ideas tend to emerge once those ideas are exhausted.
  • Leverage design patterns. This might sound a bit contradictory, but when designing solutions leveraging game mechanics it’s usually wise to have the team be aware of what the various mechanics are, and how they are best used. Just as knowing how the play the classics usually precedes being able to effectively improvise, so too does understanding the tools in your toolbox improve the likelihood of identifying novel implementations of those tools.
  • Make it collaborative. Sort of. Sketching exercises can be effectively done in a group setting, but we don’t believe in collaborative sketching. Rather, the team engages in a series of miniature sprints, where everyone sketches solutions by themselves. You then come together as a group to discuss, combine and co-create the best implementation based on the individual solutions. To the previous point, it’s often wise to start with a session to train the team on the various game mechanics you can leverage – giving them their toolbox.

Move to mockups. Don’t worry about wireframes.

Once you’ve identified potential solutions through a collaborative sketching process, we advocate for moving directly to high fidelity designs, forgoing the traditional wire framing process.

Remember the goal of prototyping – you want to get something in the hands of customers with the least amount of waste. While mockups take a bit more time than wireframes do, in our experience wireframes are usually insufficient to communicate your intent to players. They simply don’t understand what wireframes are.

Your sketching process likely provides your team with a “good enough” version of a wireframe for the purposes of prototyping – you don’t have to have all the details worked out yet, until you know if you’re directionally on the right track.

Get out of the building and in front of customers.

At DI we often say customer feedback is oxygen. It’s how we keep ourselves honest, how we know whether our solutions are accomplishing their intended objective, and minimizes waste.

Customer feedback is oxygen.

Customer feedback is oxygen.It’s constantly a surprise how rarely organizations show intermediate deliverables to customers. Too many decisions at the tactical level are made inside of conference rooms, with people who are simply too close to the problem and who have baked-in incentives to see the solution work.

Customers, even loyal ones, don’t care about any of that. They will be much more likely to tell you what works and what doesn’t with your implementation, saving you considerable cost that would be incurred by waiting until the solution is live in the world.

Don’t be surprised to find it taking multiple loops to arrive at a viable solution. Humble yourself before engaging in a customer feedback process, and remember that any work spent iterating now is much cheaper than it will be to change later.

Do some math.

The last point relates to specific types of game mechanics. If you do end up implementing some form of a points system or have levels or other forms of social currency, you want to make sure the system has “balance.”

Good point systems have a concept of progressive engagement. They start out easy, giving players points for doing seemingly trivial activities in order to get them engaged and to help them build up an initial store of value (which increases their incentive to continue playing.) As they continue to play, points either become harder to come by, or more likely the number of points required to “level up” become larger. This is one way to keep players in the “flow state” as discussed previously.

You want to make sure your points system doesn’t have any obvious flaws in it. There are several things to look out for:

  • Points are too hard to acquire early on.
  • Points are too easy later.
  • A certain level deviates from player expectations by either being disproportionately easy or hard relative to it’s neighbor levels.
  • Certain actions have disproportionate effects – for example a certain type of action having too much weight in the point system relative to its difficulty, creating a situation where players “game the system.”
  • Incentivizing actions in a way that players are too incentivized to engage in behavior that doesn’t address your primary business objectives.

The way you solve for this is by modeling your system out. You run it through a simulation to see how the decisions you make impact the game over time.

If you have an existing application, you can leverage your historical data to implement such a model. While your game mechanics will (hopefully) alter future behavior, it can still be helpful to see how your system would have rewarded past behavior – for example, seeing how many of your players would have reached certain levels in certain periods of time.

Step 4: Iterate

Once you’ve prototyped your solution and have customer validation that your implementation might be on the right track, it’s time to implement version one.

The complexity of your development will depend on the mechanics you decide to use – implementing a progress bar is much easier than implementing a full points system, for example.

What’s essential is to make sure the development team understands the system will likely change over time, and to plan for that change by creating a flexible system.

The importance of analytics and feedback.

In order for you to know whether the system works or not, it’s imperative you have two feedback mechanisms in place. The first is an analytics framework.

The most important consideration when evaluating potential analytics solutions is to capture event-based data, not simply transactional data. Transactional data are things like a successful purchase on your commerce site, or a registration for your SaaS app. Event data, on the other hand, are the series of actions the user takes leading up to a transaction – the pages they click on, the links they click, how long they spend on a page, the flow through your app, etc.

The reason this is important should be evident – since your gamification loop is leveraging game mechanics to influence a series of player actions in support of an win state, you need to know whether the actions work. And the actions will be captured most of the time with event based data.

Event-based data doesn’t just happen – it’s important when discussing gamification implementation with your development team that the logging of any event based data relative to the gamification loop be captured as well. Make sure this requirements are incorporated into the larger requirements or sprint documentation.

The second important piece is a qualitative feedback system. Analytics is critical, in that it tells you what happens. But it can often be hard to figure out the why.

Rather than creating a bunch of hypotheses for how to improve a step in your loop that isn’t working, you can save considerable time by asking customers directly, using that information to inform your iteration work.

A feedback system doesn’t have to be fancy. In fact, it doesn’t even have to be coded into the app itself. All you need is a mechanism to reach out to players who interacted with your loop, to understand why they took the actions they took.

You can do some of this work up front before deploying in the form of user tests. User tests are great at uncovering usability issues (or “ability issues” in the Fogg Persuasion Model) that you can address before deployment. They aren’t accurate representations of reality in that they completely neglect the motivation component. But by conducting them you can eliminate some of the barriers to adoption and get to a successful win state much faster.

Look out for unintended consequences.

One final thing to pay attention to are unintended consequences of the model you developed. While you will have addressed potential balance issues by running the models in the previous step, you might still miss aspects of the loop that make it easier to manipulate.

It’s important to assume that players will try to game the system. For example, lets say your app has a review mechanism to suggest vendors to users in a marketplace app. You implement a game mechanic that gives players an extra point in your points system for leaving reviews.

Not long after implementing the loop, you find that you have thousands of reviews. But on closer inspection, the reviews have one word statements like “Great!” or even “I haven’t tried them but I get points for leaving reviews.”

So you try to remedy this by building a rating system for the reviews themselves, giving people points for highly rated reviews. Problem solved!

Not so fast. Now you have people giving each other positive ratings on their reviews regardless of their actual content, creating “voting rings.”

Assume the system is going to be gamed, and look out for ways people use the app in unintended ways to exploit a loophole.

Remember that you want to avoid upsetting these people, as they are most likely your Achievers or Killers and can represent a disproportionate amount of activity relate to their size. Close the loophole in future iterations, announce the changing of the terms and explain the rationale behind it.

Build Version One Now. Learn What Works. Repeat.

You won’t nail the loop on your first pass – some aspect of it won’t work as well as you intended, or the system will disproportionate reward the wrong behavior. The solution is to get the system up faster, see how people use it, and use the analytics and feedback systems to improve it. Rinse and repeat.

It’s important to not get discouraged, and to make sure the team understands that big wins can take time. We once implemented a referral loop for a client, and it took 7 iterations to nail it. But once we arrived at the solution that worked, they reaped the rewards of more registrations and much less average cost per customer for years.

The sooner you begin working on your loop, the sooner you’ll see results.

We’d love to help

If you think you’d like to dip your toes into the gamification space and start trying some things, we’d love to help you make that happen.

DI has a full service team that can help you execute from start to finish. We can help identify the players and their motivations, identify the actions necessary to reach the win state, ideate around potential game mechanics to leverage throughout the process, even design and build the solutions. And we love to work inside of an iterative process to maximize the likelihood of success.

Gamification is a lot more involved than most people think. But a well-architected system can dramatically improve retention, referral and virality. To take your system to the next level, don’t hesitate to reach out.

The Politics of Innovation

Office politics have a bad rap.

The phrase is typically used to refer to sleazy posturing, sucking up, and cutting others down to lift yourself up. All bad things. But politics doesn’t have to be a dirty word.

Politics is really about execution.

It’s about building consensus. Getting the right people on board. Moving your ideas through an organization in a structured, systematic way until they become a foregone conclusion.

Look at most organizations and you’ll find the people who rise the fastest are great politicians. In our time working with innovation teams, the ones who are able to overcome the massive barriers preventing change are ALWAYS gifted at politics.

It’s not a replacement for talent — you still have to be great at what you do. But given two people with the same skill level, the more gifted politician will win every time.

Here’s how to become one of them.

Stop Carpet Bombing Your Idea

You see it all the time. Someone has an idea. They open their email or Slack, write a couple paragraphs on the idea, hit send, and wait for the congratulations to pour in and the ball to start rolling.

What happens instead? Nothing.

This is carpet bombing your idea. You drop an idea on everyone else’s doorstep and expect them to take it and run with it. But they have other things they’re working on, other pressures they’re facing. The last thing they want to think about is how to make your fledgling idea happen.

An idea is worth precisely nothing without execution and hustle. If you want to see change happen, it’s going to have to start with you.

Build a reputation as a doer.

When your team is evaluating your idea, they’re not just thinking about the merits of the idea.

They’re asking themselves whether the idea will work (otherwise they’ll look bad), and they’re asking themselves if you’re the person to pull it off. If the answer to either of those questions is a no, the idea dies.

We’ll talk more about solving for the first question later. But to solve for the second, the answer is to become known in the organization as someone who gets things done. And the best way to do this is what I call Microvation.

Microvation is the process of taking little crappy tasks and turning them into something awesome. And what’s great is anyone can do it, regardless of level.

Picking up lunch? Turn it into a lunch & learn series and bring in smart people to learn from.

Printing out new employee paperwork? Turn it into an amazing onboarding experience for new hires to feel truly welcome.

Taking on customer support? Turn it into a project to have the best support site in the world, with forums, FAQs, and fanatically fast and helpful responses.

Writing a blog post? Turn it into the first step in a marketing automation process that drives more leads for the business.

Start small, execute well, and over time you’ll develop a reputation as someone who can make things happen.

Start with a story. Usually with pain.

My friend Craig Wortmann talks constantly about the power of story. People make emotional decisions, and use data to justify their choice. Stories hijack a part of our brain, make us sit up and listen, and stick in our minds long after the meeting ends.

The best stories for moving ideas forward start with pain. People respond more to fear of loss than the opportunity for gain. So paint a picture of how bleak things are, how you can’t possibly stay where you are. Make it clear it’s imperative the organization go from A to B.

Know your stuff cold.

Stories matter, but so does the evidence to back up the story. Before you start talking about your new idea, make sure you’ve got your case put together. Have good data backing you up, don’t be afraid to leverage the work of experts, or smart frameworks developed elsewhere. Anticipate the objections you’re likely to encounter.

A prototype is worth a thousand meetings.

Immediately begin working on a prototype of your solution. This can be a document, a presentation, a clickable demo, working software, whatever. And show the prototype to people before you think it’s ready.

Prototypes give people something to latch onto. They demonstrate there’s actual momentum — that there’s a “there” there.

Prototypes also provide opportunities for concrete feedback — which as you’ll see shortly is critically important.

Prepare to change your prototype 10 times, 100 times, 1000 times if necessary. Every change is a chance to improve the original concept, and as you’ll soon see a chance to recruit a supporter.

Find someone who’s willing to call you out. Even better, build a board.

When you really want to make things happen, you can quickly become blinded to the flaws in your thinking. It’s extremely helpful to have someone on your team (or outside of the organization) who can privately tell you when you’re full of crap. Better to have them tell you than have your boss kill the idea.

An even better approach is to cultivate a group. These could be old bosses, subject matter experts, or internal team members. They should know the industry enough to give candid feedback, and know you well enough to tell you when you’re about to lose control.

Never retaliate.

People are going to put up a fight if what you’re working on is worth doing. Change is upsetting.

But no matter how aggressively they try to kill your idea, no matter how poorly thought out their objections are, you must always keep your cool. Losing control of your emotions won’t improve the substance of your ideas.

Forget about credit.

Perhaps the most important rule in here. The people who are the best at building consensus know the key is to make others feel like it was their idea.

As you formulate your case, plan in advance for areas you’re willing to compromise on. There will always be some, and knowing in advance allows you to let others co-create your idea without losing it’s teeth.

In doing so, you give others a chance to feel some ownership. And people are much more likely to go to bat for their own idea than one they had no hand in.

Sell laterally (or down) before selling up.

Building a base of support is essential before trying to push an initiative up the food chain. You want to build a groundswell of people who’ve seen the concept, given feedback you’ve incorporated (making it their idea too), and letting them help you build enthusiasm.

When you do sell up, start in private.

Your boss is busy and has many things going on. They don’t want to be surprised in a big meeting with a new initiative that will require lots of change.

So begin your pitch before the pitch begins. By now you have a prototype that has been tested with internal or external people. You have a groundswell of people who are excited about the idea.

Once you have sufficient evidence, you introduce the idea in private. This gives your boss a chance to push back more gently, not worry about wasting everyone else’s time, and ideally provide feedback (that you of course incorporate).

Your job is to make your boss look good. So give them a nice package, backed by data. Let them tweak it so they feel ownership. And let them take the credit — they won’t forget, and most of the time they’ll pass the credit right back to you anyway.

Find a champion

A champion might be your boss, but often isn’t. They’re almost always above you. They’re someone who takes an interest in you, probably because they see a younger version of themselves.

Your champion will fight fights you don’t have the political capital to win. They’ll be a persuasive influence behind closed doors. They’ll tell you when it’s not worth pursuing, and they’ll go to bat for you when it is.

Don’t Hitch Your Wagon to One Horse

That said, you need a broader base of support. People change jobs, get promoted, get fired. Your champion might not be there forever. Make sure you have a broad group of people who want to see you be successful.

The best way to do this? Do what the best networkers in the world do — figure out what other people need and go out of your way to help them.

Shower your supporters with love

It’s commonly said it’s 8 times (or 10, or 12, or whatever) harder to get a new customer than keep a current one. And yet nearly every company makes the mistake of neglecting their supporters.

Don’t assume because they were intrigued initially they’re willing to expend political capital for you, especially if you don’t keep them in the loop as things progress.

Remind them how important they are. Keep them regularly updated. Take the time to grab a beer and ask for their advice and feedback.

Clients are powerful allies.

It’s easy to discount the ideas of other internal team members. It’s much more difficult to discount ideas of team members who have the support of clients. Keeping (or growing) revenue can be a powerful motivator to overcome inertia.

Don’t give them a stupid reason to say no.

Being the person who shows up late to every meeting hurts your political capital whether you know it or not. So does being a sloppy dresser, or being the “brings tuna fish for lunch” guy.

None of this has anything to do with the merits of your idea. But when evaluating your idea they’re bringing their perceptions of you as a person into the subconscious decision making process.

So show up on time. Do what you’ll say you do. Say please and thank you. Dress like someone who wants to make things happen. Don’t steamroll people. Don’t hog credit. Don’t constantly take personal calls in your office or hang on Facebook all day.

Thank people.

Pick up a box of nice stationery. Use it.

When someone (internal or external) lets you show them your prototype, thank them. When someone gives you feedback that makes the idea better, thank them. When someone recruits another ally, thank them. When someone goes to bat for you in a meeting and risks some of their own capital, thank them.

Brag. But not about yourself.

There’s nothing wrong with talking about the success your projects have. People like being associated with things that already have momentum — if you communicate the progress you’re making, you’ll find more people jumping on board.

But if you’re patting yourself on the back, you’ll rub people the wrong way. Again, give the credit to everyone else. As long as you direct the praise everywhere else but you, people will love to hear about the progress your initiative is making.

You’re in sales.

Everyone is a sales person. You’re selling your friends on where to go to dinner. You’re selling your spouse on plans for the weekend. And you’re sure as hell selling your internal team on this big idea that’s going to reinvent the company.

So become a student of it. Learn how to build rapport, how to uncover needs, how to position solutions, overcome objections, and follow up. Learn how to ask for the close.

Study great presenters. Watch TED Talks and Apple keynotes. Study the pacing, the progression, the pauses, the areas of emphasis, the division between emotional appeals and cold hard facts.

You’re in sales whether you think you are or not. The question is whether you’re good at it.

Listen to objections. REALLY.

Objections to your idea are not obstacles to barrel through. There are likely very legitimate holes. Truly listen when colleagues challenge you on points. Brainstorm with them on how those obstacles might be able to be overcome. Ask “if I can address this issue, will I have your support?”

Again — giving people the opportunity to co-create is one of the best tools in your toolbox. Once they touch it, it’s their idea too. Leverage that.

Make sure your rollout plan includes early wins.

Before the rollout, you’re selling the vision and everyone’s excited. But once the idea is in the real world and customers or internal team members are using it, the rubber meets the road.

Ideally you want your early launch to have some quick wins baked in. Plan for those in advance. While the initial pilot is primarily about learning and improving, you definitely want to be able to demonstrate the early returns are positive.

Don’t Go For The Home Run Swing.

It’s unlikely you’re going to get approval to do the full rollout. Nor should you try.

Take a page from the startup world. Do a limited launch. Be a concierge, hand-holding your beta testers through your new process. Collect their honest feedback. Patch up the parts of the process that are busted. Iterate and do it again.

The best initiatives look small early on. They have the air cover and lack of visibility to make their mistakes, take their lumps and improve before they’re ready for prime time.

The big launch sounds intoxicating. You’re on everyone’s radar, and your project is clearly designed to make a big dent in the way things are done at the company. But there’s a ton of carnage when projects are that visible. Your margin for error is tiny — and there’s almost always error.

Start small. Learn as much as you can. Get momentum. You’re much more likely to make a dent this way — it just might take longer.

Politics can be a force for good, for your company and your career.

You don’t have to use the power of politics for evil. You can use them to remove logjams, move important initiatives forward, and create lasting impact in your organization.

Stop pretending like politics doesn’t exist in your company. Stop acting like its inherently bad. Learn how to harness it to make great things happen.

How to Create the Ideal Design Thinking Process

Design Thinking is about creating solutions with the user in mind. Sounds obvious – of course the product you’re building is for the people who will use it.

But as many have found, without a solid process underpinning your work, it’s extremely easy to replace the user’s point of view with your own, to develop tunnel vision, to think about business objectives rather than user needs.

Design thinking provides a toolkit and methodology for keeping the user front and center throughout the design and development process. Ask 100 practitioners about their process and you’re likely to get 100 different answers. But there are some consistent themes underlying most design thinking approaches.

The Design Thinking Methodology

There are a variety of different methodologies that have been developed over the years, all of which are pretty similar. We leverage the methodology developed by the Stanford d.school:

The Design Thinking Process

Start with Empathy

By far the most important principle is to develop and deploy empathy. Before we knew what design thinking was, we realized that what separated great product designers from everyone else was the level of empathy they would develop for the users they were designing for.

Empathy is about understanding the user – their aspirations, their fears, their values. How they move about their day. What they use to make their lives better.

There are several methods for building empathy:


The least effective way to do this is to brainstorm your way to it. Sitting in a conference room making assumptions about your users is better than nothing – at least you’re consciously thinking about them – but it’s not nearly as effective as getting outside of the building and actually talking with your users.

Customer development interviews

Customer development interviews are a much more effective mechanism to develop empathy. It’s critical these conversations aren’t your attempt to convince users about your solution – they are strictly about trying to understand their worldview, their lives, and their needs.


While proper customer development interview creation can gather a tremendous amount of insight cost effectively, sometimes it’s worth the additional effort to actually observe users in their environments. There can sometimes be a disconnect between what they say and what they actually do. Often their needs and values aren’t even obvious to them – watching what they do can sometimes uncover these unstated preferences and values.

Define a point of view

You’ll gather a lot of insights by talking to users. Before you jump to creating a solution, it’s imperative to gather all this material and attempt to make sense of it.

We’ve found putting everything up on a wall in a collaborative session with your team can be an effective way to attempt to find meaning and patterns. The specific methods you use – post it notes, user journey maps, experience diagrams, etc. – are ultimately up to you and your team. But what matters is getting it all up there where everyone can see it.

Preserving beginner’s mind

In spite of your best efforts, you lose beginner’s mind extremely quickly. You’ll often find yourself forming opinions after a couple conversations.

Having the big picture up on a wall can be helpful for you in forming new connections and challenging those initial assumptions. Likewise, having other team members see these insights for the first time will undoubtedly lead to new connections and insights.

With insights synthesized, you’re ready to define your point of view about the design challenge. This is often in the form of a problem statement – a clear, actionable guiding statement informed by your research, to be used as a north star for the steps that are to follow.

This step is often where things can go wrong. It’s been said defining the right problem is 90% of the work. Taking this step makes sure you are focused on the right problem, and that you’ve clearly identified what that problem is.

What makes a good problem statement

It sounds counterintuitive, but good problem statements are often smaller than you think. It’s a temptation for people to want to define the problem broadly. But this actually makes the steps that follow harder.

Good problem statements are often smaller than you think.

Constraints have a tendency to unlock more useful ideas. Tight problem statements also make it more likely you develop a compelling core experience in the final solution – and as we’ve discussed often, having a tight core experience is predictive of eventual product success.

Finally, having a tight problem statement makes it easier to know if you’re solving it. It reduces variables, helps you figure out the levers that matter, and makes it easier to measure success.

The Opportunity / Satisfaction framework

The Opportunity / Satisfaction Framework One tool that’s useful in this process is the opportunity / satisfaction framework. You’re going to uncover a bunch of potential opportunities. But not all of them are created equal. In many cases users are actually pretty satisfied with the existing solutions – even if that solution is something they cobbled together themselves. Displacing an incumbent is certainly possible, but it’s hard. And if customers are generally happy with it, your task will be much harder.

Great problem statements will galvanize your team, be easy to explain, will excite potential users, and will help you avoid the dreadful mistake of building a solution that tries to do too much.

Ideate potential solutions

Another pitfall in product design is focusing on a single solution too quickly. It’s rare the first idea is the best one. Odds are if it’s obvious to you it’s obvious to others.

Typically the best solutions come from looking at the problem from a variety of angles or facets, and focusing initially on breadth of potential solutions. Ideation is the process for developing those ideas.

While this can certainly be done by a single person, again it’s often helpful to have it be a collaborative process. Different people will bring different perspectives, which by definition multiplies the raw material you have to identify potential solutions.

The specific techniques or tools you use again can depend on your team’s preferences and the specific problem you’re trying to solve. It could simply look like brainstorming sessions. However, we’ve found certain frameworks or exercises can help frame the problem in a way that leads to more ideas.

How might we

One framework we’re fond of is called “how might we.” It’s exactly what it sounds like – asking “how might we” to subsets of the problem statement. They can stem ether from the problem statement itself, or from artifacts created during the synthesize step. User journey maps can be a great way to break the problem statement down to component parts, and provide plenty of fodder for good how might we statements.

You can conduct a series of ideation exercises on the the how might we statements the team thinks are most valuable to solve. This allows you to focus and constrain your ideation further than by trying to tackle the entire problem statement.

It’s critical that you capture as many ideas as possible early on before making decisions

There are dozens of other tools you can use – sketching, creating mind maps. Etc. But the common thread is to defer judgment. It’s critical that you capture as many ideas as possible early on before making decisions. To the degree you place value judgments on ideas too early, you effectively shut down the creative process and stifle the creativity that can lead to truly novel solutions.

Making decisions

Once you’ve generated a sufficient set of potential ideas, you can leverage discussions and other decision making frameworks to narrow and select ideas to focus on.

Dot voting is a popular approach – with the ideas all up on the wall, people walk around silently and place sticky dots on the ideas they think have the most potential.

We’ve found it’s helpful to provide criteria for evaluation. Leaving it up to people to determine their own criteria can sometimes cause participants to lose focus on what problem you were initially trying to solve, or the feasibility of a potential solution, or the strengths and weaknesses of the team. Criteria like “smallest level of behavior change required”, or “technical difficulty” or “most likely to delight” can be examples of such criteria.


Prototyping is all about getting potential solutions in the hands of users as quickly as possible. They help you think through your potential solution, communicate it to stakeholders, and rapidly test potential solutions inexpensively.

Prototypes can take many forms – it often doesn’t mean code. It can be something as simple as written product concept. It can be mockups. It can be a clickable keynote. What matters is creating the prototype that allows you to get useful insights as quickly as possible.

Prototypes also don’t have to address the entire problem statement. You can prototype specific steps of the user journey, chaining them together over time as you hone in on solutions that are effective.


Once you have your prototype in hand, you go back out and talk to your users to get feedback. Just as in the first step, a prototype is not about selling your solution or convincing them. You want to see how they interact with it, and have them tell you what they think about it.

You are very likely to identify issues that need to be addressed. This isn’t a bad thing – in fact it’s the whole reason why prototyping is valuable. The point of doing it quickly and inexpensively is to identify issues and reduce risk when it’s cheap and fast.

The critical importance of iteration

The worst thing you can do in the prototyping process is not use it to capture feedback and iterate in response. It’s not uncommon to find teams falling down here – they get attached to their ideas and aren’t willing to step back and go through the loop again. But testing is another opportunity to develop even more empathy and potentially refine your problem statement. To ignore this opportunity is foolish.

To the degree you can convince your team to focus on speed with prototyping, you can minimize this tendency. By setting the expectation that these things are meant to be thrown away, you can get them to move faster and test more. And by reminding them that the purpose of testing is to figure out what’s wrong vs. what’s right, you can set expectations appropriately.

Plan for as many iterations as you need to get this right. It’s tempting to build the final solution, but it’s almost always more expensive in the long run to have to iterate on the working product. Resist that temptation until you’re confident you’re on the right track.

Leveraging Design thinking in your organization

Design thinking isn’t dogmatic – different techniques and tools will work more effectively for you than others. What matters is committing to a process of developing empathy, and using the insights you generate to rapidly and iterative pursue potential solutions.

The best way to build these muscle in your organizations is to simply start. Start with a potential hypothesis or problem you’ve heard about from customers. Or simply start going out and talking to customers about their issues with your solutions or other problems they have. You’ll stumble through it at first, but you’ll learn what works and doesn’t for your organization by trying.

Learn more about DI Design Sprints

DI can help – our customer development sprints can help teach your team how to conduct user-centered interviews while gathering valuable insights in the process. And our collaborative design sprints can take those learnings and rapidly arrive at compelling solutions. To learn more about either, feel free to contact us.

11 Laws of Product Development

Creating a startup is extremely hard. There are dozens of barriers and pitfalls along the way. Success requires fanatical execution and a bit of luck.

But while there are hundreds of ways a startup can fail completely outside your control, the product is not one of them. There are dozens of ways of building a product or a particular feature. Not all of them are created equal.

We’ve built over 100 products at Digital Intent over the last 6 years. And while every product is different, all those reps have helped us discover some broadly applicable patterns that can increase your chances of success.

These are certainly not comprehensive – there are many types of applications and technologies that these might not apply to (IoT, AI, VR, etc). But if you’re building a web or mobile app, hopefully at least one of these is helpful.

1. Minimize Risk with 
Real Customer Development.

The first and most important rule is to do everything you can to avoid building something people don’t want. The number one reason new products fail is an inability to achieve product-market fit.

This is usually a result of insufficient customer development – people go from an idea on the back of a napkin to writing detailed functional requirements, without asking whether people truly want the product in the first place.

If you haven’t started building yet, one of my first questions is likely to be “how many customers have you talked to?” The most common answer is zero. Often the answer is effectively something like  “I talked to 5 people, talked the whole time, and only used their feedback to validate my initial hypothesis and make pretty quotes for my deck.”

Given the proliferation of content around customer development and lean startup principles, this boggles my mind.

Wasting months of your life and thousands of dollars of other people’s money to solve a problem you’re not sure exists is insanity.

De-risk your problem hypothesis as soon as you can. Be rigorous about it. And be 100% honest with yourself as you receive feedback. Iterate on the problem and solution hypotheses until you’ve found something people get legitimately interested in.

2. Build an MVP. 
Don’t Necessarily Code an MVP.

MVP does not mean software. The purpose of an MVP is to test the riskiest assumption of the underlying business. This can often be done without a line of code.

One of our favorite entrepreneurs used a Keynote on an iPad to test mockups of his loyalty platform with small businesses. He would go down the street along the busy shopping district, try to sell them the platform, find out why they weren’t interested. He’d sit in Starbucks for an hour, make changes to his mockups, and head back out. As a result he was able to learn more in a day than many entrepreneurs learn in months.

One DI client built a startup focused on using machine learning for a tool targeting hospitals. While that was his final vision, his initial solution was CSV files and Excel spreadsheets. His clients didn’t really care how the system worked – they just cared about the results. He acquired 30 customers and got to a $1mm run rate before investing in the automated system.

Code is always dramatically more expensive to build and change. While it might sound like lost time, it’s usually more than made up for by the conserved burn rate and the confidence when it’s time to build that the underlying assumptions have been sufficiently de-risked.

3. Incrementally Better Won’t Work.

Behavior change is incredibly difficult. The average user has 26 apps on their phone, and only 5 apps see heavy use. There are well over 2 million apps in each app store. The math alone suggests integrating something new into people’s lives is no small feat.

It is extremely rare for people to adopt a new solution to a problem they’ve already solved for themselves. I don’t need a weather app that is 5% more accurate – the app I currently have is good enough.

More importantly, you’re not just competing against other weather apps. You’re competing against literally every other demand on my time or attention.

New solutions have to either be dramatically better than the status quo, or have to completely reimagine the experience to dislodge an incumbent and carve out space.

4. Simple is better.

Most apps people love are obsessed with what we call the Core Experience. It is extremely rare for products to do 12 things simultaneously well.

This is particularly true for mobile apps. If the Core Experience isn’t amazing, bolting additional features onto the product won’t move the needle. If I don’t think the content in your UCG app is interesting or useful, a favorite or sharing feature isn’t going to make me use it. Be obsessed with making me fall in love with the content itself first.

Identify the 1 or 2 things your product needs to do to be better than everyone else.

Spend most of your energy there. Iterate on it until that functionality is world class. Only add ancillary functionality if your customers are yelling at you.

5. Nail Onboarding.

Even if you create a great core experience, it won’t matter if people don’t stick around long enough to experience it.

The first time user experience and onboarding process is essential to making the light bulb go on for customers. While it’s true a user’s motivation to use your product will never be higher than right after they sign up, their enthusiasm will wane quickly if the onboarding process is cumbersome, confusing, or takes too long to create value.

For most, onboarding is treated like something you do at the end right before launching and given far too little thought. In most cases a simple card-based tour is simply lazy, and likely hurting effectiveness.

Treat the onboarding process as an essential part of the core experience.

Ideally have it assist in the user creating content or completing whatever activity maximizes their chance of adoption.

Don’t neglect the role that email nurturing can play in your onboarding process. Particularly for SaaS products or products with a free trial component, educating your new user on the value of the product post-registration is critical.

6. Notifications Don’t Have To Be Annoying. They Can Even Be The Product.

At a minimum, email and text notifications represent one of your primary tools to increase retention. Even if users understand the utility in the product, many will drop off simply because they haven’t engaged in your core experience enough times for a habit to develop. Notifications can be the trigger to help them build that habit.

But you can use them for more than notifications – you can bake functionality directly in. Nobody really wants yet another site to log into. All they care about is the utility your product provides – if it’s a medium that’s easier they’ll be all for it.

The Quora email digest is a fantastic example – it’s the same content on the dashboard. But rather than relying on me to log back in, they send the content to me. Because it’s continually interesting, I engage with Quora much more frequently than if I were left to my own devices.

Email and text shouldn’t be afterthoughts – they can be an essential part of the user experience.

7. Compete on Iteration Speed.

The first version of your product is going to be wrong.

Users won’t understand the value proposition, or they will but will find it too hard to sign up, or they’ll sign up but not engage further, or they’ll engage further but not convert from free to paid. Expect it. Plan for iteration.

One benefit of focusing on the core experience is it can speed up your time through the Build-Measure-Learn loop.

All other things being equal, the company that can iterate on their product in response to customer feedback the fastest will usually win.

Of course, don’t iterate for the sake of iterating. This assumes you have the proper analytics set up behind the scenes (hint – you want to be tracking what happens on and between pages, not just big events like registrations or orders).

Identify the actions that represent the “aha moment” for your app. Use your analytics to find identify bottlenecks preventing people from getting there. Use that analysis to prioritize your iterative work. Rinse and repeat.

8. Stay close to your users as long as you possibly can.

Analytics only tell you part of the story. Too many founders hide behind their computers, afraid to talk to their customers.

But analytics will only tell you what happened. They won’t tell you why.

You can either conduct a ton of iteration based on analytics alone and stumble half in the dark, or you can talk to your customers and find out much faster how to improve things.

Have a plan for engaging with your early customers throughout their journey.  Make sure you know exactly what they do, what they think, what they like and what they don’t.

Not all feedback is equal. Your biggest fans matter – find out what they like about the product and everything else you can about them. There are probably more people like them.

Also pay attention to the people who are on the fence – they like the product but they don’t love it. Find out why, and give them what they want.

The people who don’t really like it? Unless that’s everyone, don’t focus your energy here. No product is perfect for everyone.

9. Seed and Curate.

A major flaw in many user generated content sites is the “if we build it they will come” fallacy. Too often companies wait for the users to dictate what the product should be.

Instead, leverage internal resources to create fantastic examples of the kinds of user generated content you hope the community eventually creates.

This solves multiple problems. It populates the app with content so it doesn’t look like a ghost town. And it teaches users how the app works – the types of content that get created, what gets rewarded by any game mechanics, etc.

This is doubly important for any machine-learning based systems, where again sufficient data is necessary to effectively train a system. People can very likely create solid lists of the best restaurants in a neighborhood (either themselves or informed by other existing lists).

Users likely won’t question whether the data is good – their implicit assumption will be that it is by the way the app is positioned. In fact, they are much more likely to question it if the algorithm isn’t sufficiently trained and suggests poor data as a result of a small number of inputs.

This is triply important for marketplace businesses, which often face the dreaded chicken and egg problem. The best solution is often to control one side of the equation as much as possible. Don’t wait for restaurants to sign up for your Yelp killer. Add them yourself, for free. Drive traffic and see if your experience is superior. If it isn’t, improve it. If it is, get the restaurants hooked on the value before trying to charge them money.

The tech is not your asset, the content is.

10. Identify Your Growth Loop

The fastest growing products have a growth loop built in – a self-reinforcing cycle that accelerates over time.

There are three primary growth loops most apps leverage:

  • Organic – users generate content, some of which is publicly accessible. Google picks it up, driving organic visits, which turn into users creating more content for Google to pick up. Most common with UGC sites.
  • Paid – users come in, make enough money to justify the cost spent to acquire them. That money is plowed into acquiring new users. Common with games and other freemium apps.
  • Referral – users are incentivized to send invites to their friends. Some percentage sign up and invite their friends. This loop works best when User B’s existing in the platform makes it more valuable for User A. But this can also work for ecommerce or other sites, typically in the form of a symmetric bonus (i.e. invite a friend, both get store credit.)

It’s rare none of these levers are available to you – sometimes you can leverage more than one. Identify which one would be most applicable and bake it in.  Iterate on each until you get it right.

11. Don’t Scale Too Early.

The Startup Genome Project has done autopsies of hundreds of failed startups. 70% of them end up failing because they scaled prematurely – meaning they hadn’t reached product market fit.

Product-Market fit is admittedly a fuzzy term. However, there are some good proxies for determining if you’re on the right track. Getting to a place where you acquire over 100 users per day organically (including referral) is a great sign. If 40% of your users say they’d be very disappointed if the product went away, odds are you’re in good shape.

Product teams should be aggressively iterating on their product until P-M fit is achieved. They should certainly be testing acquisition channels, but emphasis should be on acquiring enough users to see what parts of the product are busted, so they can improve and get closer to P-M fit.

Only when they’re confident P-M fit has been achieved should they aggressively focus on acquisition or monetization.

Start Building Better Products Today

While following these rules obviously doesn’t guarantee success, we strongly believe they can increase your odds, sometimes considerably. The world is full of beautifully designed, well-engineered products nobody uses. Don’t build one of them.

Are there other rules of thumb we left out? Any we included you strongly disagree with? I’d love to hear your thoughts!

And if your organization is looking to build something new, we’d love the chance to learn more and work with you. Contact us, or connect with me on LinkedIn. Let’s build something great together!

How to implement a Bimodal IT strategy

One of the biggest impediments to innovation lies in the tension between operating the core business and pursuing new initiatives. Nowhere is this tension realized more fully than in IT departments.

IT as a rule is organized and incentivized to keep things running smoothly. They naturally develop cultures of risk aversion over time, primarily out of self-preservation.

They are responsible for implementing (and more importantly maintaining) any technology infrastructure the organization deems to be of strategic importance. They are often under pressure to deliver faster than they’d like, and the expectation is that everything works without a hitch.

As a result, risk management becomes the dominating consideration. And for good reason – if a core process goes down or has bugs, it can mean millions of dollars in lost revenue or additional costs. Failure is simply not an option.

The obvious problem is that an IT culture perfectly suited to maintaining the core business is woefully unprepared to deal with the ambiguity and perceived risk of new innovation initiatives. Telling a group of people to spend 80% of their time maintaining the core with excellence (meaning no mistakes), and 20% of their time experimenting on new stuff is often a recipe for failure.

And yet the imperative to innovate remains. And technology is usually a critical piece of the puzzle.

The ideal scenario is a distinct set of people – organized, managed and incentivized in ways that maximize the likelihood of success.

Bimodal IT – A Working Solution

The Bimodal IT architecture is a pattern commonly used in successful transformation initiatives. And it works.

According to a 2017 study by Gartner, roughly 4 in 10 CIOs reported implementing some form of Bimodal architecture. And of those, 71% reported Bimodal architectures improve the success rate of their innovation initiatives.

In a Bimodal architecture, there are effectively two IT teams working concurrently – what we call the Execution Team and the Innovation Team.

The Execution Team is tasked with maintaining and improving the core business. Great ones do engage in regular incremental innovation initiatives, working to continually improve “the way we do things here.”

The Innovation Team is tasked with exploration. This could be identifying entirely new business models, new ways of serving customers, or thinking about radical new ways of doing the work of the core business.

The consistent thread is an emphasis on experimentation. They understand many of their initiatives will fail. The goal is to test numerous ideas, killing the bad ones quickly. Release cycles are short, and prototypes and beta tests are the norm.

Both threads are critically important. It’s not about simply standing up an Innovation Team while the Execution Team engages in the status quo. The end goal is to reimagine both. What matters is recognizing the need for each, and setting each up for success.

Trying to combine both into the roles of the same people creates a tension that is difficult to overcome. Likewise, simply standing up an Innovation Team like some splinter cell of rebels or cool kids creates unnecessary political drama and fails to appreciate the need to reimagine the core as well.

While Bimodal makes intuitive sense, it can be difficult to stand up and implement. What follows are some suggestions that we’ve observed tend to increase the likelihood of success.

Start Small

A wholesale change effort is usually doomed. When trying to enact change of any kind, it’s typically best to start small. The implementation of a Bimodal architecture is no exception.

One effective approach is to stand up a Bimodal process for a single project. For a specific initiative, carve out a small group of people to represent your seed group for your Innovation Team. They work independently from your Execution Team, although they can come from your Execution Team.

The project should be small and self-contained. And the goal is not the success of the project itself, although you certainly want it to succeed.

The primary goal is to help this new team begin to form their own culture and identity. To recondition them to understand that their objective is to move fast, break things, and fail quickly on the way to finding out what works. Emphasis in this project should be on standing up some initial processes, equipping them with some tools, and focusing on learning.

In most organizations, having a strong leader (typically the CIO) providing sufficient air cover to the early team is critical to its success.

Integrate with the Lines of Business

In many organizations the general assumption is that IT owns all of the initiatives related to technology, assuming all risks but with little upside in the event of success.

In a Bimodal process, the technology leaders inside the innovation team become partners with the LOB owners. The LOB devotes its own full time resources to the initiative alongside IT. Ideally these resources are co-located for the duration of the project.

The project or product manager is ideally from the LOB – this can help ensure the team is clear where the ultimate ownership for the project lies.

You’ll often find within any LOB there is talent that is looking for a new challenge. They might be considering the startup world, and might be frustrated with the pace of change.

These initiatives can be a fantastic way to retain this talent, giving them the rush of excitement inherent in pursuing new initiatives with the security and ground cover of the existing operation.

Execution and Innovation Teach Each Other

One big pitfall in standing up these groups is the risk of cultures increasingly clashing. There can be a huge temptation for the Innovation Team to think that they can be the “creative” people, under no obligation to adhere to any form of process or rigor.

Likewise, particularly if the Innovation team pulls the more risk-tolerant team members from the core, there can be a temptation for the Execution team to become even complacent, assuming that any innovative thinking is the other team’s job.

It’s imperative that you watch for and snuff out this type of thinking. In a well functioning organization, these two groups will build on and learn from each other.

This again is aided considerably by the help of a strong leader who makes sure that both teams are recognized, and rewarded simultaneously, not simply the fledgling Innovation team. Language is also critically important. Using language that portrays both teams positively (Execution and Innovation vs. terms like “legacy”, for example) can avoid any unintentional devaluing of the core team members.

Make it clear one of the goals of the Innovation team is to identify practices and techniques that can be leveraged inside the core organization. While their team might be concerned with more disruptive initiatives, the reality is there are always dozens of opportunities to make incremental improvements inside the core.

The Execution team in many organizations can benefit tremendously from incremental innovation initiatives – moving from application silos to platforms and reusable code, the development of APIs or microservices, etc.

Uncovering, prioritizing and implementing these ideas take many of the same skill sets. Your end goal is a company that is innovative, not simply a department.

One way to do this is to have the Innovation team be a rotation program. People come into the program to learn the company’s approach to innovation. They get to practice them on real projects that matter. And then they return to the core business, often more energized and comfortable with change.

You can also make an effort over time to transition the Execution team to more “agile-ish” development practices. This gets both teams operating with similar terminology, development cadences and practices over time which can increase the perception that they’re in this together.

Teach your team to fish

A Bimodal architecture can resolve the stalemate between your execution and innovation initiatives. But getting started can sometimes be tough.

Many DI clients use an engagement with our team as an opportunity to stand up this Bimodal infrastructure. While pursuing a new product development or digital transformation initiative, DI team members simultaneously work on the product itself and teach the client’s internal team the tools and methodologies they need to ultimately to it themselves.

An easy way to start is with a Design Sprint, which results in a ton of momentum around an idea in as little as a week, and in the process introduces many design thinking methods to your team.

If such an initiative would make sense inside your organization we’d love to talk.

3 Ways to Maximize Your Digital Innovation Efforts

We live in a time of unprecedented disruption. Companies and industries are being transformed at an insane pace. The world is full of companies like Slack, which started in 2014, already has a billion dollar valuation, and is transforming internal team communication.

In the face of this rapid change, more companies have realized the importance of dedicated innovation initiatives. Great progress has been made in that direction – companies are standing up innovation groups, organizing hackathons, and orchestrating other ideation events with their team members.

And yet making innovation actually happen is incredibly difficult.

While many companies are putting the structure and support in place to get the ball rolling, getting actual products in the hands of actual customers is proving to be a much more difficult process than many companies anticipated.

Understand the Rules

The first stumbling block is often a lack of understanding on the “rules of the game”. A large organization has built up a system of “rules” that people know how to play. They know what success or failure looks like.

But innovation is a fundamentally different game, and requires different rules. Companies must define success much differently. And the rules dictating how innovation happens in the organization need to be articulated.

By definition, companies have become successful at scale because they’ve built incredible “execution engines” – they’ve become the best in the world at delivering their product to the world.

They’ve six sigma’d the delivery of that product to reduce as much variability as possible, in order to deliver a predictable solution to their customers every time. And all the systems, policies, procedures, tools for measurement, and incentives for their team are designed around that.

But innovation doesn’t fit into any of those boxes. An execution engine can operate the way it does because they’ve identified a product that solves a legitimate customer pain, and have figured out how to deliver that at scale.

Innovation is fundamentally different – it’s about uncovering or discovering a new solution. More than that – it’s about uncovering a new customer problem worth solving, then creating a solution.

That’s a messy process.

Frequently you’ll find the initial problem hypothesis isn’t legitimate. The problem is either a nonexistent one, or it’s not critical enough for customers to pay for to solve, or there simply aren’t enough customers to make it worthwhile. Finding a problem worth solving often involves thrashing and iteration, which can be uncomfortable for organizations not used to it.

Likewise, the solution is often not right at the outset. It either doesn’t solve the problem at all, or doesn’t do so in a way people are willing to pay for, or does but is too complicated or costly for customers to embrace. Getting to a solution that works again takes persistence and iteration.

This process is hard to execute when new ideas are held to the same standards as the execution engine. Little seeds of innovation are going to go through several metamorphoses en route to becoming something the world wants.

In the beginning, it looks a lot like wasted time and failure. But it’s not – it’s evolution.

Savvy innovation teams know this, but often they haven’t given the organizations an alternative way of assessing their progress. They haven’t delivered the organization a rigorous process, a framework for decision-making, or a paradigm allowing the organization to know whether they’re moving forward or simply lighting money on fire.

But they can. And the startup world has done most of this work for them. In the last few years a much richer language for describing this process has evolved – terms like “innovation accounting” and “validated learning”.

With new innovations, the fundamental job is to identify the hypotheses underlying a given idea and prove or disprove them as quickly as possible.

You do this by spending less time in meetings and more time in front of customers.

You do this by shipping minimum viable products (which can be as simple as a landing page or clickable prototype) and getting customer feedback.

You do this by rapidly testing unique value propositions instead of spending months debating on the right “big idea”.

You do this by staying close to the customer throughout their use of the product, listening to what they say and carefully watching what they do, looking for that “lightbulb moment” to go on for them.

You do this by forgetting about immediate ROI (scrutiny very few innovations can stand up to early on), and instead looking for sustained engagement, upticks in referral, improving customer lifetime value, and validation of channels that appear to drive cost effective acquisition at scale.

Embracing these tools and this language will take some time. Success requires the people holding the innovation team accountable understand what progress looks like. It looks like lots of tests, many of which fail, that systematically reduce the risk of the business the innovation is intended to become.

Adopt a Portfolio Approach

Venture capital learned long ago that, in spite of their brilliant team members and disciplined diligence process, they aren’t great at picking winners.

The solution has been to pursue a portfolio approach. They don’t know which individual idea will be a winner. But they know if they invest in 10 or 20 ideas, their chances of success dramatically increase.

Innovation groups should adopt the same mentality.


Organizations have some obvious advantages over startups. They have existing customer bases. They have access to customer insights many startups might not be able to come by. They have channel relationships they can leverage. But it’s dangerous to assume these advantages mean the success rate with new initiatives is higher.

Rather than putting a ton of resources towards any single idea, innovation teams should diversify. Identify 10 or 20 initiatives. Invest a small amount of resources to validate whether they have promise. Kill the ones that don’t earn the right for additional resources.

It sounds counter-intuitive, but pursuing a portfolio of innovation will result in better results, more rapidly. In the beginning, initiatives can be staffed with individual people. In fact, a single person can be simultaneously validating multiple ideas. Any development can and should be deferred until the fledgling idea has been sufficiently validated in the marketplace.

Become an Internal Champion

1% of innovation work is having a great idea. The rest is about execution. And in the beginning, when you’re trying to get buy-in to explore the validity of an idea, execution looks a lot like inside sales or politics.

Successful innovation teams have at least one person who’s job is to navigate the myriad minefields that are resident inside big co.

It’s not that the company is deliberately trying to stifle innovation – quite the contrary, everyone in the organization agrees on its necessity. But when you get into the details, tons of interpersonal issues can come up.

There are incentives issues. It can be challenging getting the resources you need – everyone has their own stuff going on, and if there isn’t a direct incentive for them to help you they likely will focus on the things they are being measured on.

There are risk issues. Many people in established companies are there precisely because innovation sounds a lot like risk. The idea of failing over and over again en route to a product that works doesn’t sound palatable. Getting those folks to take political risk to support your idea can be tough.

There are support issues. For IT in particular, it’s their job to think about the future of things. If the fledgling idea gets any traction, it’s likely to become absorbed into their world at some point, and dealing with disparate systems and code bases is frustrating.

There are ROI issues. As we’ve discussed, there will be people who think this new idea is a waste of time because it isn’t contributing to the bottom line quickly enough.

There is zero correlation between how good your idea is and how likely the organization is to embrace it. Learning how to maximize the chances of making something happen requires savvy internal champions.

It’s imperative innovation groups learn how to have the right conversations with the right people. They must know how to build consensus, what areas to compromise on without ruining the integrity of the idea or spoiling what makes it so disruptive in the first place.

They must be able to communicate the benefits of innovation accounting and the portfolio of innovation. While these approaches might initially sound like risk, it’s possible to model out how an organization can validate 10 ideas with MVPs for less than it costs to build a full-fledged version of a single idea.

Overcome Inertia, Get Momentum, and Start Getting Some Wins

To move past the inertia inherent in existing company structures requires a lot of work and political savvy. But often all it takes is a little bit of progress to get people excited.

When an innovation group can show their executive teams clickable prototypes, videos of users interacting with them, models rationally describing why ideas should live or die, and all of it with less cost and time than big co is used to, they can develop a reputation for making things happen and earn the right to truly transform the enterprise.

Chatbots, Conversational Interfaces, and the Rise of Messaging platforms

This is based on a presentation DI partner Sean Johnson has been giving for innovation groups at several companies in the last few weeks. If you’re more of a visual learner, we’ve made a video of his presentation below. You can also view the slides on SlideShare.

The Rise of the Third Interface

There have been various phases in how we have interacted with computers. The first phase was the Terminal Interface – using the command line or DOS prompt. This interface was embraced by early adopters but did not become mainstream because it required people to have a working knowledge of the guts of the machine and knowledge of the precise syntax to use to execute commands.

The second phase was the Graphical Interface. It used visual representations of programs, files and actions, leveraging many of the mental models people already had from the real world. This made it much easier for users to interact with a machine, and adoption took off.

But it still had limitations. It represented an abstraction and could lead to confusion. The field of user experience sprang up to help make these interfaces simpler and more intuitive.

A third wave has emerged, and it is what we’re calling the Conversational Interface. In some ways it returns to the simplicity of the command line, in that it is primarily a text-based medium. But it differs in that rather than requiring the user to know exact commands, it offers the ability for the user to interact with a machine (or a person behind a machine) using natural language.

This change is subtle but profound. At a minimum Conversational Interfaces are much more user friendly than the command line. But the promise and excitement around them is their eventual ability to parse complicated requests, execute them in real time and return a result that almost feels magical. Like talking to a person.

In short, we are moving from us having to learn how to interact with computers to computers learning how to interact with us.

“We are moving from us having to learn how to interact with computers to computers learning how to interact with us.”

Why are Conversational Interfaces Interesting?

It seems as though users clearly prefer conversational interfaces. Many of the web’s most recent success stories primarily leverage a conversational interface. In fact, in just 4 short years the top 4 messaging apps eclipsed the top 4 social networking sites (in terms of monthly active users).

Messaging app users have eclipsed social networking site users

And the rise of platforms like Siri, Google Now, Cortana, and Amazon Echo are going further. They don’t rely on typed out text, but still represent conversational interfaces, perhaps in the best possible way.

Why do people prefer these kinds of interfaces? We believe there are several reasons.

They feel more personal than apps.

Most native apps (and websites, for that matter), have the same experience for every user. It would be difficult to impossible to design a customized series of screens, with different language on each page to speak to each type of user, and with different imagery and visual aesthetic.

In a counterintuitive way, the removal of all of the artifice actually opens up the opportunity for a more personalized experience. As Jonathan Libov observed, “Language is the most powerful, useful, effective communication technology ever, period.”

This personalization can manifest itself in several ways. At its simplest, a retrieval-based approach to conversation is able to create a “choose your own adventure” style of interactions with customers. While the first couple questions are consistent for each user, it quickly takes on a unique experience.

This personalization can be magnified by remembering user preferences. Alexander Weidauer demonstrates a great example, showing how the question “how is my business doing” could be answered in two completely different ways depending on a person’s role in the company.

Conversational interfaces are more appropriate for many interactions.

In a series of customer development interviews about chatbots and conversational interfaces, we uncovered several kind of interactions where customers prefer them.

“I like the idea of not having to download an entire app.”

The first and possibly most important relates to the nature of interaction customers want to have with a brand. While brands are constantly pushing for deeper levels of engagement with their customers, customers don’t always want it. Mobile apps are a great example – of course companies want their customers to download their app. But customers treat their phone’s home screen as precious real estate, and simply are unwilling to give their mortgage company (or even their phone provider) a spot on that page.

Those same customers are much more willing to engage in a conversation through a platform like FB messenger. They know it’s there when they need it, but is out of the way when they don’t. While mobile apps still should represent a crucial piece of a company’s technology strategy, there are many customers they might not be engaging with because of the depth of relationship implicit in such a platform. Conversational interfaces allow them to engage those customers.

“I’d actually prefer to give my information to a bot. No judgment.”

The second insight is related to sharing personal information. When sharing things like medical information (a user’s weight, for example), financial information (how much they’ve saved for retirement) or their adherence to a plan of some kind, they actually prefer talking to a computer.

The belief is that unlike a person, who might consciously or unconsciously judge their choices, computers will simply provide helpful objective information.

“Sometimes I don’t want to browse – I just want you to tell me what to get.”

The third insight is related to curation. It is unlikely that a traditional ecommerce experience would be viable inside of a conversational interface. And there is plenty of evidence that the visual-based browsing modality is an enjoyable one for many people.

But there are times when a user would prefer not to have to hunt through your entire catalog, and would instead like to be guided in a much more focused way.

“My kids text all day. They don’t use email at all.”

The last insight was the strong preference for conversational interfaces with people in their teens and early 20s. Their content consumption patterns are dramatically different than that of older generations. They send hundreds of text messages. They live inside of Snapchat. They never check email. They use social sites less frequently than older demographics (with the exception of Instagram.) For companies or brands looking to reach teenagers, understanding the nuances, benefits and limitations of conversational interfaces seems wise.

They’re Available Wherever a User Wants

Many brands have been hesitant to play inside of the confines of the walled gardens that are FB, Whatsapp, etc. They (rightfully) understand that they are effectively renting their real estate from these companies, and in the face of quarterly earnings these companies continue to decrease organic reach and force you to pay for access. It’s possible that they might charge rent on your bots in the future as well.

But this mindset assumes that your app (vs. Facebook’s or anyone else’s) is your product. It’s not.

You are no longer a web app or a mobile app. You provide a product, service or experience. And that experience can and should be able to be delivered wherever is most convenient for your customers.

As Chris Messina puts it, “Conversational commerce is about delivering convenience, personalization, and decision support while people are on the go, with only partial attention to spare.”

This means that you need to think beyond the confines of your own app. It’s becoming increasingly important to think about your products and services in the right context.

Some companies have come to the same conclusion, and are rapidly experimenting. You can now order a Domino’s pizza from Twitter with a pizza emoji. You can order Taco Bell from inside Slack. You can order an Uber using your Amazon Echo.
These companies are happy to jump onto the next big platform because of the tremendous opportunity it opens up in terms of customers. Just as newspapers and televisions and shopping malls used to be the aggregators and platforms of yesterday, there are now a dozen or so platforms with hundreds of millions of customers, waiting to be reached.

One Interface, Multiple Departments

The last big benefit of conversational interfaces is the simplicity for users to interact with several departments through a singular interface. There doesn’t have to be multiple websites or phone numbers or email addresses to visit.

With the right plumbing behind the scenes, a user should be able to interact with several areas inside your organization through a single text field, just as a terminal allows you to navigate to disparate parts of your computer. This sounds simple, but the benefit to users is profound.

Messaging apps become the new home screen.

For these reasons, it’s not unreasonable to envision a future where users spend more and more time inside of the conversation view of various messaging apps, to the point that it effectively becomes their home screen.

In such a world, it becomes somewhat similar to email in that it’s natural for me to jump in and out of conversations with friends and brands. Having real estate in that threaded view becomes critically important in such a world. But unlike email, these platforms have made it impossible for users to receive spam – they have to opt into any communications with brands, and at any moment can banish them with forever with a couple taps. For this reason these platforms won’t suffer the same fate as your inbox – real estate on these screens will continue to be extremely valuable.

How to Make Great Conversational Experiences

So how do you take advantage of the opportunity that conversational interfaces present? The following are some usability and strategic guidelines we’ve identified in our research of existing implementations and through customer interviews.

Keep in mind we’re in the very early stages of this opportunity, and many of the things that are not currently possible will soon be trivial. The platforms will only become more powerful and useful for customers.

Conversational Interfaces vs. Bots

Conversational Interfaces

Many of the exciting applications of conversational interfaces surround the use of bots and machine learning. But conversational interfaces are powerful in and of themselves, even if they are augmented partially or entirely by humans. They’re great interfaces for on boarding new users inside of native apps, and many of the use cases we’ll discuss in this paper are just as relevant without the use of bots.

The interest in bots and the advent of machine learning that can actually simulate human conversation make conversational interfaces much more powerful. The benefits to the user are largely the same (meaning I can communicate using natural language and have the interface understand and respond to me intelligently). But by leveraging technology, it allows these kinds of interactions that previously required human intervention to happen at scale.

It’s Easy to Build a Bot. It’s Hard to Build a 
Useful One.

Building a bot is actually a trivial exercise – you can build one in a weekend without much trouble. But to make a bot that actually does something requires more work.

There are several layers to creating a useful bot experience. You have the bot itself, which will likely leverage one of a variety of retrieval based platforms to communicate with the user. It will allow your system to understand a user’s input and the intent behind their request, but it won’t be able to do anything with it by itself.

Your bot “brain” needs body of knowledge to support it and provide relevant answers. This will come from a couple places. The first is your app, or database, or whatever houses the information that is proprietary to your business or organization. The second comes from a series of integrations with the other tools your organization relies on – CRMs like SalesForce, your eCommerce platform, etc.

You likely will need some form of human interface with your system, at a minimum to monitor the interactions users have with your system to identify opportunities for improvement, and possibly to intervene and handle portions of the customer interaction directly.

And finally you have the integrations with the platforms themselves. Each will require its own code, has its own conventions and data structures, and likely has different user expectations. A user interacts with a bot differently inside of Slack than with their Echo – the system should adapt the experience to reflect those differences.

All (or most) of these layers are critical to building a bot that works well. But they don’t all have to be online at the outset.

Narrow the domain.

Narrow the domain

The most effective way to layer in functionality over time is to make sure you narrow the domain or scope of he interface. The less a bot does, the less integration work you have to do, the fewer opportunities there are for the conversation going off the rails, and the more likely you’re able to create an experience your customers appreciate.

When you first put a conversational interface into the wild, one of the first things people will do is try to break it by asking strange questions. But as long as you’ve done a good job of communicating the domain up front, they won’t get upset when it responds with canned variations of “I don’t understand.” Your user isn’t going to expect your customer support bot to have a conversation about politics.

Making sure you communicate the domain of the interface at the outset of a customer engagement ensures that expectations are properly set.

Start with your script.

Before you start working with one of the bot platforms or writing a line of code, spend some time thinking about how you expect the conversation to flow. You can leverage flow chart tools to think through when to branch, when to have open input vs. forcing the user to select options, when to show results and what those results should include, what the calls to action should be, and how you want an interaction to ideally resolve itself.

You can test your flows via SMS using a tool like Twilio (or even having a person behind the curtain using the pre-written responses) and doing some user testing. If it doesn’t work as an SMS conversation, it’s unlikely to work as a bot.

Spend a lot of time error handling.

Error handling is important for any type of application, but the importance is even more critical inside of conversational interfaces. Every interaction will either enhance or erode trust with users, which can increase abandonment.

The nice thing is that every conversation is like a log file – if you’re paying attention, every interaction with a customer is an opportunity to improve your interface. And unlike the app stores which can have 7-10 day lag times, you can update your conversational interface daily and have it instantly available.

Have a personality

Because the chrome of an app gets stripped away, there are limited opportunities to have your conversational interface reinforce the brand. The best tool at your disposal is going to be your copy.

Even if your interface is bot-based, you can and should take the time to craft copy that sounds human, and embodies the traits of your brand.

Your brand team has likely done this exercise before and already knows the personality of the brand very well, but if not it pays to spend time on that here. What would your brand sound like if it were a person? Would it be funny? Would it use formal language or be more colloquial?

Clearly visualizing the personality of your interface and embodying that in your responses to users will go a long way toward creating a positive experience.

Simplify data entry whenever possible.

Simplify data entry

The magic of conversational interfaces is not about the input users make into a system. It’s about the response being relevant, fast, personalized and humanizing.

This means that while you do want users to interact with a simple text input for many interactions, there are plenty of opportunities to simplify data entry by suggesting sensible defaults.

Dropping some multiple choice options, confirmation buttons and the like can often be preferable to having to type in “yes”. As a general rule, when you’re trying to guide the conversation or when a user should be selecting from a couple of options, give them tools to make that simple.

This also means taking advantage of tools to eliminate the need for data entry altogether. FB Messenger of example already knows and gives you access to the user’s name, so you don’t have to ask. There are other features that are sure to be coming like access to a user’s location (you can prompt the user to supply location using the location button on the Messenger keyboard, and a small number of companies like Uber already have direct access to location data). Those features should make many data entry tasks unnecessary, allowing you to deliver value to the user faster.

I said it’s like a phone tree, not “literally create a phone tree.”

You can take the principle of limiting data entry overboard though, and actually create a worse experience for users. Asking users a bunch of multiple choice questions to help them drill down is not nearly as efficient as letting them tell you what they’re looking for, and one of the benefits of the conversational platforms is explicitly supposed to be to allow those kinds of interactions.

Use natural language

If you need 6 pieces of data from a user to begin showing results, you can still make it easier for them by asking them to search first and supply intelligent follow up questions based on their input. For example, rather than forcing them to tap:

Women’s clothes > dresses > work > red > size 4 > under $200

You could instead have them search for “red work dress”, guess they’re looking for women’s clothing, and only ask 2 follow up questions.

This approach wouldn’t be limited to the initial search – it could also be leveraging for filtering results. Rather than having to tap multiple times to filter or modify, allow a user to simply say “show me the first one in blue” and have it respond appropriately.

Conversational interfaces lend themselves perfectly to curated search. Rather than trying to drill users down through 10,000 SKUs, you can use a subset of your best selling or most interesting products, grouped by theme or user type.

Think about ways to make searching easier.

Image-based search

Just because a user is interacting with a text input doesn’t mean you have to be limited to text.

Allowing a user to drop a photo in for example, can be a powerful way for them to tell your system exactly what they’re looking for. Google and others have open source libraries for handling these kind of processing tasks already.

You could also bake in small delighters like allowing users to communicate with emoji. Even though the meaning of emoji often can only be understood in the context of the people having the conversation, there are likely global instances where it’s meaning could be clear to a bot.

Develop a history with me over time.

While remembering user preferences and defaults is important for any application, it takes on additional importance inside of a conversational interface. Because we are trying to approximate what it’s like to communicate with a live person as much as possible, having the interface “remember” what was previously discussed is essential.

Receipt and return

A user should never have to tell a conversational interface something more than once. Even if they are interacting with different departments, a user’s history of products purchased, previous support issues, etc. should be shared and baked into future interactions.

Doing so allows for some fun opportunities. It’s possible to imagine a return or exchange being as simple as a single request from a user, with the interface understanding the intent and handling all the details for them without the need for followup or transferring to different departments.

Over time, such a “relationship” becomes more valuable for the user. If a retailer knows I ordered a small shirt, it can start with that assumption (clarifying of course).

If it knows I returned a small for a medium, it could either update my preferences to be a medium, or it could remember that I’m usually a small, but when products run small proactively suggest the medium instead.

Gift guide

If a system knows I bought a present for my mom last year roughly around this time, it could proactively remind me to get mom something again this year and suggest things similar to what I ordered last time.

Use notifications intelligently and prudently.

As we mentioned earlier, the big messaging platforms have learned the lessons of our past. They’ve seen how email gets abused. Facebook saw firsthand what brands will do if you let them with the first incarnation of their platform.

As such, they’ve deliberately made their platforms customer-initiated. And they’ve made it extremely easy to block a conversation whenever a user gets annoyed.

As such, it’s imperative that notifications be used with extreme moderation. Even if you’re a reputable brand, don’t assume people will stick around if the conversation stops being relevant – many users stopped using CNN and other early bots because the daily cadence of communication was not in alignment with user expectations.

Again, while stopping push notifications takes a couple of steps on most devices, blocking a bot takes a single tap. Don’t just transfer your push notification strategy over to your conversational interface strategy.

When is the Right Time to Start Building Your Conversational Interface?

A lot of the early excitement with conversational interfaces was immediately followed by usr being nonplussed with the current implementations. This is not unusual. When the app store first opened up on the iPhone, many of the early apps were very crude implementations of what was to come.

But this isn’t a bad thing. The people jumping in and trying early iterations of tools are much more forgiving. Your version might suck, but so does everyone else’s.

There are several reasons why we think being early in the game is beneficial.

It’s a Great PR Opportunity.

Being early maximizes the likelihood the the media will care. In two years nobody is going to cover a story about how your brand is launching a conversational interface or bot (unless it’s implementation is incredibly novel). But right now they’re eating it up.

You Can Capitalize on an Unsaturated Channel.

The first banner ad was on HotWired in 1994, and had a clickthrough rate of 78%. The average FB CTR as of 2015 was .171%. That a 450x difference.

With any new marketing channel, new ad unit, or new platform, performance initially is great. There’s a novelty to it, and users are open to trying new things. But as a channel gets saturated, its effectiveness wanes, user demand begins to calcify.

Just as users now download zero new apps on average, a time is coming when their willingness to adopt new conversational tools will decrease dramatically.

You Figure Out What Works Faster.

One of the best concepts that emerged from the Lean Startup movement is the concept of the build/measure/learn loop. Companies who adopt a cadence of experimentation and are able to navigate their way through that loop quickly develop big competitive advantages over time.

The benefit of being early is less about first mover advantage and much more about your ability to figure out what works and what doesn’t faster than your peers.

More data = smarter interfaces

While the systems you’ll be leveraging are retrieval-based today, there will come a time (most likely sooner than we think) where truly generative models become viable.

The effectiveness of a learner is directly correlated to the amount of data you can provide it. The more data you have, the more intelligent your interface can become over time.

Even in the context of a retrieval model data is your friend. Since you can tweak and improve your interface on a daily basis if you want, every conversation is an opportunity to improve. Every conversation teaches you what users want be able to do with your interface, what it’s limitations are and what opportunities might exist to add value. It makes sense to start figuring that stuff out now.

Build Version One Now. Learn What Works. Repeat.

For those reasons, we see no reason to wait. Open platforms with multiple billions of users, with tons of demand for great applications and limited supply simply don’t appear often. Whenever one does, it is wise to jump on it immediately and wrap your heads around it.

Don’t wait. Put a stake in the ground. Get something up, even if it’s not as good as it ultimately could be.

Learn from your users – adopt a rapid cadence of experimentation and improvement.

We’d Love to Help.

If you think you’d like to dip your toes into the space and start trying some things, we’d love to help you make that happen.

DI has a full service team that can help you execute from start to finish. We can help craft the narrative. We can design and build conversational interfaces inside of native app experiences. We can build your bot “brain” and connect it to the various messaging platforms. We can handle the integration work with your backend platforms. And we love to work inside of an iterative process to maximize the likelihood of success.

To learn more about how DI can help with your digital innovation needs, contact Sean Johnson at 312-213-0498 or sean@digintent.com

How to Create the Perfect Innovation Portfolio

When pursuing innovation initiatives, one of the most important considerations is the makeup of your “innovation portfolio.” Just as an improperly balanced portfolio can increase risk and minimize gains in investing, so too can the wrong makeup of innovation initiatives create unnecessary risk or reduce return on investment.

But what is the best approach when considering the makeup of an organization’s innovation portfolio? There are several approaches, but the framework we’ve found most useful is the Three Horizon’s of Innovation, pioneered by Steve Coley, Mehrdad Baghai and David White.

The idea is that to effectively innovate, and achieve consistent organizational growth, an organization needs to simultaneously think and invest at three levels.


Defend the Base

The first horizon is where mature businesses live. These are businesses that already have a proven, repeatable business model and have achieved scale. The objective at this horizon is to protect and defend the business line, improve profitability – basically execute on what’s already working.

This is the domain of incremental innovation. Incremental innovations aren’t seeking to transform a business, but rather to optimize its profitability, efficiency, or uncover new markets.

Incremental innovation can happen entirely internally, and usually represents the least risky type of innovation. As such internal team members at larger organizations are very comfortable at this horizon of focus.

Double Down on What’s Working

The second horizon is “rapidly growing businesses” – businesses that have identified a repeatable, proven business model but haven’t necessarily reached scale yet. These businesses usually have plenty of opportunity available to them, and their job is to double down on what’s working. Horizon two is where organizations will capture the most value and create the business of the next 10 years.

Internal team members and processes might have difficulty here, as a rapidly scaling organization is subject to different dynamics from a mature or stable organization. However, rapidly growing businesses likely have some alignment in terms of financial reporting, etc. They also represent much less risk for team members, since the model has effectively been proven, and plenty of people will want to ride on a rocket ship.

This stage of business is usually where the buy decision is made in terms of strategic acquisitions, as an external startup has removed considerable risk but not yet fully captured the value of the underlying business.

Make Lots of Little Bets on the Future

The third horizon is “emerging businesses”. This is where the brand new stuff lives, and this is what most people talk about when they talk about innovation.

It’s critical to understand that the rules of the game at this horizon are dramatically different. At this horizon you are trying to uncover new problems worth solving, and placing small bets (ideally several at a time) on potential solutions to those problems.

This horizon is where the least amount of alignment with the existing company lies. These types of opportunities usually need to be staffed with different team members who possess different competencies, and are measured and rewarded differently. They should be subject to “innovation accounting” which prizes the rate of learning above all else. They represent the most potential risk for most team members, since many of them end up failing and failure in big co is usually a bad thing.

To successfully execute at this horizon, the organization needs a very solid understanding at all levels of decision making about the goals of these innovations (identify problems worth solving and viable solutions, not a business generating tons of cash at scale.) This horizon is usually where external consultants can add the most value, as they can more effectively deal with the ambiguity and thrashing that can occur for potential businesses at this stage.

All Three Horizons Matter

Smart companies looking to innovate effectively need to consider all three horizons and devote appropriate resources to each. Incremental innovation work on horizon one should represent the lion’s share of the innovation output in an organization, but does not usually require the most resources.

Effective training of internal team members on how to identify and validate incremental innovations, coupled with some solid processes (and incentives) for moving those innovations through the organization are usually sufficient. A company looking to execute here should seriously consider making incremental innovation an essential part of goal setting and compensation processes.

Horizons two and three must have sufficient resources to be viable. If an organization already has successful innovations in horizon two, they should aggressively try to capture as much value as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, many organizations simply don’t have a business or innovation that accurately fit this description, and must look outside their walls.

Considerable effort should be spent on going outside the building and looking for disruptive businesses that have already found product/market fit, partnering or acquiring them and working hard to give the necessary access to capital, distribution and other resources that make big co desirable without bogging them down in the red tape of the larger organizational culture.

The third horizon of innovation should also receive considerable investment, building up its own portfolio within the larger portfolio. Rather than putting all of their eggs behind a single innovation opportunity, they should spread out their risk by identifying 10-20 potential innovations, give them a small amount of resources each, and use strict innovation accounting standards and stage-gate review processes to let the winners rise to the top.

This will require a heavy amount of buy in at the top to let these fledgling portfolio opportunities thrash—it will look to the untrained eye like a lot of failure and wasted money. But as the venture capital world has already learned, predicting which innovations are going to be successful at the outset is extremely difficult. Very often only one of the innovations will be a winner, but it’s victory will be able to provide more than enough return to justify the approach.

As a rule of thumb, we advocate for devoting 50% of resources on incremental horizon one innovation and 25% on each of horizons two and three. But ultimately it depends on the particulars of your business or industry. The primary goal of such a rule is to avoid the common mistake of investing entirely in the first horizon and little to none in the second or third.

It’s worth taking the time the do an audit of existing initiative at each horizon and determine the allocation to each in terms of talent and capital. The right innovation portfolio can ensure the company is protecting and expanding its existing business while also maximizing its likelihood of success years into the future.

The Danger of Cheap Acquisition

I had breakfast last week with a founder working on a mobile app. Unlike many founders who, when asked about their marketing plans, mumble something about TechCrunch and word of mouth, this guy had done a great job laying the ground work. He had focused like a laser on figuring out Facebook ads, and was driving installs for less than $1 per.

His retention numbers weren’t great. He had no referral loop. He was deferring monetization. But based on the great results he was getting with acquisition, he was inferring some level of product-market fit and was planning to go raise.
Cheap acquisition can be intoxicating. After testing dozens of targeting options and hundreds of creative approaches, it’s not unusual to stumble upon a combination that drives clicks, users, or downloads inexpensively.

Cheap acquisition can be amazing if you have a freemium product or engage in ecommerce. But if you’re deferring monetization or have an app with low ARPU, the rules are drastically different.

Success requires more than users or downloads. It requires engaged users, over an extended period of time, who tell all their friends, and who eventually engage in some sort of revenue generating activity. Even if a startup is operating on an ad model, they need enough impressions to have sufficient ad inventory, which still means users who stick around.

But solving retention and referral are hard. Much harder than solving acquisition.

You have to identify bottlenecks in your analytics that can sometimes be hard to spot. You have to ask your customers why they did or didn’t engage in certain behavior, which can be difficult to get concrete answers out of. And you have to test approaches to addressing those issues, which take considerably longer than simply spinning up some new creative.

And so the temptation is always there. Why waste the time fixing a leaky funnel when you can get installs for less than a dollar? You know your retention curve is terrible, but you figure you’ll make up for it in volume.

A few reasons why that logic is unwise.

Scaling Channels is Hard

When you find a winning approach in a channel, you can ride it for a while. There’s usually plenty of low hanging fruit, and you can acquire users inexpensively for some time — sometimes weeks, sometimes months.

But it always ends. Eventually users become blind to your approach, your acquisition costs balloon up, your growth curve stalls out.

This is less of an issue with paid search, since it is intent-based. You’re not peppering them with ads until they’re looking for you. But (partially for that reason) paid search is generally a more expensive channel. For display and paid channels like Facebook, banner blindness is legitimate.

Channels Change or Become Saturated

Users don’t just become blind to your creative. They become blind to the ad format in general. It’s why you can buy thousands of banner ads for pennies — because nobody clicks on them.

When Facebook app install ads first came out, it was trivial to acquire users for $0.50. The almost frictionless download experience, coupled with the novelty of the format, meant users embraced the ad format as a way to discover new apps.

But as more competitors started advertising, and as users become more used to the ad units, they started to ignore them. It’s much less common (from what I’ve seen) for people to consistently drive sub $1 installs from FB — a trend that’s unlikely to change.

To combat blindness, companies will often experiment with changes to ad formats. Some are beneficial, some aren’t. But all of them can mess with the effectiveness of your campaign. If you have a great single image creative, but the format moves in favor of carousel, multiple image units, your campaign has to change or be abandoned. This pace of change continues to accelerate, which makes milking a great campaign harder to do.

You’re not Building a Sustainable Asset

Having a great acquisition playbook can certainly be valuable. If the relationship between acquisition cost and lifetime value makes sense, you can and should pump as much money into paid acquisition as you can. But smart acquirers look for more than cheap acquisition strategies that dump everyone out on the other end.

Products that can supplement paid acquisition with a repeatable, self priming approach to acquisition have a greater chance of success long term. This usually means some combination of organic search (a valuable tactic for user generated content sites and marketplace businesses) and virality (meaning the product is compelling enough for people to tell their friends).

Focusing on strategies to improve each of those areas, along with aggressively working to minimize customer churn will usually be more important for your long term success than getting a bunch of cheap users in the door.

Cracking the code on cheap acquisition is fantastic. But it’s not enough.

How to Minimize Product Friction

Entrepreneurs regularly overlook the role friction plays when getting users to change behavior. An idea can often make sense in the abstract, but when looked at through the lens of friction can quickly become untenable.

Friction is anything in your product that represents a barrier to adoption or growth. It can be micro, like a piece of interface copy that doesn’t make sense or a page where the CTA isn’t obvious. It can also be macro, like a marketplace business that lacks a clear plan for overcoming the chicken-and-egg problem.

At every step of the product and business development process, DI tries to identify friction and address it. We’ve learned that it takes way less friction than most entrepreneurs think before people bail.

A framework for identifying friction

DI is not above using other people’s frameworks – we try to leverage the thinking of smart people whenever we can. And one of the best frameworks we’ve leveraged for thinking about friction is the Fogg Behavior Model.

The Fogg Behavior Model

BJ Fogg runs the Stanford Persuasion Lab and studies how to influence human behavior using technology. His simplified Fogg Behavior Model is one we reference often when talking with clients about how to compel users to change behavior.

On one axis you have a user’s motivation – how motivated are they to change their behavior? On the other, you have their ability – how easy or difficult is it to change their behavior? Finally you have a trigger – given sufficient motiviation and sufficient ability, all you have to do is place the appropriate trigger at the appropriate time, and the user will likely take action.

Sounds simple, but it’s actually pretty profound. Teams constantly over-estimate how much motivation their users have to adopt a new behavior, and usually simtaneously under-estimate how difficult it is for them to take action using the solution the team has created.

Identifying Motivation Friction

One form of friction comes from the user. Something about your offering is not sufficiently compelling to them – perhaps they don’t believe you can pull it off, or perhaps pulling it off, even if it works, wouldn’t represent a big enough gain in their life to warrant investing the time.

There are two disciplines involved in reducing motivation friction. The first is leveraging a customer develpment framework (we like to use the Jobs To Be Done framework) to better understand user needs. Often the team has failed to get out of the building and talk to customers to truly determine if the product solves a meaningful need. If they do get out, they try too hard to sell the idea rather than getting honest feedback. Very often teams will solve problems that customers don’t actually care about (or care about enough to pay for).

The other discipline is branding. Taking what you learn and encapsulating it in a brand promise, backed up by appropriate imagery and compelling copy, can take an underlying user need and create the necessary desire to actually take action to fulfill the need. Knowing how to take that brand promise and communicate it in a persuasive way to increase desire and drive action is essential.

Identifying Ability Friction

On the other side, ability friction is primarily about product functionality (what it does) and usability (how it does it).

If a user is motivated to take action but your product doesn’t provide the utility to facilitate that action, you’re in trouble. If you’ve done the requisite customer development, the risk of this is admittedly low.

Far more common is a poorly implemented solution. People are busy, and their exposure to your solution rarely is in a vacuum of uninterrupted attention. They’re looking at your product in one browser tab while 20 others stay open. They keep getting interrupted by colleagues at work and kids at home, and their phone buzzes with notifications every 10 minutes.

If your product isn’t painless to use and gets users to the “aha moment” when they internalize its benefits almost immediately, you’re going to have difficulty.

Usability testing can be a great tool in addressing issues with ability friction. If you have a huge bottleneck in a funnel your analytics can tell you the bottleneck exists but can’t tell you why. Bringing 5 people in and watching them use your site can uncover dozens of opportunities for reducing friction – opportunities your team is too close to see otherwise.

Heuristic analysis can help as well. Heuristics give you a series of “lenses” to look at your funnel through. We’re a fan of WiderFunnel’s LIFT model, which analyzes pages or flows through the following lenses:

  • Value Proposition – What is the promise you’re making?
  • Clarity – Is the value proposition being communicated clearly?
  • Relevance – Does the value proposition speak to the needs of the user?
  • Urgency – Are you leveraging internal urgency and/or creating external urgency to incite action?
  • Anxiety – Is there anything on the site that is giving users pause or forcing them to reconsider taking action?
  • Distraction – Are you inadvertently leading users away from the primary actions you’d like them to take?

Going through each page and looking at it through each lens can uncover many opportunities for improvement. Coupled with user tests, you can usually find plenty of ways to increase your user’s ability.

Common Friction Pitfalls

Over the years, some common pitfalls have emerged on a regular basis. These antipatterns are prevalent on the web, but usually represent friction for the user and barriers to adoption. If your product or service is using any of these patterns, strongly consider removing them.

Hard sell, with no plan B

Many sites don’t invest enough energy in considering the buyer lifecycle. They assume a user will have sufficient motivation to take action based on very little information (a single landing page, for example), and offer no secondary call to action.

Particularly for SaaS businesses or ones with high price points, creating content that more accurately maps to the buyer journey is wise. That usually means creating informational content to drive awareness, having secondary CTAs (white papers, etc.) to capture leads, and nurturing them through the consideration and buying process.

Most of your visitors won’t be sufficiently motivated to sign up yet. Make sure you have a mechanism for nurturing them.

Ghost towns

For marketplace businesses, the chicken and egg problem is very real. If you don’t have sufficient supply on both sides of the business (employers and candidates for a job site, both sides of a dating site, etc.) it can be extremely difficult to succeed. New users come in, see there are no jobs or apartments or whatever, and leave.

The answer in the very beginning is usually to “cheat” – to seed one side of the market with enough content to attract and retain the other side. There are a variety of ways to do this:

  • Paypal bought products on eBay, and asked to pay via Paypal
  • Grubhub loaded menus and sent orders for free to restaurants for months before converting them to paid customers.
  • Reddit seeded the site with their own content, making sure there was always a steady stream of new interesting content on the site.
  • Rentoid put products on the site for rent, and when someone rented one went to the store, bought it and shipped it themselves.

Homepage carousels.

Carousels are rotating panels on the top of a page, designed to surface multiple products or value propositions. They are usually a compromise between internal teams who all want to tell their story.

People rarely click on the second or third panels, and often ignore the first panel as well (if it looks too much like an advertisement.) Given that scrolling is not the evil it used to be, consider using your prime real estate to hammer your primary value proposition, discussing your secondary points further down the page.

Email confirmation.

When a user has agreed to sign up and take action, the last thing you want to do is force them to leave your site. If your product doesn’t capture sensitive data, consider removing email confirm entirely. Even if it does, you can usually send them the confirm email but still let users begin their onboarding process.

Blank slates.

When a user completes a registration process, never dump them into a blank screen and make them figure out how to use the product. Provide a demo of some kind, ideally an interactive one that assists in the creation of new content and increases the likelihood they get to that aha moment during first use.

Geni used to ask you for your father and mother’s name and get you immediately into building your family tree. Basecamp has a sample project to show you the features of the product that you can archive as soon as you understand the product. Quora has you select a couple topics to build an initial dashboard, and shows you the most interesting content from each (rather than the most recent, which would be a crapshoot.)

Perhaps my favorite example of nailing the onboarding experience is Pandora. Ask a user for an artist, play a song, explain how it’s related to the artist, done. I get what Pandora is in less than 5 minutes.

At DI we spend considerable time and effort iterating on onboarding and first time UX, and it’s money well spent. Whatever you do, avoid the blank slate at all costs.

Start attacking friction

Identifying and removing friction in a systematic way can dramatically improve your product and the underlying metrics you’re trying to move. If you see bottlenecks in conversion, activation, retention or referral, start by asking yourself whether you’ve sufficiently accounted for friction.

Any other patterns you’ve seen that lead to increased friction? I’d love to hear about them – send me a tweet at @intentionally.

The day you stop being curious is the day your career dies

I was in a meeting a few weeks ago, and Apple watch came up. Without thinking I blurted out something I never thought I’d hear myself saying.

“I don’t get the Apple watch.”

As the words left my mouth, I immediately realized my error. I apologized to the team, and told them I never want to hear that from anyone in our office.

The error has nothing to do with the Apple Watch specifically. It’s fine if you or I never become an Apple Watch user. But the error is in refusing to explore it.

I’m terrified of phrases like that infecting our company. If phrases like that become the norm, our company would die. If that kind of thinking became pervasive in my life, I’d be finished.

If you find yourself saying things like that regularly, odds are your career isn’t taking off the way it should.

Creativity Comes From Curiosity

Being innovative is largely a function of having a wide antenna — being curious, trying new things, working hard to understand them.

Creativity at it’s core is often nothing more than combining multiple disparate ideas in a new way. It follows that in order to be creative you have to have a lot of inputs.

Dismissing a new technology, refusing to kick the tires of a new product, or choosing not to read about new ideas drastically limits your creative potential, your ability to find those unique connections, your ability to leverage insights from other products or industries to solve a problem you’re currently tackling.

Great Ideas Usually Look Stupid Early On

People are notoriously bad at predicting success. Many of the best startups looked like stupid ideas initially. AirBnb was completely ignored in the beginning. Snapchat was laughed at by non-millenials.

Just because an idea seems stupid to you doesn’t mean it’s stupid to everyone. There’s often a group of people who will find the new idea is the answer to a huge problem of theirs. They become the products early evangelists, helping improve the product, telling everyone they know about it, helping increasingly larger groups of people to become acclimated to the new idea.

Ideas that look silly but are given the opportunity to germinate often become transformative, and sometimes even feel obvious in hindsight. Be careful about writing them off too quickly.

Huge Competitive Advantage Comes From Early Distribution Opportunities

The other argument for trying things relates to distribution. There are huge opportunities to leverage platforms and products if you can figure them out before everyone else.

Andrew Chen talks about the “Law of Shitty Clickthroughs”. A new channel or platform emerges, some smart curious people deconstruct it and figure out how to leverage it to their advantage, and reap tremendous results. Other companies notice, jump in, take advantage, an saturate the platform. Over time, the effectiveness of the platform decreases.

If you aren’t curious and willing to invest some time trying things, the likelihood you’ll identify these opportunities is very low.

Create a Kick The Tires Habit

As a partner of a fund that plays an active role in its investments, it’s even more important for me to have a wide antenna. So I’ve tried to bake it into my life in a more systematic way.

One of the habits I’ve developed is to spend 1 hour a week trying new products. Product Hunt is my primary source for this and it’s organizational structure is perfect for a weekly batched task like this.

Any app that lands at the top of the stack for the day deserves a look, regardless of how silly it seems or how much you understand it. There’s plenty you can learn by doing this:

  • Do they communicate their value proposition in a unique way?
  • Are they doing anything clever with your marketing? With landing pages? With their social strategy?
  • Any clever approaches to onboarding? How effective are they at getting you to the aha moment?
  • Do they deliver their core experience in a unique way?
  • Do they do anything interesting over the weeks following to try to keep you engaged?
  • Do they have novel approaches to driving referral?
  • If they have a revenue model, how do they try to monetize?

This hour a week has proven invaluable as we look for ways to help our fund companies get better at what they do.

Don’t Make Statements — Ask Questions

The other thing I try to do is replace statements with questions. Whenever you catch yourself making a statement, particularly one pronouncing judgment or an opinion of a product, try to reframe it as a question instead.

  • Rather than saying “I’d never use this”, ask yourself “Who would use this?”
  • Instead of saying “There’s no way this gets as many users as X”, ask yourself “How many people would love this?”
  • Instead of saying “This will never work”, ask yourself “How could they make this work?”
  • Instead of saying “This seems stupid”, ask yourself “Is there an opportunity here I’m not thinking of?”

It doesn’t matter what you think

It’s natural to use your own life as the litmus test for determining what you think of a product. But you have a limited point of view, and without stepping outside of yourself you short circuit your opportunities for learning.

Try hard to cultivate a bigger antenna. Try new things. Explore new ideas. Dig into them and really kick the tires. And ignore the question of whether you’d use the product yourself, instead asking why other people would.

Success Comes After the Launch – The DI Approach to Iteration and Analysis

Software is not a static thing, or at least it shouldn’t be. The beauty of web and mobile applications is you can rapidly iterate and improve them to increase user satisfaction and accomplish business goals.

Sadly most companies don’t take advantage of this. The first version is the only version. The opportunities for gathering robust, actionable user data aren’t leveraged. The product doesn’t accomplish its intended goals and often the project is abandoned.

By embracing an iterative, data-oriented process the odds of success with software projects increases dramatically. The following explains how Digital Intent leverages these ideas once a product goes live.

Walk Before You Run – Avoiding the Big Launch

While Digital Intent uses customer development prior to launch to uncover user needs and test early iterations of the solution, the first version of a product in production will still have areas for improvement – areas that are frankly impossible to uncover beforehand. These opportunities take several forms:

  • Usability issues that prevent users from accomplishing critical tasks.
  • Features that sound good on paper but rarely get use due to lack of motivation or lack of awareness.
  • Features that either had been tabled or weren’t previously identified, that users think would increase utility.

Because of this, Digital Intent advocates for a series of releases to progressively wider circles rather than doing “the big launch.” Ideally a product gets the breathing room to identify and implement simple improvement opportunities. Similarly any serious barriers to adoption are best identified at a small scale.

As you solve these problems and make product improvements you increase your user population, through users who have signed up for beta access, increased paid acquisition efforts, or increasing the number of internal stakeholders.

Start With Early Evangelists

The staged launch process usually begins with a small launch to your most excited prospective users – people who indicated the highest level of interest during customer development.

While it might seem better to solve problems for the most skeptical, the reality is they’re considerably less likely to use the app for any useful length of time and are less likely to provide feedback that is genuinely useful. This can lead to distraction with product priorities and decreased motivation with the product team.

It is made clear to early evangelists that their job is to use the software on an ongoing basis, providing feedback on what works and what doesn’t, and advising on how to make it better.

DI works with the client during this initial phase to capture qualitative feedback from these users in the form of micro surveys baked into the experience, more formal surveys, and face-to-face usability and customer development interviews.

At the same time, DI leverages quantitative data of actual user behavior. Often what people say and what they actually do are different. Having the right analytics tools with an ability to track actions on a per user basis allows us to see how individuals are actually using the software – not just an average of what the typical user is doing.

Collect The Right Data

It’s imperative that the product team is armed with the right data to make informed product decisions. Avoiding “vanity metrics” like signups, page views, etc is immensely important – these numbers might make the team feel good and sound good to internal stakeholders, but don’t give you actionable information for improving the products.

The right data depends on the type of product, but tends to have the following characteristics:

Not Averaged
Expressing data in averages is dangerous, as people tend to interpret such data as a normal distribution or bell curve. The reality is usually some form of a reverse power-law curve. While many people will use it once and never again, you’ll find some users whose level of adoption is off the charts.

Not averaged: Expressing data in averages is dangerous, as people tend to interpret such data as a normal distribution or bell curve. The reality is usually some form of a reverse power-law curve. While many people will use it once and never again, you’ll find some users whose level of adoption is off the charts.

Real time views allow you to see how specific users are engaging with your product. 
The goal is to identify who those people are, what makes them tick, and what they did or thought differently that caused the “aha moment” where they internalize the benefits of the product and habituate into their life. This information is immensely valuable in architecting the sign up, on boarding and retention experiences to maximize the likelihood more users reach that moment.


As previously discussed, data should be tracked at the individual action level, particularly early on. While knowing aggregate numbers is helpful, being able to drill down and see what Dave is doing on your site is extremely helpful.

Action-based metrics also show you how people are using specific features of your site, rather than simply tracking page views. You want to be able to see what % of people accomplished different tasks within an interface, not simply whether they visited it.

Focused on Retention

Retention is ultimately what matters in determining product adoption. Good product teams make retention reports the north star for driving product choices. Retention means different things to different organizations, but the focus usually revolves around the % of users who continue to use the product one day later, one week later, one month later, etc.

Tracking retention in aggregate is helpful, but tracking by cohort is even more useful. If you’re iterating on your product, the product users experience one month from now will fundamentally be different than the one they use today. As such, retention patterns should be different for new users of the revised product. Breaking user populations out by week, month or release can tell you whether your product enhancements are working.

Organize Product Optimization Sprints

The purpose of capturing this data is of course to identify areas for improvement. While some percentage of development can go to new feature development, it’s rarely the case that adding features is the difference between success and failure.

If the core experience remains flawed, users won’t adopt by bolting on additional stuff. This is particularly true for mobile applications. DI advocates for a 70/30 split, where 70% of the effort goes toward improving the core experience, and 30% goes to new product efforts.

Optimization sprints are usually organized around improving a single critical metric, mostly in the activation or retention phases of a user lifecycle. By organizing the team around a single metric, speed of iteration is increased and ideas for improvement are more rapidly surfaced, connected and implemented.

Optimization Sprints (as opposed to new feature sprints) can be anywhere from one week to four weeks in nature depending on complexity. iOS apps have a mandatory one week review process with the app store. This can be mitigated through mobile A/B testing (although limited), or through the use of web views (which have a performance hit and limited access to the phone’s functionality but benefit from instantly being live for users without being subject to the review process.)

Commit to a cadence of rapid iteration

What happens post-launch is arguably more important than what happens beforehand. By gathering data, and using it to inform your development process, you maximize the likelihood of getting to a place where your product is successful.

Whether you have a product already or you’re looking to build a new one, DI’s digital product development team can help you turn it into something amazing.

Creating Unicorns – The 6 Essential Growth Competencies

Great growth people are extremely hard to come by. The combination of skills necessary to be effective is rarely resident in a team, much less a single person. A true growth person is the new unicorn.

At Founder Equity and Digital Intent we’ve attempted to grow rather than hire. Over the last 18 months we’ve taken several novices and turn them into productive growth team members who can point to meaningful results for their respective companies.

Individuals who a year ago didn’t know what LTV or CAC meant are now acquiring users at scale for less than a dollar, consistently growing communities by 7-10% week over week, improving conversion rates by orders of magnitude and effectively iterating on referral loops.

The framework combines extensive training on a broad range of skills (statistics, UX principles, copywriting, etc), deep dives into distribution strategies, and exercises to give them reps, both inside and outside of our fund companies.

We still have a ton of room for improvement (primarily because of my weaknesses, not theirs). But overall we’ve been thrilled with the result.

But it doesn’t work for everyone.

The right knowledge, skills and tools aren’t enough. In order for them to become effective, there are competencies they have to possess – aspects of their makeup that aren’t specific to a particular tool or job function.

We’ve identified 6 competencies that are highly correlated with success in our growth program. If a candidate has them, the odds are high they become successful in a growth role. If not, their likelihood for success drops considerably.

Below are the six competencies we look for, and what we think an A-player looks like. If you’re looking to identify your own A-players, hopefully this can get you started in what to look for.

Outcomes Focused:

A-players are relentlessly focused on achieving tangible results, not simply being efficient. They don’t shy away from accountability – they relish it. They love having targets and striving to hit them. They tend to think like salespeople – they are hunters, aggressively making efforts to achieve meaningful improvements at each stage of the funnel.

An A-player probably has projects on their resume that they’ve quantified in some way. Revenue generated, sales made, customers signed up, growth rates achieved, etc. If they don’t, ask them to tell you what results they created for their companies, clients, etc. A-players should be able to tell you.

Data Driven:

A-players are outcomes focused, so naturally data is their best friend. They know data is their lifeline to reality, telling them whether their experiments are working or not. They routinely rely on quantitative and qualitative information to make intelligent, informed decisions. Data becomes the key they use gain insight, guide decision-making, and hold themselves accountable for results.


A-players have insatiable curiosity. They have a wide antennae – they’re always reading books or articles to get better. They look outside of their own industries for new ideas, and treat every conversation as a chance to learn something new. They love leveraging best practices and testing ideas that have worked successfully for others rather than reinventing the wheel every time.

Asking someone about the most interesting book they’re reading right now can be great shorthand. A-players always have 2 or 3 books they’re in the middle of, at least one of which is relevant to their career. True, there are plenty of curious people who don’t read books, and you might miss some. But it’s a virtual certainty that the people who are constantly reading are looking to get better.


This is the uber-competency, as it’s able to make up for many problems. Gaps in knowledge, missing skills and subpar tools can often be overcome by someone who’s willing to take initiative and solve the problem despite the constraints.

A-players are expert Google searchers. If they don’t know how to use a tool, they pore over the documentation to figure it out. If they read something interesting but have a follow-up question, they track down the author’s information and reach out directly. If they can’t accomplish something using their current tools, they figure out a way to create an 80% solution using the resources they do have. They understand that good enough is better than perfect but unimplemented.


Most of your ideas are going to fail, which can be discouraging. Just like successful salespeople, success is largely a function of sticking it out, continuing to stay positive as you run test after test in search of the 10x boost.

A-players know this and mentally prepare for it. They know that a failed experiment still represents learning, bringing them that much closer to a solution that works. They don’t let failure get them down, but evaluate the experiment and try again. And again. And again.

Asking for a story of when they failed can be telling. If someone doesn’t have a story, odds are they’re either lying or aren’t willing to take enough risks. If they do have a story, you want to hear how they bounced back, dusted themselves off and either tried again or moved on to something better.

A Sense of Urgency:

A startup is an exercise in jumping out of a plane and trying to build a parachute before you land. There’s no time to waste – every day must be taken advantage of before you run out of money or are outflanked by a competitor.

A-players get this. Because they know most of their experiments will fail, they constantly try to optimize their build-measure-learn loop to run more experiments than their competitors. They make the extra call, send the extra email.

A-players push the envelope. They aren’t afraid of challenging the status quo. They are willing to ask the question “is this something we don’t do just because that’s the way it’s always been done?” A-players stretch the rest of the team, and often find the CEO reining them in. That’s okay – if the CEO has to be the one pushing the team to be more aggressive there’s a problem.

They have the competencies – now what?

If you find someone with these 6 competencies, you’re in luck. You have the raw material you need to create a unicorn.

What do you do now? We’ve made the outline of our growth training program available to you at the link below. It outlines the 15 skills we focus on, what we expect out of team members, how long it should take to create a unicorn, and a ton of resources you can leverage to get them there. Hopefully you find it valuable.

If you have any questions about the above, or if you think you have these competencies and would like to talk about what working at DI is like, I’d love to talk.

The Ultimate Guide to Funnel Optimization

Startups don’t fail because they can’t get the technology built. They fail because they can’t get customers.

DI spends a lot of time helping clients actually get traction for their ideas. And after 4 years of trial and error, I’ve managed to cobble together what we’ve learned into a 2 hour course on Udemy called The Ultimate Guide to Funnel Optimization.

At the conclusion of this course, you’ll have a solid understanding of the techniques and tools leveraged by top startups, as well as over 150 specific ideas you can immediately use to get more customers and keep them coming back.

Knowing how to systematically and reliably drive user growth is a tremendous source of competitive advantage. Whether you’re a founder looking to jump start your growth efforts, or an employee looking to acquire these skills, this course will give you a huge increase in effectiveness.

During this course, we’ll discuss:

  • What the customer funnel is, and why it’s important.
  • How to organize yourself and your team to prepare to grow.
  • Strategies and tactics for getting your first 1000 customers.
  • Over 75 ideas for acquiring new customers.
  • How to create compelling content targeted to your niche.
  • What really matters when optimizing your site for search engines.
  • How to avoid wasting time and efficiently market on social media.
  • How to do public relations without hiring an agency.
  • When to use paid acquisition (and more importantly, when not to.)
  • How to get prospective customers to take action once you’ve driven them to your site.
  • The most important factors that drive landing page conversion.
  • How to leverage email to nurture leads and convert them over time.
  • How to design your onboarding process to ensure a pleasant first time experience.
  • The most important tool in your toolkit for retaining users.
  • How to build effective referral loops into your product.

You can grab the course for $129 here. I’d love to hear your thoughts.